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Aci Limited

Group :C
Prepared For:
Golam Mortuza Billah
Nishad Das
Nigar Sultana Tumpa Ahamed (Tua)
Md.Mazharul Alam
. In 1973, the UK based multinational pharmaceutical company, ICI
plc, established a subsidiary in Dhaka, known as ICI Bangladesh In 1992,
ICI Plc of UK who had a pharmaceutical business in Bangladesh sold the
business and the name of the company changed to Advance Chemical
Industries Limited. The rich ICI culture of product quality, customer service
and social responsibility and continuous to nurture was inherited by ACI.
In 1995, ACI became the first company to obtain certification of ISO
9001Quality Management System. It is also the first Company in
Bangladesh to get certification of ISO 14001 Environmental Management
System in 2000. The employees of ACI are proud of their work culture,
business ethics and environmental consciousness
ACI pharmaceutical Ltd is perceives to be one of the finest business entities
by the members with whom it interacts specially the physicians and other
health care professionals. Most of the products that it actively markets enjoy
leadership position demonstrating incomparable trust that it enjoys from the
health care professionals.
ELILILLY, USA and UCB, BELGIUM and markets world-renowned brands like
Diprivan, Fluothane, Nolvadex, Accolate, Meronem, Atarax, Humulin, Ceclor
etc. in Bangladesh.
In such a business where ethic and moral values are very much needed and
regarding the pharmaceuticals business they are really following an ethic.
Finally it is their strength to get customer satisfaction
ACIs mission is to enrich the quality of life of people through responsible
application of knowledge, skills and technologies. ACI is committed to the pursuit of
excellence through world-class products, innovation process and empowered
emloyees to provide the highest level of satisfaction to its customers.. In 1992, this
company entered in the international business arena with the export of basic
materials to UK It had to face many hindrances in the beginning
ACI is concentrating in many business. The main business divisions are following
Pharmaceuticals, Health Care, Consumer Brands, Agribusinesses, Trade, Products,
Diagnostics and Medical Devices
ACI is Facing social and economic challenges
When ACI entered the international business arena with export of Basic
materials they had to go through many hindered
ACI Hiring international consultant instead of local consultant for
Transforming technological knowledge into commercially viable product
They dont have the potentiality & harnessed in the pool of human
resource of the company
They are striving to broaden their product and their services range to
meet market needs
ACI has a lack of proper HR department and there is also lack of employee as well as
labor motivation.
ACI is having some problems in the animal health division; the dividend payout ratio
is also decreasing.
Pharmaceutical unit two & four are less productive then unit one
They are struggling to accomplish the mission through their commitment of high
values and ethics in healthcare.
ACI has lots of threats, they are in such a business where ethical and moral values are
highly needed, but there are some companies who are following unethical business
policies in the medicine market that is not expected

How can they train up Their employees properly to

enhance productivity and marketing promotion for
continuing their progress in local and international
market ?
Internal/External Needs Assessment
Internal needs assessment
Though their professionals are trained but they need more trained
employees. Effective training is a great way to reduce the volume of
help desk cases. Employees and customers will have greater
proficiency and thus be less likely to need help.
Does a performance discrepancy exist?
Yes, performance discrepancy does exist.

Is it important to the organization?

Yes, this is very important for the organization.

Is it correctable through employee development?

Yes, it is totally correctable through the employee development.

Is employee development most cost effective solution that can be

In this case, employee development is the cost effective solution. Through
proper training the employees will realize that the rules are actually made for
their own benefits. It is a specialized development program for low level
In this present days, ACI needs to gather information about
the potential customers to launch animal health based
. product.

Does a performance discrepancy exist?

Yes, performance discrepancy does exist.

Is it important to the organization?

Yes, this is very important for the organization.

Is it correctable through employee development?

Yes, it is totally correctable through the employee development.

Is employee development most cost effective solution that

can be applied?
Of course, employee development is the most cost effective solution
that can be applied
External needs assessment

ACI motto is to contribute in the both human and animal health

sectors by providing important medications which are not
available in our country. They face the economic and social
challenges in our country.

Does a performance discrepancy exist?

Yes, performance discrepancy does exist.

.Is it important to the organization?

Yes, this is very important for the organization.

Is it correctable through employee development?

Yes, it is totally correctable through the employee development.

Is employee development most cost effective solution that can be

Of course, employee development is the most cost effective solution that
can be applied
As small Pharmaceuticals are doing business in
unethical way, ACI should aware their employees about
these unethical things to compete with their

. a performance discrepancy exist?
Yes, performance discrepancy does exist.

Is it important to the organization?

Yes, this is very important for the organization.

Is it correctable through employee development?

Yes, it is correctable through the employee development.

Is employee development most cost effective solution

that can be applied?
Yes, employee development is the most cost effective solution
that can be applied

Existing Arrangement
ACI follows international Standards of Quality Management
System to ensure consistent quality of products and services
to achieve customer satisfaction.
Increase reputation: As ACI ensure consistent quality of products
and services, so their reputation will reach at the higher level.
Customer Satisfaction: By providing consistent quality of product,
they can satisfy their customers

Challenging: This is not so easy to ensure the quality of product
consistently. So it will be challenging for them.
Costly: It is very much costly to maintain product quality
ACI pioneered in the launching of anti-migraine drug in
Bangladesh. ACI motto is contributing in the both human
and animal health sectors by providing important
medications not available in our country.

Business opportunity : As ACI pioneered in the launching of
anti-migraine drug in Bangladesh, they might take the
opportunity to run monopoly business in this sector.
High profitability : As they are pioneer of anti-migraine drug
in Bangladesh they will earn more profit from the beginning.

Riskiness: It is risky for ACI to launch anti-migraine drug for
the first time .

Low demand : As they come with this product for the first
time, the demand of their product might be low
The management of ACI, a competent team of professionals,
thus operates with a progressive attitude to provide effective
solutions to satisfy the customers needs, through its products
and services of uncompromising quality.

Good quality product: They do not compromise with their product
Customers satisfaction: As they are maintaining their product
.quality, they can easily achieve customer satisfaction.

Time consuming: It will take too much time .
Costly: As they maintain the product quality ,it will be costly for them
In this competitive market place, it is very important to promote the products. ACI need to
promote their products cause at present they do not have any promotional activity. So, they have
to arrange promotional training.
Fulfill customer need: By doing promotional training, the employees will be able to attract the
customers so easily to fulfill customer needs.
High profitability: By doing promotional training, the employees will be able to attract the
customers that will help them to make higher profit.
Sales increasing: Promotional training will be helpful to increase sales .
Costly: This training program will be costly for the company
Time Consuming: Promotional training program will be time consuming
Adapting Problem: Employees will face many difficulties to adapt with promotional training
ACI Pharmaceutical unit 2 and 4 are less productive than unit 1. So, ACI should give
employees production management training.
Achieve revenue Goal: Production management training will be helpful for achieving revenue
Increasing product quantity: As their pharmaceutical unit 2 and 4 are less productive so,
production management training will be helpful for increasing product quantity.
Employee productivity: Production management training program will be helpful to in crease
employee productivity.
Costly: This training program will be costly for the company.
Time Consuming: Production training program will be time consuming.
Adapting Problem: Employees will face many difficulties to adapt with production training
program .
As new animal health based product Has come to the market ACI should
provide product development training to their employees.
High quality product: This training program will help the employees to produce
high quality product.
Increase innovation power: Product development training will help employees to
increase their innovation power.
Grabbing new market: This type of training will help ACI to grab the new market.

Costly: The training program will be costly for the company.
Time consuming : This type of training program will take too much time.
Difficult to manage : For providing product development training, the need to
hire from outside so it will be difficult to mange
In this competitive market place, it is very important to promote the products. ACI need to
promote their products cause at present they do not have any promotional activity. So, they
have to arrange promotional training
Phase-1: Employee development need is very much prioritized there. ACI has to develop their employees
by giving them promotional training for enhancing their promotional activities.proper responsibily need to
assigne and then giving instruction is must needed to keep them on the right track
Phase-2: It is essential for ACI to provide their employees highest level of promotional training and use
them fully for enhancing companys promotional activities.the orginztion have to monitor the eomployee
that they are in tha right track or not.Then og they are doing good then apprisal of perfomce to be there.
Phase-3: in th e final phase ACI would not be able to continue its prosperity without proper promotional
activity. So, it is necessary for them to continue promotional training program of employees to maintain
their flow of prosperity.evaluation and feedbcak is very imporant on this phase.
ACI Pharmaceutical unit 2 and 4 are less productive than unit 1. So, ACI should give
employees production management training
Phase-1: ACI is struggling to maintain same level of production in every unit. So, as a part of
employee development, production management training should be prioritized there. the
organization Should Check the employees experience to give the responsibility and regulation
communication should be there
Phase-2: ACI has to give its employees level best production management training to provide all of its
effort for keeping balance among production of various units. they have to eliminte all obstacless and
according to the positioning resource should be allocated in different place.
Phase-3: It is essential for ACI to provide appropriate production management training to their
employees and enhance production capability to keep on their domination in pharmaceutics
market.Support and imporant feedback is very important on this they have to do it
As new animal health based product has come to the market, ACI should
provide product development training to their employees.
Phase-1: ACI has to provide product development training to its employees as they
have launched to launch animal health based product. So, employee development
needs are prioritized there. Set the activities to make the employees efficient. Design
tasks that will stimulate the activities of being communicative. Organization have to
assign the responsibility to the efficient employee also they have to give the m
proper instruction to complete their task
Phase-2: It is essential for ACI to provide their employees maximum level of product
development training and use their knowledge properly in new animal health based
product.Monitoring Perfomramnce of the employee
Phase-3: Product development training is essential for new animal health based
product. Therefore, without providing product development training, company would
not be able to upgrade new animal health based product.

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