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(Bone Disorder)

By Patter,Poom,Game,Kim Group 2
Background & Who does it
Rickets is a bone sickness that influences youngster and young kids.
The tyke's developing bones neglect to grow legitimately because they
are the absence of vitamin D. This can bring about fragile and
debilitated bones, cracks, bone and muscle torment, and hard
Signs & Symptoms
Signs :
Delayed growth
Pain in spine, pelvis and legs
Muscle weakness

Symptoms :
Bowed legs or Knock knees
Thickened wrists and ankles
Breastbone projection
How to manage, cure and
Vitamin rickets
D helps your body absorb calcium andbone
phosphate from your intestines.
You can get vitamin D from various food products, including milk, eggs, and
fish. Your body also produces the vitamin when youre exposed to sunlight.

The best way to prevent rickets is to eat a diet that includes adequate
amounts of calcium, phosphorous, and vitamin D. Rickets can also be
prevented with moderate sun exposure.

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