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Job Training Report


Name : Tarida Isabella Patricia

Class : XII TKJ 1
Submission Date : 20th October 2016
Table of Contents
Cover page............................................................................................... 1
Table of contents..................................................................................... 2
I. Introduction.......................................................................................... 3
a. Background.................................................................................... 3
b. Purpose.......................................................................................... 3
c. Time and Place............................................................................... 3
II. Discussion or Body.............................................................................. 4
III. Conclusion.......................................................................................... 5
IV. Recommendation............................................................................... 6
V. Reference List...................................................................................... 7
VI. Appendices........................................................................................ 8
I. Introduction
A. Background
Vocational School is an educational institution that has a function to produce skilled
and downright students for industrial needs. The students should be provided with various
abilities, basic skills and broad knowledge based on their majors.
In order to achieve these goals, the answer is the school must send students to the job
training. Job training is a government regulation for 11th grade students in Vocational School
as requirements before participate in the national exams. Besides for national exams
requirements, job training is helpful to gain more student skills and knowledges.

B. Purpose
.Completion of competency given in schools with the competencies required by the industry
.Provide additional competencies to the students to be more in line with the needs of the
industrial needs.
.Enhance student competence through industry practices and simultaneously achieve
competency based training programs .
.Equip students with a working experience

C. Time and place

July 23th 2015 Augusr 13th 2015 in the PT. HANJIN METAL TECH
II. Discussion or Body
- My first task is installing raw goods such as women accessories to a copper tools
that conduct electricity which is called Jig.
- My second task is after the goods is dried through a chemical process, i separate
the goods based by colors and shape. And then i check the process and calculate
the goods according to the imported materials that enter the quality control. Then i
store the goods to provided containers before packing and sending them to

The company that i occupy for the job training is a industry for a variety
specialized jobs for the metal goods such as household appliances, women
accessories which made from Nickel Chrome Plating(Ni/Cr), Argentrum
Plating(Ag/Au), Zinc Plating(Zn/Sn) and other metal goods.
III. Conclusions
After doing the job training in PT HANJIN METAL TECH that
specialized in metal goods i understand the manufacturing process of our
household appliances and how to carefully doing my job that exposed with
many chemicals without side effects.
IV. Recommendations
Students :
- must do their job seriously so the job will be beneficial
- must comply the disciplines rules because the industry is different than

School :
- The job training activities that students do must be monitored at least
once a month for better information if something happen, school will act
- it will be better if the school cooperate with company related to the
student majors, so school automatically send the student to company
related to their majors
V. Appendices
Hierarchy Structure
Example of metal goods
VI. Reference List

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