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Attending a Public

University at No Cost

By Robert Davis
Why should college be free?

Allow graduates to contribute to the economy.

A lot of developing countries have successful
free education systems such as Norway,
Finland, Scotland, and Germany.
The price is far unreasonable.
College VS. The American economy

The American economy demands workers to have a significant

amount of knowledge, skills, and abilities which is acquired
through postsecondary education.

According to Georgetown Universitys Center on Education and

the Workforce By 2020, 65 percent of all jobs will require
bachelors or associates degrees or some other education
beyond high school, particularly in the fastest growing
occupationsscience, technology, engineering, mathematics,
health care, and community service.
Global economy vs America

The 21st century global economy/workforce is growing rapidly

and America will fall behind other well developed countries
who have prepared their countries for the workforce.

American students cannot contribute to the economy if they're

paying a significant amount of debt back vs. In other well
developed countries such as Finland and Norway where they
have a free education system and their economy is
Price is far unreasonable

40% of low income students that have been accepted into

college did not show up because of the increasingly high
tuition according to the Hechinger report of higher

The price of college tuition divides a gap between affluent

and low income students in America. Many low income
students who are accepted into prestigious universities a
lot of the time have to attend local colleges due to the
financial burden.
Price is far unreasonable II

According to the college board the average yearly tuition at a

public university is $24,930. WHO HAS THAT KIND
The class of 2016 average graduated student was $37,172 in
debt according to U.S. Student Loan Debt Hero.
Pros VS. Cons

Increase in graduation rate among lower income students. VS

The money has to come from somewhere.

Student debt will no longer be a burden on the younger

generation. Vs The young generation will not know how to

More people will go to college VS. People may not take college
as serious as before.

The American Economy will grow!!!!!!!!

Service Learning

Hours of research from websites such as the College Board,

College Raptor, Student loan Debt Hero, Forbes, and
Hechinger Report of Higher Education and also the
Americanprogress.Org website.

Talking to college/ High school about the situation and

getting their input.


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