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Chapter 12

Part A
Neural Tissue

Lecture Presentation by
Lee Ann Frederick
University of Texas at Arlington

2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

How to Approach the Course Material

Follow the directions in the CANVAS Module

associated with the chapter that you are studying.
As you read the chapter, follow along with the
Powerpoint slides associated with that chapter
and add important notes/details that help clarify
the material. Note: The PowerPoint presentation
will guide you through the chapter material.

2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

How to Approach the Course Material
Complete the Mastering AandP (MAP) Homework
after you have read the chapter. Since MAP is
considered a homework assignment, I strongly
encourage you to use the book to help you.
The MAP Homework is worth 10% of your grade
(corresponds to 1 letter grade), so you want to do
as well as possible on each assignment. Do not
take these assignments lightly. I have seen
students drop a letter grade, because they scored
poorly on the Homework while I have seen others
raise their grade by a letter, because they did well.

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Helpful Hints to Prepare for Quizzes and Exams:

Questions on the Quizzes/Exams will be derived

from the following sources:
MAP Homework questions (1/3rd of the questions)
End of Chapter Study Area multiple choice
quizzes (1/3rd of the questions)
Chapter Focus Point questions and any additional
material posted in the module (animations, etc)
(1/3rd of the questions)

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An Introduction to the Nervous System

Learning Outcomes
12-1 Describe the anatomical and functional
divisions of the nervous system.
12-2 Sketch and label the structure of a typical
neuron, describe the functions of each
component, and classify neurons on the
basis of their structure and function.
12-3 Describe the locations and functions of the
various types of neuroglia.

2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

An Introduction to the Nervous System

Learning Outcomes
12-4 Explain how the resting membrane potential
is created and maintained.
12-5 Describe the events involved in the
generation and propagation of an action

12-6 Discuss the factors that affect the speed with

which action potentials are propagated.

2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

An Introduction to the Nervous System

Learning Outcomes
12-7 Describe the structure of a synapse, and
explain the mechanism involved in
synaptic activity.
12-8 Describe the major types of
neurotransmitters and
and discuss their effects on
12-9 Discuss the interactions that enable
information processing to occur in
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An Introduction to the Nervous System

The Nervous System

Includes all neural tissue in the body
Neural tissue contains two kinds of cells
1. Neurons
Cells that send and receive signals
2. Neuroglia (glial cells)
Cells that support and protect neurons

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An Introduction to the Nervous System

Organs of the Nervous System

Brain and spinal cord
Sensory receptors of sense organs (eyes, ears,
Nerves connect nervous system with other

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12-1 Divisions of the Nervous System

Anatomical Divisions of the Nervous System

Central nervous system (CNS)
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

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12-1 Divisions of the Nervous System

The Central Nervous System (CNS)

Consists of the spinal cord and brain
Contains neural tissue, connective tissues, and
blood vessels
Functions of the CNS are to process and
Sensory data from inside and outside body
Motor commands control activities of peripheral
organs (e.g., skeletal muscles)
Higher functions of brain: intelligence, memory,
learning, emotion

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12-1 Divisions of the Nervous System

The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Includes all neural tissue outside the CNS
Functions of the PNS
Deliver sensory information to the CNS
Carry motor commands to peripheral tissues and

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12-1 Divisions of the Nervous System

The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Nerves (also called peripheral nerves)
Bundles of axons with connective tissues and blood
Carry sensory information and motor commands in
Cranial nerves connect to brain
Spinal nerves attach to spinal cord

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12-1 Divisions of the Nervous System

Functional Divisions of the PNS

Afferent division
Carries sensory information
From PNS sensory receptors to CNS
See figure 12-1 for receptor types
Efferent division
Carries motor commands
From CNS to PNS muscles, glands and adipose

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12-1 Divisions of the Nervous System

Functional Divisions of the PNS

Receptors and effectors of afferent division
Detect changes or respond to stimuli
Neurons and specialized cells
Complex sensory organs (e.g., eyes, ears)
Respond to efferent signals
Cells and organs

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12-1 Divisions of the Nervous System

Functional Divisions of the PNS

The efferent division
Somatic nervous system (SNS)
Controls voluntary and involuntary (reflexes) skeletal
muscle contractions

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12-1 Divisions of the Nervous System

Functional Divisions of the PNS

The efferent division
Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
Controls subconscious actions, contractions of
smooth muscle and cardiac muscle, and glandular
Sympathetic division has a stimulating effect
Parasympathetic division has a relaxing effect

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Figure 12-1 A Functional Overview of the Nervous System.

Organization of the Nervous

Central Nervous System
Integrate, process, and coordinate
(CNS) (brain and spinal
sensory data and motor commands

Sensory information Motor commands

within within
afferent division efferent division
Peripheral Nervous
System (PNS) includes
(neural tissue
outside the CNS)

Somatic nervous Autonomic

system (SNS) nervous system

Parasympathetic Sympathetic
division division

Receptors Effectors
Special sensory Visceral sensory Somatic sensory
receptors receptors receptors
monitor smell, taste, monitor internal monitor skeletal
vision, balance, and organs muscles, joints, Skeletal Adipose
hearing and skin surface muscle tissue

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12-2 Neurons

The basic functional units of the nervous system
The structure of neurons
The multipolar neuron
Common in the CNS
Cell body (soma)
Short, branched dendrites
Long, single axon
Terminal branches (telodendria)

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12-2 Neurons

The Cell Body

Large nucleus and nucleolus
Perikaryon (cytoplasm)
Mitochondria (produce energy)
RER and ribosomes (produce neurotransmitters)
Many lack centrioles

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12-2 Neurons

The Cell Body

Neurofilaments and neurotubules in place of
microfilaments and microtubules
Neurofibrils: bundles of neurofilaments that
provide support for dendrites and axon
Nissl bodies
Dense areas of RER and ribosomes
Make neural tissue appear gray (gray matter)

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12-2 Neurons

Highly branched
Dendritic spines
Many fine processes
Receive information from other neurons
8090 percent of neuron surface area

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12-2 Neurons

The axon
Is long
Carries electrical signal (action potential) to target
Axon structure is critical to function

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12-2 Neurons

Structures of the Axon

Cytoplasm of axon
Contains neurofibrils, neurotubules, enzymes,
Specialized cell membrane
Covers the axoplasm

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12-2 Neurons

Structures of the Axon

Axon hillock
Thick section of cell body
Attaches to initial segment
Initial segment
Attaches to axon hillock

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12-2 Neurons

Structures of the Axon

Branches of a single axon
Fine extensions of distal axon
Axon terminals
Tips of telodendria

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Figure 12-2b The Anatomy of a Multipolar Neuron.

Nissl bodies (RER Dendritic branches

and free ribosomes)

Axon hillock
Initial segment Axolemma Axon
of axon

Direction of action potential

Golgi apparatus Axon

Dendrite See Figure 123
Presynaptic cell b An understanding of neuron function requires
knowing its structural components. Postsynaptic cell

2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

12-2 Neurons

The Structure of Neurons

The synapse
Area where a neuron communicates with another
Presynaptic cell
Neuron that sends message
Postsynaptic cell
Cell that receives message
The synaptic cleft
The small gap that separates the presynaptic
membrane and the postsynaptic membrane

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12-2 Neurons

The Synapse
The synaptic terminal
Is expanded area of axon of presynaptic neuron
Contains synaptic vesicles of neurotransmitters
Are chemical messengers
Are released at presynaptic membrane
Affect receptors of postsynaptic membrane
Are broken down by enzymes
Are reassembled at axon terminal

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12-2 Neurons

Recycling Neurotransmitters
Axoplasmic transport
Neurotubules within the axon
Transport raw materials
Between cell body and axon terminal
Powered by mitochondria, kinesin, and dynein

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12-2 Neurons

Types of Synapses
Neuromuscular junction
Synapse between neuron and muscle
Neuroglandular junction
Synapse between neuron and gland

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Figure 12-3 The Structure of a Typical Synapse.





Postsynaptic Synaptic
membrane cleft

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12-2 Neurons

Structural Classification of Neurons

Anaxonic neurons (no axon)
Found in brain and sense organs
All cell processes look alike
Bipolar neurons (rare)
Found in special sensory organs (sight, smell,
Are small
One dendrite, one axon

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12-2 Neurons

Structural Classification of Neurons

Unipolar neurons
Found in sensory neurons of PNS
Have very long axons (1 meter or longer)
Fused dendrites and axon
Cell body to one side
Multipolar neurons
Common in the CNS
Include all skeletal muscle motor neurons
Have very long axons
Multiple dendrites, one axon

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Figure 12-4 Structural Classifications of Neurons.

Anaxonic neuron Bipolar neuron Unipolar neuron Multipolar

Dendrites Dendrites

segment Cell body
branches Axon


Cell body
Cell body

Axon Axon
terminals terminals

a Anaxonic neurons have b Bipolar neurons have c Unipolar neurons have a d Multipolar neurons have
more than two processes, two processes single elongated process, more than two processes;
and they are all dendrites. separated by the with the cell body located there is a single axon and
cell body. off to the side. multiple dendrites.

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12-2 Neurons

Three Functional Classifications of Neurons

1. Sensory neurons
Afferent neurons of PNS
2. Motor neurons
Efferent neurons of PNS
3. Interneurons
Association neurons

Hint: see Tips & Tricks page 391 for the acronym

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12-2 Neurons

Functions of Sensory Neurons

Monitor internal environment (visceral sensory
Monitor effects of external environment (somatic
sensory neurons)
Structures of Sensory Neurons
Cell bodies grouped in sensory ganglia
Processes (afferent fibers) extend from sensory
receptors to CNS (can be very long, >1meter)

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12-2 Neurons

Three Types of Sensory Receptors

1. Interoceptors
Monitor internal systems (digestive, respiratory,
cardiovascular, urinary, reproductive)
Internal senses (taste, deep pressure, pain)
2. Exteroceptors
External senses (touch, temperature, pressure)
Distance senses (sight, smell, hearing)
3. Proprioceptors
Monitor position and movement (skeletal muscles
and joints)

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12-2 Neurons

Motor Neurons
Carry instructions from CNS to peripheral effectors

Via efferent fibers (axons)

Two major efferent systems
1. Somatic nervous system (SNS)
Includes all somatic motor neurons that innervate
skeletal muscles
2. Autonomic (visceral) nervous system (ANS)
Visceral motor neurons innervate all other peripheral
effectors (smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands,
adipose tissue)

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12-2 Neurons

Motor Neurons
Two groups of efferent axons
CNS motor neurons (1st group-cell bodies are in the
CNS) synapse at autonomic ganglia (collection of
neuron cell bodies of the 2nd group)
Axons from these ganglia synapse at visceral
dividing axons into:
Preganglionic fibers (1st group)
Postganglionic fibers (2nd group)

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Group 1 Group 2
12-2 Neurons

Most are located in brain, spinal cord, and
autonomic ganglia
Between sensory and motor neurons
Are responsible for:
Distribution of sensory information
Coordination of motor activity
Are involved in higher functions
Memory, planning, learning

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12-3 Neuroglia

Half the volume of the nervous system
Many types of neuroglia in CNS and PNS

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12-3 Neuroglia

Four Types of Neuroglia in the CNS

1. Ependymal cells
2. Astrocytes
3. Oligodendrocytes
4. Microglia

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Figure 12-5 An Introduction to Neuroglia (Part 1 of 2).


are found in

Central Nervous

Ependymal Astrocytes Oligodendrocytes Microglia

Line ventricles Maintain bloodbrain Myelinate CNS Remove cell
(brain) and central barrier; provide axons; provide debris,
canal (spinal cord); structural support; structural wastes, and
assist in regulate ion, nutrient, framework pathogens by
producing, and dissolved gas phagocytosis
circulating, and concentrations;
monitoring absorb and recycle
cerebrospinal fluid neurotransmitters;
form scar tissue after

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12-3 Neuroglia

Ependymal Cells (CNS)

Form epithelium called ependyma
Line central canal of spinal cord and ventricles of
Secrete cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Have cilia or microvilli that circulate CSF
Monitor CSF
Contain stem cells for repair

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12-3 Neuroglia

Astrocytes (CNS)
Maintain bloodbrain barrier (isolates CNS)
Create three-dimensional framework for CNS
Repair damaged neural tissue
Guide neuron development
Control interstitial environment

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12-3 Neuroglia

Oligodendrocytes (CNS)
Increases speed of action potentials
Myelin insulates myelinated axons
Makes nerves appear white
Nodes and internodes
Internodes myelinated segments of axon
Nodes (also called nodes of Ranvier)
Gaps between internodes
Where axons may branch

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12-3 Neuroglia

White matter
Regions of CNS with many myelinated nerves
Gray matter
Unmyelinated areas of CNS

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12-3 Neuroglia

Microglia (CNS)
Migrate through neural tissue
Clean up cellular debris, waste products, and

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Figure 12-6b Neuroglia in the CNS (Part 1 of 2).

Gray matter
White matter






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Figure 12-6b Neuroglia in the CNS (Part 2 of 2).

Gray matter
White matter



Myelin Oligodendrocyte
(cut) Astrocyte
Axon Axolemma




b A diagrammatic view of neural tissue in the CNS, showing relationships between neuroglia
and neurons
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12-3 Neuroglia

Neuroglia of the Peripheral Nervous System

Masses of neuron cell bodies
Surrounded by neuroglia
Found in the PNS

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Figure 12-5 An Introduction to Neuroglia (Part 2 of 2).


are found in

Peripheral Nervous System


Satellite cells Schwann cells

Surround neuron Surround all axons in

cell bodies in PNS; responsible for
ganglia; regulate O2, myelination of
CO2, nutrient, and peripheral axons;
participate in repair
process after injury
levels around
neurons in ganglia

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12-3 Neuroglia

Neuroglia of the Peripheral Nervous System

Satellite cells
Surround ganglia
Regulate environment around neuron
Schwann cells
Form myelin sheath around peripheral axons
Outer surface= neurilemma
One Schwann cell sheaths one segment of axon
Many Schwann cells sheath entire axon

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Figure 12-7a Schwann Cells, Peripheral Axons, and Formation of the Myelin Sheath (Part 1 of 2).

Axon hillock


Initial Dendrite



Myelin covering

a A myelinated axon, showing the organization

of Schwann cells along the length of the axon.
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Figure 12-7a Schwann Cells, Peripheral Axons, and Formation of the Myelin Sheath (Part 2 of 2).

cell nucleus

Myelin covering


Myelin sheath TEM 20,600

a A myelinated axon, showing the organization

of Schwann cells along the length of the axon.

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12-3 Neuroglia

Neurons and Neuroglia

Neurons perform:
All communication, information processing, and
control functions of the nervous system
Neuroglia preserve:
Physical and biochemical structure of neural tissue
Neuroglia are essential to:
Survival and function of neurons

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12-3 Neuroglia

Neural Responses to Injuries in PNS

Wallerian degeneration
Axon distal to injury degenerates
Schwann cells
Form path for new growth
Wrap new axon in myelin
Nerve Regeneration in CNS
Limited by chemicals released by astrocytes that:
Block growth
Produce scar tissue

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Ion Movements and Electrical Signals

All cell plasma membranes produce electrical
signals by ion movements
Membrane potential is particularly important to

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Five Main Membrane Processes in Neural

1. Resting potential
The membrane potential of resting cell
2. Graded potential
Temporary, localized change in resting potential
Caused by stimulus

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Five Main Membrane Processes in Neural

3. Action potential
Is an electrical impulse
Produced by graded potential
Propagates along surface of axon to synapse

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Five Main Membrane Processes in Neural

4. Synaptic activity
Releases neurotransmitters at presynaptic
Produces graded potentials in postsynaptic
5. Information processing
Response (integration of stimuli) of postsynaptic

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12-4 Membrane Potential

The Membrane Potential

Three important concepts
1. The extracellular fluid (ECF) and intracellular
fluid (cytosol) differ greatly in ionic
Concentration gradient of ions (Na+, K+)
2. Cells have selectively permeable membranes
3. Membrane permeability varies by ion

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Passive Forces Acting across the Plasma

Chemical gradients
Concentration gradients (chemical gradient) of
ions (Na+, K+)
Electrical gradients
Separate charges of positive and negative ions
Result in potential difference

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Figure 12-9 Resting Membrane Potential (Part 1 of 2).

Passive Chemical Gradients Active Na+/K+ Pumps

The intracellular concentration Sodiumpotassium

of potassium ions (K+) is (Na +/K +) exchange
relatively high, so these ions pumps maintain the
tend to move out of the cell concentration of sodium
through potassium leak and potassium ions across
channels. Similarly, the the plasma membrane.
extracellular concentration of
sodium ions (Na+) is relatively
high, so sodium ions move
into the cell through sodium
leak channels. Both of these
movements are driven by a
concentration gradient, or
chemical gradient.

+ +
+ + +
+ + 3 Na +

+ +
+ +
+ + + +
K+ leak potassium Na+ leak
channel exchange channel


+ +

+2 K+

+ + +
+ Protein


+ Sodium ion (Na+)

+ Potassium ion (K ) +

Chloride ion (Cl )


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Figure 12-9 Resting Membrane Potential (Part 2 of 2).

Passive Electrical Gradients Resting Membrane

Potassium ions leave the Potential
cytosol more rapidly than Whenever positive and
sodium ions enter because negative ions are held apart,
the plasma membrane is much a potential difference arises.
more permeable to potassium We measure the size of that
than to sodium. As a result, potential difference in
there are more positive millivolts (mV). The resting
charges outside the plasma membrane potential for
membrane. Negatively charged most neurons is about 70
protein molecules within the mV. The minus sign shows
cytosol cannot cross the that the inner surface of the
plasma membrane, so there plasma membrane is
are more negative charges on negatively charged with
the cytosol side of the plasma respect to the exterior.
membrane. This results in an
electrical gradient across
the plasma membrane.


0 +
+ + + + + + +



+ +
+ +

Protein Sodium ion (Na+)

+ + Potassium ion (K+)

Chloride ion (Cl-)

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Electrical Currents and Resistance

Electrical current
Movement of charges to eliminate potential
The amount of current a membrane restricts

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12-4 Membrane Potential

The Electrochemical Gradient

For a particular ion (Na+, K+) is:
The sum of chemical and electrical forces
Acting on the ion across a plasma membrane
A form of potential energy

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Equilibrium Potential
The membrane potential at which there is no net
movement of a particular ion across the cell
K+ 90 mV
Na+ 66 mV

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Figure 12-10a Electrochemical Gradients for Potassium and Sodium Ions.

Potassium Ion
a At normal resting membrane potential, an electrical gradient
opposes the chemical gradient for potassium ions (K +). The
net electrochemical gradient tends to force potassium ions
out of the cell.

Potassium Potassium Net potassium

chemical electrical electrochemical
gradient gradient gradient
potential + +
70 mV
+ + +
+ + + + + +

+ + + + + + +
+ + + K +

Protein +
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Figure 12-10b Electrochemical Gradients for Potassium and Sodium Ions.

Potassium Ion Gradients

b If the plasma membrane were freely permeable to potassium
ions, the outflow of K+ would continue until the equilibrium
potential (90 mV) was reached. Note how similar it is to the
resting membrane potential.

Potassium Potassium
chemical electrical
gradient gradient
+ + + + + +
90 mV

+ + + +
+ + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +
+ Protein

K +

+ + +
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Figure 12-10c Electrochemical Gradients for Potassium and Sodium Ions.

Sodium Ion Gradients

c At the normal resting membrane potential, chemical and
electrical gradients combine to drive sodium ions (Na +)
into the cell.

Sodium chemical Sodium Net sodium

gradient electrical electrochemical
gradient gradient
membrane + + +
potential + + + +
70 mV + + +
+ +
+ + + +
+ + + + + +

+ + +
+ Cytosol Protein
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Figure 12-10d Electrochemical Gradients for Potassium and Sodium Ions.

Sodium Ion
d Gradients
If the plasma membrane were freely permeable to sodium ions,
the influx of Na+ would continue until the equilibrium potential
(+66 mV) was reached. Note how different it is from the resting
membrane potential.

Sodium Sodium
chemical electrical
gradient gradient
potential + + + +
+66 mV + +
+ + + + +
+ + + +

+ + + + + + +
+ + + + + + +
+ + +
+ + Cytosol + + Protein +
2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
12-4 Membrane Potential

Active Forces across the Membrane

Sodiumpotassium ATPase (exchange pump)
Is powered by ATP
Carries 3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in
Balances passive forces of diffusion
Maintains resting potential (70 mV)

2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

12-4 Membrane Potential

The Resting Potential

Because the plasma membrane is highly permeable
to potassium ions:
The resting potential of approximately 70 mV is
fairly close to 90 mV, the equilibrium potential for K+
The electrochemical gradient for sodium ions is very
large, but the membranes permeability to these
ions is very low
Na+ has only a small effect on the normal resting
potential, making it just slightly less negative than the
equilibrium potential for K+

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12-4 Membrane Potential

The Resting Potential

The sodiumpotassium exchange pump ejects
3 Na+ ions for every 2 K+ ions that it brings into the
It serves to stabilize the resting potential when the
ratio of Na+ entry to K+ loss through passive channels
is 3:2
At the normal resting potential, these passive and
active mechanisms are in balance
The resting potential varies widely with the type of cell
A typical neuron has a resting potential of
approximately 70 mV
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12-4 Membrane Potential

Changes in the Membrane Potential

Membrane potential rises or falls
In response to temporary changes in membrane
Resulting from opening or closing specific
membrane channels

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Sodium and Potassium Channels

Membrane permeability to Na+ and K+ determines
membrane potential
They are either passive or active

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Passive Channels (Leak Channels)

Are always open
Permeability changes with conditions
Active Channels (Gated Channels)
Open and close in response to stimuli
At resting potential, most gated channels are

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Three States of Gated Channels

1. Closed, but capable of opening
2. Open (activated)
3. Closed, not capable of opening (inactivated)

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Three Classes of Gated Channels

1. Chemically gated channels
2. Voltage-gated channels
3. Mechanically gated channels

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Chemically Gated Channels

Open in presence of specific chemicals (e.g., ACh)
at a binding site
Found on neuron cell body and dendrites

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Voltage-gated Channels
Respond to changes in membrane potential
Have activation gates (open) and inactivation
gates (close)
Characteristic of excitable membrane
Found in neural axons, skeletal muscle
sarcolemma, cardiac muscle

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Mechanically Gated Channels

Respond to membrane distortion
Found in sensory receptors (touch, pressure,

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Figure 12-11a Gated Channels.
a Chemically gated channel

Resting state

Presence of ACh
ACh + site

Channel closed channel

+ +

+ +
Channel open

A chemically gated (ligand-gated)

Na+ channel that opens in response
to the presence of ACh (ligand) at a
binding site.

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Figure 12-11b Gated Channels.
b Voltage-gated channel

70 mV
+ +

Channel closed gate

60 mV +

Channel open +

+30 mV +

Channel inactivated

A voltage-gated Na+ channel that

responds to changes in the membrane
potential. At its resting membrane
potential of 70 mV, the channel is
closed; at 60 mV, the channel opens;
at +30 mV, the channel is inactivated.

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Figure 12-11c Gated Channels.
c Mechanically gated channel

+ +
+ + +

Channel closed

+ +
+ pressure

+ +
Channel open

+ Pressure
+ removed
+ + +

Channel closed

A mechanically gated channel, which

opens in response to distortion of
the membrane.

2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

12-4 Membrane Potential

Membrane Potential Exists across Plasma

Cytosol and extracellular fluid have different
chemical/ionic balance
The plasma membrane is selectively permeable
Membrane Potential
Changes with plasma membrane permeability
In response to chemical or physical stimuli

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Graded Potentials
Also called local potentials
Changes in membrane potential
That cannot spread far from site of stimulation
Any stimulus that opens a gated channel
Produces a graded potential

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12-4 Membrane Potential

Graded Potentials
The resting state
Opening sodium channel produces graded
Resting membrane exposed to chemical
Sodium channel opens
Sodium ions enter the cell
Membrane potential rises
Depolarization occurs

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Figure 12-12 Graded Potentials (Part 1 of 3).

Resting State
Resting membrane with closed chemically gated sodium ion channels

+ + + Extracellular
Initial 70 Fluid
segment + + +
+ mV
+ + +
+ + + +
+ +
+ + + + +


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12-4 Membrane Potential

Graded Potentials
A shift in membrane potential toward 0 mV
Movement of Na+ through channel
Produces local current
Depolarizes nearby plasma membrane (graded
Change in potential is proportional to stimulus

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Figure 12-12 Graded Potentials (Part 2 of 3).

1 Stimulation
Membrane exposed to chemical that opens the sodium ion channels

Stimulus + +
applied + 65 + + + + +
here + + mV + + + + +
+ + +
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + +

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Figure 12-12 Graded Potentials (Part 3 of 3).

2 Graded
Spread of sodium ions inside plasma membrane produces a local
current that depolarized adjacent portions of the plasma membrane

+ + + +
Local + + + + + 60 + + 65 + + 70
current + + mV + mV mV
+ + +
+ + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + +

+ + + + +

+ + + + + + +

+ + + + + + +
+ + + Local current

2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

12-4 Membrane Potential

Graded Potentials
Whether depolarizing or hyperpolarizing, share
four basic characteristics
1. The membrane potential is most changed at the
site of stimulation, and the effect decreases with
2. The effect spreads passively, due to local

2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

12-4 Membrane Potential

Graded Potentials
Whether depolarizing or hyperpolarizing, share
four basic characteristics
3. The graded change in membrane potential may
involve either depolarization or hyperpolarization
The properties and distribution of the membrane
channels involved determine the nature of the change
For example, in a resting membrane, the opening of
sodium channels causes depolarization, whereas the
opening of potassium channels causes
The change in membrane potential reflects
whether positive charges enter or leave the cell
2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
12-4 Membrane Potential

Graded Potentials
Whether depolarizing or hyperpolarizing, share
four basic characteristics
4. The stronger the stimulus, the greater the
change in the membrane potential and the
larger the area affected

2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

12-4 Membrane Potential

Graded Potentials
When the stimulus is removed, membrane potential
returns to normal
Increasing the negativity of the resting potential
Result of opening a potassium channel
Opposite effect of opening a sodium channel
Positive ions move out, not into cell

2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

12-4 Membrane Potential

Graded Potentials
Effects of graded potentials
At cell dendrites or cell bodies
Trigger specific cell functions
For example, exocytosis of glandular secretions
At motor end plate
Release ACh into synaptic cleft

2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

Figure 12-13 Depolarization, Repolarization, and Hyperpolarization.

Chemical removed Chemical Chemical
stimulus stimulus stimulus
60 applied Repolarization applied removed

potential (mV) 70
Hyperpolarization Return to resting
membrane potential


2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

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