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6 Ǯentrepreneur  
 Ǯentreprendreǯ    Ǯto undertake Ǯ

   the French men who

organized and led military expeditions were referred
to as entrepreneurs


adventures , mainly civil engineering like construction
of roads , bridges and buildings

Bernard F.De.Bolidar 

one who performs the task of bringing labour and
material at certain price and selling the resultant
product at a Ǯcontracted price Ǯ

m mm
 person who buys factor services at
certain prices with a view to sell its product at
uncertain prices in future.
------- R . Cantillon

The entrepreneur is an economic man ,Who

tries to maximize his profits by innovations .
Innovation involves problem solving and
entrepreneur gets satisfaction from using
capabilities in attacking problems
------E . E . Hagen
ǮPeople are poor because they prefer in that
wayǯ. An entrepreneur must accept the challenge
and should be willing hard to achieve something

Entrepreneur is a (i) Decision maker under

uncertainty and (ii) One who does things in a new
and better way .
--------David C.McClelland

Entrepreneur - basically an innovator who

carries out new combination to initiate and
accelerate the process of economic development
-------- Joseph Schumpeter
Entrepreneur performs one or more of the
following functions

1. Perceives opportunities for profitable investments

2. Explores the prospects of starting such a manufacturing


3. Obtains necessary industrial license

4. Arranges initial capital

5. Provides personal guarantee to the financial institutions

6. Supply technical Know how


1. Calculated Risk Taker

2. Innovator

3. Organizer

4. Creative

5. Achievement Motivated

6. Technically Competent

7. Self Ȃ Confident
è. Socially Responsible

9. Optimistic

10. Equipped with Capacity to Drive

11. Blessed with Mental Ability

12. Human Relations Ability

13. Communication Ability

14. Decision Making

15. Business Planning

16. A Venture Capitalist

17. Visionary

1è. Entrepreneurs make Significant Differences

19. Ability to Spot and Exploit Opportunities

20. Courage to Face Adversities

21. Leadership --- An essential trait of the Entrepreneur

Manager Characteristics Leader Characteristics
’ Administers ’ Innovates
’ A Copy ’ An Original
’ Maintains ’ Develops
’ Focus on systems & structure ’ Focuses on People
’ Relies on Control ’ Inspires on Trust
’ Asks how and when ’ Asks what and why
’ Short range view ’ Long range perspective
’ Imitates ’ Originates
’ Classic good soldier ’ Own person
’ Does things right ’ Does the right thing
1. According to the type of Business
a. Business entrepreneur
b. Trading entrepreneur
c. Industrial entrepreneur
d. Corporate entrepreneur
e. Agricultural entrepreneur

2. According to Motivation
a. Pure entrepreneur
b. Induced entrepreneur

3. According to the use of Technology

a. Technical entrepreneur
b. on-Technical entrepreneur
c. Professional entrepreneur
4. According to stages of development
1. First generation entrepreneurs
2. Second generation entrepreneurs
3. Classical entrepreneur

5. Classification given by Danhof

1. Innovative entrepreneurs
2. Imitative entrepreneurs
3. Fabian entrepreneurs
4. Drone entrepreneurs

6. According to Capital Ownership

1.Private entrepreneur
2. State entrepreneur
3. Joint entrepreneur
7. According to Gender and Age
1.Man entrepreneur
2. Woman entrepreneur
3. Young entrepreneur
4. Old entrepreneur
5. Middle Aged entrepreneur

è. According to area
1. Urban entrepreneur
2. Rural entrepreneur

9. According to Scale
1. Large Scale industry entrepreneur
2. Medium Scale industry entrepreneur
3. Small Scale industry entrepreneur
4. Tiny industry entrepreneur

1. Bridge the gap between Knowledge and

2. Converting an idea into money
3. Be your own boss
4. Originality, Respected
5. Competition
6. Better utilization of skill and knowledge
7. Alternative to current Career
8. Business Opportunity

1. Remuneration

2. Benefits

3. Time Management

4. Management

5. Experience
The concept of entrepreneurship is a complex
phenomenon . Broadly it relates to the entrepreneur, his
vision and his implementation
Entrepreneurship refers to a process of action an
entrepreneur (person) undertakes to establish his /her
enterprise . It is a creative and innovative response to the
environment .




’ Refers to a person ’ Refers to a Process
’ Creator ’ Creation
’ Organizer ’ Organization
’ Decision Maker ’ Decision Making
’ Initiator ’ Initiative
’ Leader ’ Leadership
’ Motivator ’ Motivation
’ Risk taker ’ Risk taking
Entrepreneurship is a role played by or the task
performed by the entrepreneur . The central role of the
entrepreneur is to take moderate risk and invest money
to earn profits by exploiting an opportunity

³Entrepreneurship is the investing and risking of

time ,money and effort to start a business and make it
---- Musscleman and jackson
³Entrepreneurship is meant the function of
seeing investment and production opportunity ,
organizing an enterprise to undertake a new production
process , raising capital, hiring labour, arranging for
supply of raw materials and selecting top managers for
day to day operations of the enterprise

1. Implement the innovative activity

2. Strategy formulation and adoption
3. Monitoring the activities by adopting solutions for
1. Implement the
innovative activity

2.Strategy formulation
and adoption

3. Monitoring the
activities by adopting
solutions for problems
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1. Incompetence and poor management

2. Low level of commitment

3. Restrictions imposed by custom and tradition

4. Involvement of high risk

5. Lack of motivation

6. Lack of infrastructural facilities

7. Lack of communication network

8. Absence of entrepreneurial aptitude

9. Low status of businessmen

10. Market imperfections

11. Legal formalities involved to set up a unit

12. Low quality products

13. Low package of salaries to employees

ô     m
Women entrepreneurship is the process where
by women take the lead and organize the business or
industry and provides employment to others .
In India, very few women entrepreneurs are in the
big enterprises .Rather they are mainly concentrated in
the SSI¶s (Small Scale Sector )
In the SSI sector , the participation of women can
be classified into three types

1. Women as owners of enterprises

2. Women as managers of enterprises
3. Women as employees
Women entrepreneurs are key players in
any developing country particularly in terms of their
contribution to economic development
 mm m
1. Women own one-third of small business in USA and
2. Britain has seen an increase of over three times of
women in work force than that of men after 1980¶s
3. Women make for 40% of total work force in Asian
4. In China ,women outnumber men by at least two times
when it comes to starting business there .
5. In Japan, the percentage of women entrepreneurs
increased from 2.4% to 5.2% in 1995
6. The second All India census for SSI units 1987-88 and
the DC(SSI) sample survey report 1994-1995 gives
that 5.15 % and 7.69% of the enterprises are owned
and managed by women ----But in USA the percentage
is 50%
1. Patriarchal Society

2. Absence of Entrepreneurial aptitude

3. Marketing Problems

4. Financial Problems

5. Family Conflicts

6. Credit Facilities

7. Shortage of Raw Materials

8. Heavy Competition

9. High Cost of Production

10. Social Barriers

11. Problems of Middlemen

12. Lack of Information

13. Lack of Self ± Confidence

14. Lack of Access of Technology

15. Lack of Training

  m    m 
³When women moves forward , the family moves, the
village moves and the nation moves.´ is rightly said by Pandit
Jawahar Lal Nehru. Employment gives status and economic
development to women leading to an empowered woman.
women set up an enterprise due to economic and non-
economic reasons as well. Various reasons can be due to

1.Motivational factors:

a.Economic Necessity f.Role model to others

b.Self Actualisation g.Employment opportunities
c.Independence h.Self identity & Social status
d.Govt.policies & programmes i.Success stories of friends
e.Education & Qualification & relatives
j.Family Occupation
Facilitating Factors:

1.Adequate Financial Facilities


3.Innovative Thinking

4.Network of Contacts

5.Co-operation of family

6.Experienced and skilled people at work

7.Support of family members

Development of women has been a policy
objective of the government since independence. Until
the seventies, the concept of women¶s development
was welfare oriented .
The focus was on women¶s welfare in terms of
improvement in material and child health and nutrition
The eighties adopted a multi disciplinary
approach with an emphasis on three core areas of
health ,education and employment .Women were given
priorities in all the sectors including SSI sector.
Various policies and programmes have been
formulated ,incentives and schemes introduced during
1970¶s and 1980¶s.
1.During 1980¶s
Priority was given to implementation of
programmes for women under different sectors of
agricultural and its allied activities of dairying , poultry,
animal husbandry, handlooms ,handicrafts, small scale
industries etc

2. Eight five year plan :

During the eight plan, efforts were made to
increase employment and income generating activities for
women under various sectors

a. Women in agriculture was launched in 1993 to train

women farmers having small and marginal holdings in
agriculture and allied programmes such as
animal husbandary, horticulture, dairying, fisheries,
bee-keeping etc
b. Women cooperatives with full financial assistance from the
government were formed to assist women in agro based
c. The KVIC took measures to generate more employment
opportunities for women.( nearly 46.5% are women in KVIC)
d. Various schemes like PMRY and EDP¶s were launched
e. IRDP( Integrated Rural Development Programme),
Jawahar Rojgar Yojana,
Training of rural youth for self Employment (TRYSEM)
Development of Women And Children in Rural areas
(DWCRA) were stared to alleviate poverty .
3.Ninth five year plan:
An important scheme on Trade Related
Entrepreneurship Assistance & Development (TREAD) was
introduced in 1998. The scheme is being administered by the
ministry of SSI .
4. The tenth five year plan (2002-2007):
Suggested a three fold strategy for empowering
women through
a. Social Empowerment
b. Economic Environment
c. Gender Justice
d. Mahila Vikas Nidhi : 1990 to 2001 80.4 million was
sanctioned benefitting 155 NGO¶s and 21350 women¶s.
T &D on sericulture, Spinning, Weaving ,Coir Products ,
Block Printing, Handicrafts & Handloom Products.
e. Micro Credit Scheme : SIDBI has sanctioned 810.50
million to 169 MFI¶s benefitting 4,42,000 poor women¶s.
g. The Rashtriya Mahila Kosh: offered micro credit
h. STEP: Govt. started training programmes for self-
employment Support for Training and Employment
Programme for Women
Women entrepreneurship has come a long way in India :

A Day care centre's

A Placement Service

A Floriculture

A Beauty Parlours

A Fashion Boutiques

A Micro Businesses through SHG

A Light Manufacturing In engineering goods

m m  ôm ô 

1. Self Help Groups

2. Federation of Indian Women Entrepreneurs
3. Women¶s India Trust
6. Consortium of Women Entrepreneurs of India
8. Central and State Govt. Schemes
9. Self ±Employed Women¶s Association (SEWA)
10. Association of Women Entrepreneurs of
Karnataka- AWAKE

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