Skittles Project

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Braydon Peterson
Each kid bought a 2.17 ounce bag of skittles and sorted
out the candies by color and then recorded the number of
each skittle color.
My bag of skittles contained: 15 Red, 8 Orange 15
Yellow, 14 Green and 9 Purple.
Our teacher then got all of the data and combined it into
one big chart of each skittle bag with the totals at the
The goal of this assignment is to use many different
statistics concepts so we can practice analyzing data.
Pie Chart
Color of Skittles

Red: 227
Orange: 263
Yellow: 238
Green: 210
Purple: 206
Sample Size= 1144
Data Analyzing
The data shows that the colors are spread out quite evenly give or take a few
with purple and orange being the less used colors. Overall, it reflects what I
would expect from the data when you get a larger sample size. My single bag
had orange with very few while in the big picture, Orange had the most out of
all of the colors.

Braydons Bag

Number of Candy Per Bag
Mean: 60.2
Standard Deviation: 1.81
5 Number Summary:
Min:56 Q1:59 Median:60 Q3:62 Max 63
Number Of Candies

Frequency 3
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
Number of Candy
The shape of the data shows a slight skew to the left. I
expected to see very equal numbers which it pretty much
is. The highest compared to the lowest is only a difference
of 7. For the most part, most bags are very equal. My bag
had a total of 61 candies which is right above the median.

The Sample size was 19 bags

Categorical vs Quantitative Data
Quantitative data is data that can be counted. Examples
of quantitative data are weight, speed, time etc.
Categorical Data is things like names that can be sorted
into groups. These things cannot be measured. Example
of categorical data would be race, hair color, eye color etc.

Categorical Date Graphs would be bar, pie and pareto

charts. Cannot make calculations.
Quantitative graphs would be stem, dot and scatter plots.
Confidence Intervals

95% Confidence Interval for purple candies is .

We are 95% confident that the true proportion of purple
candies is between .158 and .202.
99% confidence interval for true mean number of candies
per bag 59.13<p<61.27
We are 99% confident that the true mean number of
candies per bag is between 59.13 and 61.27.
IT tests if a statistic or claim about a population is valid or
false. We cannot claim that a hypothesis is true but we
can fail to reject the hypothesis.

H0: p = .2
H1: p =/ .2
P-value is .165 and the critical value is .01 so we fail to
reject the null hypothesis.
Hypothesis Testing continued
Ho: u= 56
Ho: u=/56
P Value is 7.39^-9 which means we should reject the null
hypothesis of the mean number of candies being 56.
For the first problem I had a .01 level of significance to
test that 20% of skittles in a bag are green. After using my
calculator using 1PropZtest, I found that the p value was
above the critical value which means we fail to reject the
null hypothesis.

For the Second problem I had a .05 level of significance to

find if the mean number of candies in a bag of skittles is
56. I used t-test to conclude that the P value was way
below the level of significance so I was able to reject the
null hypothesis of Ho:u=56
Interval estimates and Hypothesis Tests
Population Proportion
The sample must be random
Must meet binomial distribution conditions: fixed amount of
trials, independent trials and two different outcomes. The
probability will remain constant.
Population Mean
Simple random sample
Normally distributed population or the n has to be greater
than 30
Possible Error
Kids could have counted the incorrect amount of skittles
which would leave our data off by a little bit. This would
affect the color amounts and the number of skittles per
Sample method could be improved by having each bag
be counted multiple times to ensure that each bag is
counted accurately.
The results show that 16% to 20% of skittles are purple
and that there are between 59 and 62 skittles in most 2.17
ounce bags of skittles.

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