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I Wayan Sweca Yasa
Asking Directions
1. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the bus station?
2. I am sorry, I dont know
3. Excuse me, do you know where the post office is?
4. Sorry, I am not from around here.
5. I am looking for this address. Is it a long way?
6. Is it the right way for Pagutan?
7. It s quite close.
8. It s about a mile from here.
9. Can you show me on the map?
10. How far is it the airport from here?
11. Its a long way on foot
Asking Directions
1. Where is the chemist?
2. Can you give me directions to the nearest bus stop?
3. How do you get to the train station?
4. Where can I find the nearest bakery?
5. How do I get to park?
6. Is there a supermarket near here?
7. Is there a sports shop around here?
8. Can you tell me how to get to library from here?
9. Whats the best way to get to the computer store from here?
10. Whats the quickest way to get to the music store from here?
11. Whats the easiest way to get to the nearest Mc donalds from
Giving Directions
1. Youre going in the wrong direction.
2. Take this road and turn left at the second set of traffic
3. Take this road and go down there.
4. Turn right at the crossroads and take the second exit at the
5. Continue straight ahead for about a mile and go over the
6. Continue past the fire station and youll cross some railway
7. Youll pass a supermarket on your left.
8. Keep going for another hundred yards. Itll be on your
Exercise-01. Fill in the blank with the correct answer!
What is the building/location
located based on the map!

Exercises-02. Look at the map and give the directions

I am in the restaurant
in Kings Way. How do
I get to :
1. The Police station?
2. The Chemist?
3. The Museum?
4. The Hotel?
5. The Bank?
The Key Answer of Exercise-01
Excuse me sir. Is there a bank around here?
Yes, there is one right across the street next to Library
traffic lights
level crossing
dead end
motorway bridge
railway bridge
dual carriageway
pedestrian crossing
zebra crossing
Asking for directions with another person
over the telephone
Mr Bean : - How do I get to your house?
Mrs Jones : - Are you walking or coming by car?
Mr Bean : - I will be coming by car.
Mr Bean : - Please could you tell me the easiest way of
getting to your house?
Mrs Jones : - Take the M6 to Manchester and come of at
junction 6
Mrs Jones : - Then go straight on at the roundabout and take
the next left my house is on the left number 2
Mr Bean : - Is that the fastest way of getting to your house?
Mrs Jones : - Yes, it is the quickest way by car.
Remember when asking for directions from someone and you don't understand ask them to
speak more slowly, if you still struggling and it is possible get them to draw a map.

How to get to Science Museum The nearest Bank

A: Excuse me, could you help A: Excuse me! Could you tell me
me, please? I'm looking for where the nearest bank is,
the Science Museum. please?
B: Go down this street and B : Walk two blocks and turn left
at the bookstore. The bank
turn right at the traffic will be across the street, next
light. Go past the flower to the post office.
market, and you'll see the A : Is it far from here?
Science Museum.
B : No, it's just a ten-minute walk.
A: Thanks a lot. A : Thank you very much.
B: Don't mention it. A : You're welcome.
Phrases for directions
Questions you may hear
How do I get to Main Street?
Where is the closest gas station?
Can you tell me where the community centre is?
Im looking for Jane Street.
Are you from around here?
If you know the way

The easiest way is to

The quickest way is to
The best way is to
Phrases for directions
go + direction (right, left, down, up, through)
take + road name
turn + right/left
stay on + road name for + distance or time
The easiest way is to go right on Commercial
The quickest way is to take Road Number 1.
The best way is to turn right on Main Street.
Stay on Route 1 for about ten minutes.
Giving Directions
If you dont know the way
Dont guess! Dont just shake your head and walk away.
Use one of these phrases:
1. Im sorry, Im not from here.
2. Im afraid I cant help you.
3. Sorry I dont know my way around here.
Offer another solution
1. You could ask the bus driver.
2. Ask the front desk clerk.
3. Follow me. Ill show you the way.
4. Do you want me to draw you a map?
If you are in the car with the driver
Give a lot of warning.
1. Turn right at the next street
2. Get in the left lane.
3. Go one more block. Then turn right.
4. At the next traffic lights turn
5. Its going to be on your right.
Task-01. Choose the most appropriate answer.

1. Excuse me! . . is the post office, please?

a. How b. What c. When d. Where
2. Could you tell me .. to get to the History Museum, please?
a. how b. what c. when d. where
3. Can you tell me where .. , please?
a. is the bank b. the bank
c. the bank is c. there a bank
4. Would you mind .. me some directions, please?
a. explaining b. giving c. helping d. offering
5. I am for the new children's library.
a. asking b. finding c. looking d. Trying
6. Go .. the flower shop, the drugstore, and the supermarket.
a. across b. behind c. opposite d. Past
7. Could you tell me where . some souvenirs, please?
a. can I buy b. could I buy c. I can buy d. should I buy
Task-02. Match each word in first column with one in the second
column to make a compound word.

1. water clip watermelon

2. match ache matchstick
3. egg hole eggcup
4. head stick headache
5. dish cup --------dishwasher-------------------------
6. tooth melon ------toothache----------------------------
7. bed washer bedroom
8. paper room paperclip..
9. key ball keyhole.
10. grand gound grandmother..
11. foot get football
12. air plane airplane
13. for mother forget..
14. under ache underground.
Task-03. Add an 'e' to the end of these words to make new words.

Tap tape

Tub tube.

Can can .

Pin pin .

Rob rob .

Kit kit.

Cub cub.

Man man.

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