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Exponential & Logarithmic


• Exponential Equations with Like

• Exponential Equations with Different
• Logarithmic Equations

Exponential Equations with Different Bases

• Example #1 - One exponential expression.

32 x +1 − 5 = 11
1. Isolate the exponential expression.
2 x +1
3 = 16

( )
2. Take the log (log or ln) of both
ln 32 x +1 = ln (16 ) sides of the equation.

(2x + 1)ln 3 = ln16 3. Use the log rule that lets you
rewrite the exponent as a multiplier.

Exponential Equations with Different Bases

• Example #1 - One exponential expression.

(2x + 1)ln 3 = ln16 4. Isolate the variable.

2x + 1 =
ln 3
2x = −1
ln 3
ln16 1
x= − x ≈ 0.762
2 ln 3 2 3
Exponential Equations with Different Bases

• Example #2 - Two exponential expressions.

x +1 x−2 1. The exponential expressions are

3 =4 already isolated.

ln 3( )= ln (4 )
x +1 x−2 2. Take the log (log or ln) of both
sides of the equation.

(x + 1)ln 3 = (x − 2)ln 4 3. Use the log rule that lets you

rewrite the exponent as a multiplier
on each side..

Exponential Equations with Different Bases

• Example #2 - Two exponential expressions.

x ln 3 + ln 3 = x ln 4 − 2 ln 4 4. To isolate the variable, we

need to combine the ‘x’
x ln 3 − x ln 4 = − ln 3 − 2 ln 4 terms, then factor out the ‘x’
and divide.
x(ln 3 − ln 4) = −(ln 3 + 2 ln 4)
−(ln 3 + 2 ln 4)
ln 3 − ln 4
x ≈ 13.457
Solve the exponential equation

e2x – 2ex -3 = 0
Factoring e2x – 3ex +ex -3 = 0
ex(ex-3)+1(ex-3) = 0
(ex-3)(ex+1) = 0
ex-3 = 0 ex+1 = 0
ex = 3 & ex = -1  taking ln of both sides
ln ex = ln 3 & ln ex = ln (-1)
x = 1.10 & no solution,

Logarithmic Equations
• Example 2 - Variable inside the log function, two log expressions.

ln x − ln(2x + 1) = 1
 x  1. To isolate the log expression, we 1st
ln   =1
 2x + 1 must use the log property to combine a
difference of logs.
e =
1 2. Rewrite the log equation as a power
2x + 1 equation (here, the base is ‘e’).
e(2x + 1) = x 3. To solve for ‘x’ we must distribute
2ex + e = x the ‘e’ and then collect the ‘x’ terms
together and factor out the ‘x’ and
2ex − x = −e divide.
x(2e − 1) = −e
2e − 1 x ≈ −0.613 7
• Change of base

log a x
log b x =
log a b
Example: Solve by Changing the base:

log10 6.874
log 2.4 6.874 =
log10 2.4
= = 2.202
0.3802 8
Exponential Growth and Decay
The mathematical model for exponential growth or decay is given by
f (t) = A00ektkt or A = A00ektkt .
• If k > 0, the function models the amount or size of a growing entity. A00
is the original amount or size of the growing entity at time t = 0. A is the
amount at time t, and k is a constant representing the growth rate.
• If k < 0, the function models the amount or size of a decaying entity.
A00 is the original amount or size of the decaying entity at time t = 0. A is
the amount at time t, and k is a constant representing the decay rate.
y y
y = A0ekt y = A0ekt
A0 k>0 k<0
x x

The graph below shows the growth of the Mexico City metropolitan area
from 1970 through 2000. In 1970, the population of Mexico City was 9.4
million. By 1990, it had grown to 20.2 million.
Population (millions) 30

1970 1980 1990 2000


a. Find the exponential growth function that models the data.

b. By what year will the population reach 40 million?

Example cont.
a. We use the exponential growth model
A = A0ekt
in which t is the number of years since 1970. This means that 1970
corresponds to t = 0. At that time there were 9.4 million inhabitants, so we
substitute 9.4 for A0 in the growth model.
A = 9.4 ekt

We are given that there were 20.2 million inhabitants in 1990. Because
1990 is 20 years after 1970, when t = 20 the value of A is 20.2. Substituting
these numbers into the growth model will enable us to find k, the growth
rate. We know that k > 0 because the problem involves growth.

A = 9.4 ekt Use the growth model with A0 = 9.4.

20.2 = 9.4 ek•20 When t = 20, A = 20.2. Substitute these values.

Example cont.
20.2/ 9.4 = ek•20 Isolate the exponential factor by dividing both sides by 9.4.

ln(20.2/ 9.4) = lnek•20 Take the natural logarithm on both sides.

Ln(20.2/ 9.4) = 20k Simplify the right side by using ln ex = x.

0.038 = k Divide both sides by 20 and solve for k.

We substitute 0.038 for k in the growth model to obtain the exponential

growth function for Mexico City. It is A = 9.4 e0.038 t where t is measured in
years since 1970.

Example cont.
b. To find the year in which the population will grow to 40 million, we
substitute 40 in for A in the model from part (a) and solve for t.
A = 9.4 e0.038 t
This is the model from part (a).

40 = 9.4 e0.038 t
Substitute 40 for A.

40/9.4 = e0.038 t
Divide both sides by 9.4.

ln(40/9.4) = lne0.038 t
Take the natural logarithm on both sides.

ln(40/9.4) =0.038t Simplify the right side by using ln ex = x.

ln(40/9.4)/0.038 =t Solve for t by dividing both sides by 0.038

Because 38 is the number of years after 1970, the model indicates that the
population of Mexico City will reach 40 million by 2008 (1970 + 38).
• Use the fact that after 5715 years a given amount of carbon-14 will
have decayed to half the original amount to find the exponential decay
model for carbon-14.
• In 1947, earthenware jars containing what are known as the Dead Sea
Scrolls were found by an Arab Bedouin herdsman. Analysis indicated
that the scroll wrappings contained 76% of their original carbon-14.
Estimate the age of the Dead Sea Scrolls.


We begin with the exponential decay model A = A0ekt . We know that k < 0
because the problem involves the decay of carbon-14. After 5715 years
(t = 5715), the amount of carbon-14 present, A, is half of the original
amount A0. Thus we can substitute A0/2 for A in the exponential decay
model. This will enable us to find k, the decay rate. 14
Example cont.
A0/2= A0ek5715 After 5715 years, A = A0/2

1/2= ek5715 Divide both sides of the equation by A0.

ln(1/2) = ln ek5715 Take the natural logarithm on both sides.

ln(1/2) = 5715k ln ex = x.

k = ln(1/2)/5715=-0.000121 Solve for k.

Substituting for k in the decay model, the model for carbon-14 is

A = A0e –0.000121 t.

Example cont.
A = A0e-0.000121 t
This is the decay model for carbon-14.

0.76A0 = A0e-0.000121 t
A = .76A0 since 76% of the initial amount remains.

0.76 = e-0.000121 t
Divide both sides of the equation by A0.

ln 0.76 = ln e-0.000121 t
Take the natural logarithm on both sides.

ln 0.76 = -0.000121t ln ex = x.

t=ln(0.76)/(-0.000121) Solver for t.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are approximately 2268 years old plus the number of
years between 1947 and the current year.
A drug is eliminated from the body
through urine. Suppose that for a dose of
10 milligrams, the amount A(t) remaining
in the body t hours later is given by

A(t ) = 10(0.8) t

and that in order for the drug to be effective, at

least 2 milligrams must be in the body.
a. Determine when 2 milligrams is left in the
b.What is the half-life of the drug?


a. A(t ) = 2
2 = 10(0.8) t

0.2 = (0.8) t
log(0.2) = log(0.8) t

t ≈ 7.21hrs

A(t ) =
5 = 10(0.8) t

log(0.5) = log(0.8) t

log 0.5
t= ≈ 3.11hrs
log 0.8


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