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I. Lesson Plan
1-The parts of the lesson plan
a) Objectives
b) Motivation
c) Presentation
d) Application
e) Evaluation

II. Teaching Method

III. Classroom Management
The teacher used the following verbs
in her lesson objectives :

Define, differentiate, explain,

Blooms Taxonomy

6th level)

(understand, 2nd
nderstand, 2nd
ge, 1st level)
In listing her objectives, the teacher referred to Blooms Taxonomy.

She proceeded gradually with the verbs (1st level, 2nd level, 6th
level), aiming for a higher cognitive level of thinking.
The teacher could have chosen some verbs related to the 3 rd level
(apply) and 4th level (analyze).
Ex: the students will be able to:

-teach their peers ( peer teaching activity)

-select important from unimportant parts of presented material.

The teacher used IBL at the
beginning of her lesson,

She tried to stimulate her students

interest in the topic by tapping their
background knowledge, trying to find
what they know before beginning the
She let her students watch a short
video to introduce the lesson, and let
them discuss it: (whats new about
the video? What did you get out of
The teacher used photos and let her
students distinguish between
singular and plural
The teacher could have begun her
lesson with something more
interesting than the video.
EX: something authentic related to
their real life: this could made them
more engaged in the topic
3- Presentation
The teacher chose peer teaching
for the presentation part. She divided
the class into 4 groups and she gave
each group a rule to read and
exercises to solve and try to explain
it to the whole class.
The teacher divided the class
randomly and this was a mistake.
She should have grouped them
according to some standards
(ability, behavior) in order to achieve
certain objectives.
The teacher was moving around the
class monitoring students work by
making sure that all group members
were doing equal amount of work,
asking them if they need help and
making sure they are on the right
Each group explained to the whole
class the rule given to him and
solved the exercises on board.
Each member in the group had a
specific task
The teacher was interacting with
them and guiding them.
The teacher distributed Exit Ticket to
each student to evaluate their
The evaluation was specific, she gave
them an exercise related to the topic to

This way the teacher would make sure

that she had achieved her stated
-The teacher could have used an
evaluation rubric for the peer
teaching activity, so the students
would be more motivated to such
II-Teaching Method
Tell me I forget, show me I
remember, Involve me I understand.
The essence of IBL.
The teacher began her lesson with IBL.
She is a facilitator guiding her students
to seek new information.
Her teaching method was mainly
She let them watch a video and
asked them what they noticed.
She gave her students the rules and
asked them to read it and explain it
without giving any preamble about
the concept.
The teacher used Constructivism:
students where asked questions,
they investigated solutions, learned
new knowledge as they gather
information. Then discuss discoveries
and experiences.
The teacher used collaborative
learning to apply the concept:

Peer teaching
Learning this way is much more fun
then lecturing and memorizing
1-Development of higher-level
thinking, oral communication, self-
management, and leadership skills.

2-Increase in student retention, self-

esteem, and responsibility
III. Classroom management
III. Classroom management
Problem: Some students were not
following the class, not paying attention
and missing instructions
Cause: teacher was seated in front of the
class, not all the students were able to
see her.
Solution: Stand in front of the class where
everyone can see you and make eye
contact with the one who is not following.

Jessica Khalil

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