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Modern Indian History

British Conquest of India

Compiled by-Pratik Nayak

History of India and Indian National Movement

Indian Heritage and Culture, History
Indian Culture will cover the salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature
and Architecture from ancient to modern times.
Modern Indian History from about the middle of eighteenth century
until the present-significant events, personalities, issues
The Freedom Struggle- its various stages and important
contributors/contributions from different part of the country.
Post independence consolidation and reorganisation within the
History of the world will include events from 18th century such as

Industrial revolution
world wars
Redrawal of national boundaries
colonization decolonization

political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialism etc.- their

forms and effect on the society
Number of Questions asked

Prelims (Q.) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Ancient/Medieval 2 3 5
Modern 5 5 8
Indian Art and 8 12 5
Total 12 20 15 20 18
Number of Questions asked

Mains(Q+M) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Average = Around 115/250 marks
World History
Total 55 59 13(140) 110 100
Modern Indian History

British Conquest
of India

Freedom Struggle
Indian National
British Conquest of India
British Conquest

European Powers Indian Princely States

British Conquest of India
Q. What methods were adopted for this conquest?

1. Wars

2. Treaties
Policies Subsidiary Alliance, Doctrine of Lapse
Trend War Treaty (Break) War
Break Weakening of the Enemy
Reinforcing the Army for 2nd Phase
British Conquest of India
Q. British conquest on European powers in India?




Question UPSC Pre 2007
Q. Who among the following Europeans, were the last to come to
pre independence India as traders?

a. Dutch
b. British
c. French
d. Portuguese
Question UPSC Pre 2007
Q. Who among the following Europeans, were the last to come to
pre independence India as traders?
Answer: C

a. Dutch 1602, 1st Factory 1605 @ Masulipatnam

b. British 1600, 1st Factory 1609 Surat

c.French 1664, 1st Factory 1668 Surat

d.Portuguese 1498, 1st Factory 1503 Cochin

1498, Landing of Vasco Da Gama @ Calicut
Welcomed by Zamorin
Permitted trade in Spices & Set up a factory on the
1510, Established base @ Goa , Defeating the Sultan of Bijapur

Use of Feitorias and Cartaze System to Consolidate trade

1612, Battle of Swally Main Contribution:

Brought to India
End of Portuguese Power Tomatoes, Tobacco,
Confined to Diu, Daman & Goa Potatoes, Chillies etc.
United East India Company 1602
Establishment of Factories @ Masulipatnam (1605), Surat (1616) etc.

Replaced Portuguese as the most dominant power in European trade

with the East, Including India

Conceded defeat to English after their defeat in the Battle of Bedara

1599 John Mildenhall came to India via land route
1600, Queen Elizabeth Charter to East India Company
Rights to Carry on Trade with all Countries on the eastern side of Cape
of Good Hope
1608, Visit of Captain William Hawkins to Mughal Emperor Jahangirs
1609, Jahangir Farmaan to build a
factory @ Surat
1613, 1st Factory of EIC set up @ Surat

1615, Visit of Sir Thomas Roe to Mughal

Emporers Court
Farmaan Free trade & Exemption from
Inland Toll
1616, factory @ Masulipattnam
1632, Right to trade in Golconda Kingdom
1651, Nawab of Bengal Shuja ud Din grants company the right to trade
after paying duty

1662, Bombay received as Dowry gift from the Portuguese

1691 Royal Farman issued by Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb

EIC exempted to pay custom duties in Bengal

1717 Royal Farman from Emperor Farruk Siyar

Trade Concessions
Minting of Own Coins
Question UPSC Pre 2012
Q. Consider the following
1. Assessment of land revenue on the basis of nature of the soil and the
quality of crops.
2. Use of mobile canons in warfare.
3. Cultivation of tobacco and red chillies.
Which of the above was/were introduced into India by the English?
a. 1 Only
b. 1 and 2 Answer: D
c. 2 and 3
d. None of the above
Question UPSC Pre 2008
Q. During the time of which Mughal emperor did the East India
Company establish its first factory in India?
a. Akbar
b. Jahangir
C. Shahjahan
D. Aurangzeb

Answer: B
Question UPSC Pre 2007
Q. Which one of the following was the first fort constructed by the
British in India?
a. Fort William
b. Fort St. George
C. Fort St. David
D. Fort St. Angelo

Answer: B
Question UPSC Pre 2007
Q. Which one of the following was the first fort constructed by the
British in India?
a. Fort William 1700 Calcutta
b. Fort St. George 1664 Chennai
C. Fort St. David 1690 Sold by Marathas to British
D. Fort St. Angelo 1505 1st Portuguese Fort @ Kannur (Kerala)

Answer: B
Question UPSC Pre 2006
Q. In the year 1613, where was the East India Company given
permission to set up a factory (trading post) ?
a. Bangalore
b. Madras
C. Masulipatnam
D. Surat

Answer: D
1664,Formation of the French East India Company by Louis 14th
Finance Minister Colbert

1668, Setting up of 1st Factory @ Surat

1669, 2nd factory @ Masulipatnam

1674, Pondicherry & Chandranager Posts established by the French

1742, Lord Dupliex becomes the governor @ Pondicherry

Change in Objective from Commercial motive to Imperial Expansion

Opening of new chapter Anglo-French Rivalry

Carnatic Wars
Carnatic Wars
Carnatic wars An echo of the WAR OF AUSTRIAN SUCCESSION Wars Of
Fight between the English and the French on the Indian soil for

First Carnatic War (1746-48)

Second Carnatic War (1749-54)
Third Carnatic War (1758-63)

1760, Battle of Wandiwash Defeat of the

French in India
Carnatic Wars
First Carnatic War (1744-48)
Europe Austrian War of Succession
Lord Dupleix Ambition

1746,Capturing of Madras by the French

Important English trading centre, ruled by nawab of Carnatic

Q. British response?
1748, Besiege of Pondicherry by the British
Strong defence by Dupleix Retreat of the British

Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle Madras given back to British, Quebec

(Canada) to the French
Carnatic Wars
Second Carnatic War (1749-54)
British & French fighting for Commerical Supremacy

1749, French attack on Arcot (Capital of Carnatic)

The British Counter attack led by Robert Clive
French retreat from Arcot

French Interference in the wars of succession that started after the

death of Asaf Jah (1748), the late Nizam of Hyderabad
French officer Bussy

1754 Dupleix recalled, replaced by Godehu

Signed the Treaty of Pondicherry in 1755 with the English
Carnatic Wars
Third Carnatic War (1758-63)
Europe Seven Years War (1756-1763)

1757,Seizing of Chandranagar(Bengal) by Clive

June 1758,Count de Lally, French governor at Pondicherry attacked Fort
St. David (British Settlement)
22 Jan 1760 Battle of Wandiwash, defeat of the French
1763, Ending of Seven years war

Signing of the Treaty of Paris

French possessions in India were made protectorate states
No fortification allowed, No standing army
French confined to only few areas
Carnatic Wars
Q. Reasons for the French Defeat?
French East India Co. State Undertaking
Directors Appointed by Crown
Lethargy and Bureaucratic Control over Company
English East India Co. Private entity

Opening up of different fronts by the French

India, Europe, North America
Failed to understand complex political situations in India

Also couldnt build strong navy like the English

Carnatic Wars
Q. Reasons for the French Defeat?
The British had the advantage as they had partial control over Bengal.
The British had three important bases in India Calcutta, Madras and
The victory at Plassey(1757) gave the English Company large area of a
rich resources

On the other hand, the French had only one strong base at Pondicherry.
If Pondicherry was endangered, it could not get any effective support
from their other bases in India

End of British Conquest over the European Powers

Now, British Conquest over the Indian Princely States
Question UPSC Pre 2010
Q. With reference to the Pondicherry (Puducherry), consider the
following statements
1. The first European power to occupy Pondicherry were the Portuguese
2. The second European power to occupy Pondicherry were the French
3. The English never occupied Pondicherry
Which of the following statement(s) given above is/are correct?

a. Only 1
b. 2 and 3
c. Only 3
d. 1,2 and 3
Question UPSC Pre 2010
Q. With reference to the Pondicherry (Puducherry), consider the
following statements
1. The first European power to occupy Pondicherry were the Portuguese
2. The second European power to occupy Pondicherry were the French
3. The English never occupied Pondicherry (1st Carnatic War)
Which of the following statement(s) given above is/are correct?

a. Only 1 Answer: A
b. 2 and 3
c. Only 3
d. 1,2 and 3
Question UPSC Pre 2003
Q. With reference to the entry of Euorpean powers into India,
which one of the following statements is not correct?
a. The Portuguese captured Goa in 1499
b. The English opened their first factory in South India at Masulipatnam
c. In Eastern India, the English Company opened its first factory in Orissa
in 1663
d.Under the leadership of Dupleix, the French occupied Madras in 1746

Question UPSC Pre 2003
Q. With reference to the entry of Euorpean powers into India,
which one of the following statements is not correct?
a. The Portuguese captured Goa in 1499
Goa was captured in 1510 Answer: A

b. The English opened their first factory in South India at Masulipatnam

1616, factory @ Masulipattnam

C. In Eastern India, the English Company opened its first factory in Orissa
in 1663

d. Under the leadership of Dupleix, the French occupied Madras in 1746

1st Carnatic War
British Conquest of India
British Conquest

European Powers Indian Princely States

Indian Princely States
Consisted of large number of Princely States
Some were the remains of the large Mughal Empire

Some Princes/Nobles were sent as governors during Mughal time and

later when the empire became weak, they declared Indepedence
Eg. Hyderabad, Bengal, Awadh etc.
In most states Decentralisation of Political authority took place

Some states were always against the Mughal authority and were
constantly at war against it
Eg. Marathas, Sikh, Mysore
Rise of Indian States
Q. What is the reason behind studying Indian States?

Because the British fought against them to control land areas

Different treaties were signed between the British and the
Indian states
Modern day India Geopolitical Entity
The map was different @ that time

The territorial integration by British was done with great patience

Started by the European powers Slow and Gradual Process
Rise of Indian States
Indian States



Q. British Conquest of Bengal
Through Battle of Plassey and Buxar

Founder Murshid Quli Khan

Governor of Mughal Province of Bengal
Richest Province in India

1756, Siraj Ud Daulah Becomes Nawab

English and French fighting for possessions in the South and also in

English Fortification of their properties

English Misusing Dastaks (Permit) issued by Farruksiyar in 1717
Hence, Conflict between Nawab and the British
June 16,1756
Attack by Siraj ud Daulah on British Possessions

Retreat of the British to Fulta( town south of Hoogly)

Left over British officials were confined to a cell
The Black Hole

Q. Had the British retreated completely or the nawab made any

Q. Had the British retreated completely or the nawab made any
Yes, Big mistake

Nawab didn't pursued the British out of Fulta (Completly Destroying)

Nor did he took adequate steps to defend Calcutta

History Never lenient towards mistake

February 1757 Treaty of Alinagar between the Nawab & the British
Beginning of the British Conspiracy
1. Talks 2. Preparing for Battle Battle of Plassey (23rd June 1757)
Beginning of the British Conspiracy

Back Channel talks were taking place with

Mir Jafar Mir Bakshi of Nawab
Manik Chand Officer of Calcutta
AmirChand Merchant
Jagatsheth Banker
Khadimkhan Commanded large army of nawab
All these people, acted as traitors and backstabbed nawab
Beginning of the British Conspiracy
Preparation of War
23rd June 1757
Forces of the Nawab and the British
Clashed @ Plassey
This battle was never like an
conventional battle, as hardly few
people died
Nawab was betrayed by Mir Jafar &
later on Killed by his own men.

Q. Battle of Plassey A battle

which was never fought
Q. How the EIC took the advantage post this battle
EIC will chart the road for India from Bengal
Outcome of the battle
Mir Jafar was made nawab as a reward for helping the
Some rights were given to EIC for Bengal, Bihar & Orissa

Zamindari rights for 24 parganas district near Calcutta- Earning 15000

Mir Jafar Compensated the British a sum of Rs.2 Crore for waging a
war against them
Later on, MirJafar replaced as Nawab as he became incompetent to pay
the British
New Nawab, Mir Qasim was installed as puppet
22 Feb 1760, Mir Qasim was made nawab
Later on, when Mir Qasim also tried to be independent and failed to
give the British expected money he was again replaced by Mir Jafar
Q. What next?
Mir Qasim moves to Awadh, takes help of the Awadh King Shuja ud
Nawab + Awadh vs. British
22 October 1764,Battle of Buxar
Treaty of Allahbad Signed between the emperor Shah Alam, Shuja ud
Daula and the British

Diwani rights given to EIC for Bengal, Bihar & Orissa

Unique System of Government came up in Bengal
Dual System of Government


Deputy Nawabs
Appointed by the British, Cant
be removed by the Nawab

Started by Robert Clive, he also became the Governor of Bengal

Bengal Nawab
Dual System of Government
Deputy Nawabs

Administration Nawab Revenue Collection EIC

Power without responsibility

EIC collected revenue but not responsible for administration

Nawab didn't cared nor did the EIC
Ultimate sufferer, People of this region
Rise of Indian States
Indian States



Hyder Ali & Tipu Sultan
Originally ruled by Wadeyar Dynasty
Chikka Krishna Raja

Nanjraj Devraj

Hyder AliStarted as a petty army officer in the Mysore army & later on
captured power after the death of Nanjaraj
Train his army on European lines
Set up Modern Artillery
Dies, post 2nd Anglo-Mysore War (1782)
Mysore Tipu Sultan Comes to power
Introduced new calendar, coins, weight & measures
Improvisation in field of agriculture, trade &
Abonded the custom of giving Jagirs
Reduced the power of polygars
Organising & training army on European lines
Supported the French in setting up Jacobin Clubs
Plantation of Tree of Liberty @ Serringpatnam
Grant of funds for the repair of Sringeri Temple and installation of the
image of Godess Sharda
Q. British Conquest of Mysore?
Through Anglo- Mysore Wars

Total 4 wars took place

1. 1766-1769
2. 1780-1784
3.1789-1792 Anglo- Mysore Wars
British conquest of Mysore
1st Anglo-Mysore War(1766-1769)

Nizam British Marathas Mysore

British conquest of Mysore
1st Anglo-Mysore War(1766-1769)

So next the road was clear for

them for territorial expansion
British Already
Nizam Didn't Marathas Felt
fought Plassey(1757),
liked Mysore, so threatened by
Wandiwash (1760) and
supported British in Mysore, so they also
Buxar (1765) & won all
this venture supported British
British conquest of Mysore
Anglo- Mysore Wars- Total 4
1st Anglo-Mysore War(1766-1769)
So, what will be outcome of this war?
Armies of 3 big power vs. Mysore

Surprisingly, Hyder Ali won this war.

Treaty signed near Madras, Dictated by Haider Ali

British conquest of Mysore
Anglo- Mysore Wars- Total 4
2nd Anglo-Mysore War(1780-1784)
British seized the French port Mahe
This port was important for Mysore, as maximum supplies used to come
from this port

So, war took place. Hyder ali dies

post this war.

Treaty signed Treaty of Mangalore

British conquest of Mysore
Anglo- Mysore Wars- Total 4
3nd Anglo-Mysore War(1789-1792)
Now, Tipu Sultan Comes to power
The British became victorious
Mysore had weakened up by this time
Treaty signed later Treaty of Srirangpattinam
British conquest of Mysore
4nd Anglo-Mysore War(1799)
Mysore had weakened up by this time
The British asked Tipu to sign subsidiary alliance, but he rejected

Mysore attacked from two sides

Nizam from the east & British from the south west
Tipu dies @ Sringpattnam & Mysore was made a part of british india
Later on, A puppet king from old Wadeyar dynasty was installed @ the
Rise of Indian States
Indian States



Maratha Confederacy

Maratha Sardars

More, Ghatges, Nimbalkar, Jadhavs, Sawant, Bhonsle, Deshpande,


Bhonsle Dynasty came to prominence

Maratha Confederacy


Rajaram Sambhaji

Shahuji II
Peshwa- Low key minister under Shahuji(Founder)

Later becomes prominent under Shivajis rule

Balaji Vishwanath (1713-1720)
King becomes weak, Makes post of Peshwa Hereditary

Baji Rao I (1720-1740)

Puts large area under the control of his subordinates
Gwalior Scindia
Baroda Gaekwad
Indore Holkar
Nagpur Bhonsle
Peshwa Pune
Balaji Vishwanath

Bajirao I

Raghunath Rao Balaji Baji Rao/Nanasaheb

Kills him & tries
to gain power
Baji Rao II Madhav Rao

Nana Phadnis accepts minor

son of Madhav Rao as Peshwa
Narayan Rao
Q. What will Raghunath Rao do?
In search of a friend, concludes treaty with the British @ Surat (1775)
Treaty of Surat 1st Anglo Maratha War (1775-82)
English to help Raghunath Rao
Salsette & Bassein to be given to the British

But, Regulating Act of 1773

Calcutta became the supervising authority over Bombay & Madras
As this treaty was signed between the Bombay presidency & the
Marathas, the Calcutta council rejected it

New treaty Signed Treaty of Purandhar (1776)

New treaty not liked by Bombay and Pune Darbar
So new treaty Signed Treaty of Wadgaon
Signed between Bombay & Peshwa
So rift between Bombay & Calcutta Councils

Attack by the British Army on Gwalior

Later on Gwalior acts as mediator between English & Peshwa

Signing of new treaty Treaty of Salbai(1782)

Establishment of status quo

Both would focus on their common enemy Mysore

2nd Anglo Maratha War (1803-06)
Internal Conflict within the confederacy
Peshwa Baji Rao II killing Holkar Prince
Fleeing of Peshwa from Pune
Holkar installing Vinayak Rao as Peshwa at Pune

Baji Rao II came to Bassein and Signed Treaty with the English (Dec1802)
Treaty of Bassein Peshwa was made kind of Subsidiary Ally
Q. Response to this treaty by other Maratha chiefs?
This treaty not liked by Bhonsle & Scindia All were defeated by the
April 1804, Joining by Holkar British

Signing of different Treaties between Maratha Chiefs & the British

3rd Anglo Maratha War (1817-18)
Partly related to British Imperialistic Design
Charter Act 1813, Monopoly abolished
British Business Interest Annexation of Indian states means greater
raw material & market
EIC looking for excuses to annex more areas

1.Pindaris, provided the EIC right excuse

Pindaris Attached with Maratha Armies
Used to loot the areas which were captured by Maratha Chiefs

2.Direct Conflict English interference in Internal Matters of the

3rd Anglo Maratha War (1817-18)
Killing of Gaekwads ambassador by the minister of Peshwa
English resident asked the Peshwa to handover the culprit
Peshwa retreated, Attack on Pune by the English

13 June 1817, Signing of Pune Pact

Dissolving of Maratha Confideracy and abolishment of Peshwaship

Q. Causes of the Maratha defeat?

Q. Causes of the Maratha defeat?
Nature of the Maratha State
Robbers State

Economic Issues

Short-sightedness of the Ruler No unity

Inferior Military Organisation

Superior English Diplomacy & Espionage

Question UPSC Pre 2003
Assertion (A) Marathas emerged as the strongest native power in
India after the decline of Mughal Empire
Reason (R) Marathas were the first to have a clear concept of a united
Indian Nation

a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

b. Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A

c. A is true, But R is False Answer: C

d. A is false, but R is true

Modern Indian History
British Rule in India

Compiled by-Pratik Nayak

Recap Modern Indian History

British Conquest
of India

Freedom Struggle
Indian National
RecapBritish Conquest of India
British Conquest

European Powers Indian Princely States

British Conquest of India
Q. What methods were adopted for this conquest?

1. Wars

2. Treaties
Policies Subsidiary Alliance, Doctrine of Lapse
Trend War Treaty (Break) War
Break Weakening of the Enemy
Reinforcing the Army for 2nd Phase
British Conquest of India
Q. British conquest on European powers in India?

Portuguese Swallyhole

French 3 Carnatic Wars

Battle of Wandiwash

Dutch Battle of Bedara

1498, Landing of Vasco Da Gama @ Calicut
Welcomed by Zamorin
Permitted trade in Spices & Set up a factory on the
1510, Established base @ Goa , Defeating the Sultan of Bijapur

Use of Feitorias and Cartaze System to Consolidate trade

1612, Battle of Swally Main Contribution:

Brought to India
End of Portuguese Power Tomatoes, Tobacco,
Confined to Diu, Daman & Goa Potatoes, Chillies etc.
United East India Company 1602
Establishment of Factories @ Masulipatnam (1605), Surat (1616) etc.

Replaced Portuguese as the most dominant power in European trade

with the East, Including India

Conceded defeat to English after their defeat in the Battle of Bedara

1599 John Mildenhall came to India via land route
1600, Queen Elizabeth Charter to East India Company
Rights to Carry on Trade with all Countries on the eastern side of Cape
of Good Hope
1608, Visit of Captain William Hawkins to Mughal Emperor Jahangirs
1609, Jahangir Farmaan to build a
factory @ Surat
1613, 1st Factory of EIC set up @ Surat

1615, Visit of Sir Thomas Roe to Mughal

Emporers Court
Farmaan Free trade & Exemption from
Inland Toll
1664,Formation of the French East India Company by Louis 14th
Finance Minister Colbert

1668, Setting up of 1st Factory @ Surat

1669, 2nd factory @ Masulipatnam

1674, Pondicherry & Chandranager Posts established by the French

1742, Lord Dupliex becomes the governor @ Pondicherry

Change in Objective from Commercial motive to Imperial Expansion

Opening of new chapter Anglo-French Rivalry Carnatic Wars

Carnatic Wars
Carnatic wars An echo of the WAR OF AUSTRIAN SUCCESSION Wars Of
Fight between the English and the French on the Indian soil for

First Carnatic War (1746-48)

Second Carnatic War (1749-54)
Third Carnatic War (1758-63)

1760, Battle of Wandiwash Defeat of the

French in India
British Conquest of India
British Conquest

European Powers Indian Princely States

Rise of Indian States
Rise of Indian States
Indian States

Bengal Plassey & Buxar

Mysore 4 Anglo-Mysore

Marathas 3 Anglo-
Maratha Wars

Sikh 2 Anglo-Sikh Wars

Q. British Conquest of Bengal Through Battle of Plassey and Buxar

Founder 1756, Siraj Ud British occupancy

Murshid Quli Daulah Becomes in Bengal
Khan Nawab
22 October 1764,Battle of Buxar Treaty of Allahbad
Bengal Nawab
Dual System of Government
Deputy Nawabs

Administration Nawab Revenue Collection EIC

Power without responsibility

EIC collected revenue but not responsible for administration

Nawab didn't cared nor did the EIC
Ultimate sufferer, People of this region
Rise of Indian States
Indian States



Originally ruled by Wadeyar Dynasty
Hyder Ali & Tipu Sultan

Hyder AliStarted as a petty army officer in the

Mysore army & later on captured power after the
death of Nanjaraj

Total 4 wars took place

1. 1766-1769
2. 1780-1784
3.1789-1792 Anglo- Mysore Wars
British conquest of Mysore
1st Anglo-Mysore War(1766-1769)

Nizam British Marathas Mysore

British conquest of Mysore
Anglo- Mysore Wars- Total 4
2nd Anglo-Mysore War(1780-1784)
British seized the French port Mahe
This port was important for Mysore, as maximum supplies used to come
from this port

So, war took place. Hyder ali dies

post this war.

Treaty signed Treaty of Mangalore

British conquest of Mysore
Anglo- Mysore Wars- Total 4
3nd Anglo-Mysore War(1789-1792)
Now, Tipu Sultan Comes to power
The British became victorious
Mysore had weakened up by this time
Treaty signed later Treaty of Srirangpattinam
British conquest of Mysore
4nd Anglo-Mysore War(1799)
Mysore had weakened up by this time
The British asked Tipu to sign subsidiary alliance, but he rejected

Mysore attacked from two sides

Nizam from the east & British from the south west
Tipu dies @ Sringpattnam & Mysore was made a part of british india
Later on, A puppet king from old Wadeyar dynasty was installed @ the
Rise of Indian States
Indian States



Maratha Confederacy


Rajaram Sambhaji

Shahuji II
Peshwa- Low key minister under Shahuji(Founder)

Later becomes prominent under Shivajis rule

Balaji Vishwanath (1713-1720)
King becomes weak, Makes post of Peshwa Hereditary

Baji Rao I (1720-1740)

Puts large area under the control of his subordinates
Gwalior Scindia
Baroda Gaekwad
Indore Holkar
Nagpur Bhonsle
Peshwa Pune
Balaji Vishwanath

Bajirao I

Raghunath Rao Balaji Baji Rao/Nanasaheb

Kills him & tries
to gain power
Baji Rao II Madhav Rao

Nana Phadnis accepts minor

son of Madhav Rao as Peshwa
Narayan Rao
1st Anglo Maratha War (1775-82) Treaty of Salbai

2nd Anglo Maratha War (1803-06) Peshwa made Subsidiary ally

3rd Anglo Maratha War (1817-18) Peshwaship Abolished & Breaking

of Maratha Confideracy
Rise of Indian States
Indian States



Punjab 12 Misls (Provinces)
Maharaja Ranjit Singh united this Misls

1839,Death of Ranjit Singh

Weakening of Sikh State

2 Wars were fought by the British to annex the Sikh State

1st Anglo-Sikh War (1844-46)
Treaty of Lahore
2nd Anglo-Sikh War (1848-49)
Annexation of Punjab
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