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S TA G E 2 O F D E M O G R A P H I C T R A N S I T I O N M O D E L : H I G H B I RT H A N D D E C R E A S I N G D E AT H R AT E S .

One of the poorest countries Cause for High Birth rates:
Highest Fertility rate 7.1 per woman
Hot and Dry
2.9% Growth rate
12 million population Increase in Lack affordable contraceptives and education
50 years Religious Beliefs (Ban contraceptives)

Ensures protection against High Infant Mortality (IMR*)
Cause for High Birth
Highest Fertility rate
7.1 per woman
2.9% Growth rate
Lack affordable
contraceptives and
Religious Beliefs (Ban
Ensures protection against
High Infant Mortality (IMR*)
Reasons for the Decline in
Death Rate:

Babies are inoculated against diseases

Better supply of clean water
Better diets
More clinics and hospitals and
transport to get to them
Better living conditions
Better health education
Women are educated about

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