Cis 221 Ada Powerpoint 1

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By: Michaela Bleau
American Disabilities Act of 1990
The ADA (American Disabilities Act) is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all
areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general
public. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as
everyone else. The ADA gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals
on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with
disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, state and local government services, and
telecommunications. The ADA is divided into five titles (or sections) that relate to different areas of public life.
Title II of the
Title II prohibits discrimination against people
with disabilities by public entities. Title II is
similar to other civil rights statutes in that it
ensures equal opportunity for individuals with
disabilities. Title II guarantees that people with
disabilities have equal access to services,
programs, and activities offered by public
entities, and that guarantee includes
Disabilities Covered by ADA List of a few disabilities:

Below is a link to a complete list
of disabilities covered under the 2.HIV infection
ADA. 3.Cerebral Palsy 4.Major Depressive disorder

5.OCD (Obsessive -
compulsive disorder)
Assistive Technology (What it is and how it helps.)

What is assistive technology?

Assistive technology is any device, piece of equipment or system that helps bypass, works around or
compensate for an individual learning defects. Available for students with disabilities from cognitive to

What areas assistive technology helps:



-Organization / memory


All the areas assistive technology can help:
Some tools available for assistive technology:

-Abbreviation expanders

-Alternative keyboards

-Audio books and publications

-Electronic math worksheets

-Freeform database software

More tools can be found at:
Types of AT (assistive
technology) Purchased
In Oklahoma there is a company called
ABLE and they provide people with low
interest loans to buy assistive technology.
To the right is a graph about which kind of
technology was being purchased.
Captions on Youtube
-Captions on youtube add accessibility to youtube viewers who have no
hearing or are hard of hearing.

To the right is a picture

showing how to add captions

to a youtube video before

uploading it.
What is a ALT attribute and how does it help?

The alt attribute is the HTML attribute used in HTML and CHTML documents to specifically
alternative text.

The alt attribute is used by a screen reader software so that a person who is listening to
what is on the webpage will know there is a picture on the webpage.
Things to be avoided while making a document accessible to

-Flashing/ blinking items.

This is because it may cause a distraction/ annoyance or may trigger a


-Making print too small or to light.

This may cause things to become unreadable.

Read and write software

Read and write software is for everyone. This software is designed to

help read documents and helps write documents as well. It can also find
definitions to words in documents. It makes everyday literacy easier.

This software is widely used amongst people who have dyslexia.

This software is available online or in stores.(Google chrome offers a

free read and write software.)
CRX Mouse software

CPX Mouse software is on google chrome and it is there to help

browsing the web easier. This software allows the viewer to use
the mouse and swipe side to side, circles, up or down to control
different functions such as the back button, opening new tabs,
and much more.

This could help a student who has low fine motor skills by
making using the internet less of a challenge.
Below is a brief video explaining the different features of CRX Mouse for
google chrome.
Below is a link to add CRX Mouse to a computer with google Chrome

Below is a link to add read and write software to a google chrome


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