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Introduction to Revelation

Introductory Matters
Date written: 95 AD, thus the last book
of the NT canon.
Genre: Epistolary (beginning and
ending) and Prophetic.
Author: The Apostle John, from the Isle
of Patmos.
Part of Jesus inner circle of disciples.
Writer of a gospel and three epistles.
Apostolic overseer of the churches in Asia
Ephesus: Christian Center of
the Roman Empire
Seven Churches of
Different Interpretive
Approaches to the Book
Preterist This view maintains that the book
describes first century conditions in the Roman Empire.
Christs coming with the clouds in chap. 1 is not a
literal coming to earth, but a judgment that came upon
Jerusalem in A.D. 70.
Continuous-historical This view treats the book as
a panorama of church history from Johns time until the
Second Advent, finding correspondences between the 7
churches and various epochs in church history.
Idealist This view maintains that Revelation depicts
the eternal conflict between good and evil in every
age, and that the details should not be pressed.
Futurist This is the best approach if one is
committed to a literal hermeneutic. It views the book
as focusing on the last periods of world history,
culminating with the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.
Major Themes in Revelation
The Return and Glory of Jesus Christ (Rev 1:7)
The Old Testament
Of the 404 verses in Revelation, 278 make some
allusion to the Old Testament. Books drawn upon
include Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Psalms.
The Wrath of God
The Future Work of God
Establishment of His Kingdom
Blessing of His People
Purpose Statement for
John records the revelation given to
him by Christ to rebuke believers
concerning sin and to encourage
them to hold fast until Christ comes,
describing the events that will
precede and follow that coming.
Outline of Revelation
Part One: The Things Which You Have
Seen (1:1-20)
Introduction (1:1-8)
Vision of the Glorified Christ (1:9-20)
Part Two: The Things Which Are (2:1
Message to Ephesus (2:1-7)
Message to Smyrna (2:8-11)
Message to Pergamos (2:12-17)
Message to Thyatira (2:18-29)
Message to Sardis (3:1-6)
Message to Philadelphia (3:7-13)
Message to Laodicea (3:14-22)
Outline of Revelation
Part Three: The Things Which Will
Take Place After These Things (4:1
Visions of the Father and the Lamb as
the Source of Judgment (4:1 5:14)
Vision of the Seven-Sealed Scroll (6:1
Seven Seals of Judgment (6:1 8:5)
Seven Trumpets of Judgment (8:6 11:19)

Explanatory Prophecies (12:1 14:20)

Seven Bowls of Judgment and Rejoicing over

the Fall of Babylon (15:1 19:10)

Outline of Revelation
The Closing Visions of John (19:11
The Coming of the King of Kings (19:11-16)
The Great Supper of God (19:17-21)

The Binding of Satan (20:1-3)

The Thousand-Year Kingdom (20:4-10)

The White-Throne Judgment (20:11-15)

The New Heaven and New Earth (21:1-8)

The Holy City (21:9 22:5)

Epilogue (22:6-21)
Daniels 70th Week and the
Rapture of Seven-Sealed Scroll Return of
the Church Christ to the

Abomination of Desolation

3 1/2 Years 3 1/2 Years

Beginning of Birth Great Tribulation
The Seventh Seal
Next Week: Revelation 1

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