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What Is Water
Water Pollution is the addition
of any subtances has negative
effect on water or living things
that depend on water.
Different Causes Of
Water Pollution
Marine Dumping
Industrial Waste
Sewage, mainly from households
Effects Of Water
Diseases like Cholera
Typhoid (spread during the rainy season)
Aquatic life gets destroyed
Effects On Humans

Diseases caused by:

Drinking contaminated water.
Swimming in polluted water.
Contact with chemically polluted
What Is Noise Pollution?
Sound that is unwanted or disrupts ones quality
of life is called as noise. When there is lot of
noise in the environment, it is termed as noise
Sound becomes undesirable when it disturbs the
normal activities such as working, sleeping, and
during conversations.
It is an underrated environment problem because
of the fact that we cant see, smell, or taste it.
Sources Of Noise
Transportation systems are the main souce of
noise pollution in Kuala Lumpur ares.
Construction of buildings, highways, and streets
cause a lot of noise, due to the usage of air
compressors, bulldozers, loader, dump trucks,
and pavement breakers.
Loud speakers, plumbing, boilers, generators,
fans, and vacuum cleaners add to the exicting
noise pollution.
Health Effects
According to the USEPA, There are direct links
between noise and health. Also, noise poullution
adversely affects the lives of millions of people.
Noise pollution can damge physiological and
High blood pressure, stress related illness, sleep
disruption, hearing loss, and productivity loss are the
problems related to noise pollution.
It can also cause memory loss, severe depression,
and panic attacks.
What Is Soil Pollution?

The build-up in soils of persistent toxic

componds, chemicals, salts, radioactive
materials, or disease causing agents.
Caused by means other than the direct
addition of xenobiotic(man-made)
Causes of Soil
Seepage from a landfill.
Discharge of industrial waste into the soil.
Percolation of contaminated water into the
Excess application of pesticides,
herbicides or fertilizer.
Deforestation and Soil erosion.
Agricultural Soil Pollution

Plants on which we depend for food are

under attack from insects, fungi, bacteria,
viruses, rodents and other animals, and
must compete with weeds for nutrients.
To kill unwanted populations living in or on
their crops, farmers use pesticides.
Agricultural Effects:

Reduced soil fertility

Reduced nitrogen fixation
Increased erodibility
Large loss of soil and nutrients
Imbalance in soil fauna and flora
What is air
harmful to the health or comfort of
humans and animals or which could
cause damage to plants and
Pollutants that are pumped into our
atmosphere and directly pollute the air
are called primary pollutants
Causes of Air
Burning of Fossil Fuels
Agricultural activities
Exhaust from factories and industries
Mining operations
Indoor air pollution
Effects of Air pollution

Respiratory and heart problems

Global warming
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