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Aleksandra Tomic and Nevena

Stojmenovic III8
Physical fitness
Physical fitness is a general state of
health and well-being and more
specifically the ability to perform aspects
of sports occupations and daily activities.
Physical fitness is generally achieved
through proper nutrition moderate-
vigorous physical exercise and sufficient

Before the industrial revolution, fitness

was defined as the capacity to carry out
the days activities without undue fatigue.
However, with automation and changes in
lifestyles physical fitness is now
considered a measure of the body's ability
to function effectively in work and leisure
activities, to be healthy, to resist
hypokinetic diseases, and to meet
emergency situations.
Specific or task-oriented fitness is
a person's ability to perform in a
specific activity with a reasonable
efficiency: for example, sports or
military service. Specific training
prepares athletes to perform well
in their sport.
Examples are: 100 m sprint,
Middle distance running,
Marathon, Hill sprints, Sand
running, Aquajogging
Many fire fighters and police
officers undergo regular fitness
testing to determine if they are
capable of the physically
demanding tasks required of the
Members of armed forces will
often be required to pass a formal
fitness test for example
soldiers of the US Army must be
able to pass the Army Physical
Fitness Test (APFT)
Aerobic exercise
Cardiorespiratory fitness can be
measured with the amount of oxygen
the body can uptake and utilize.Aerobic
exercise, which improves
cardiorespiratory fitness, involves
movement that increases the heart
rate to improve the body's oxygen
consumption. This form of exercise is
an important part of all training
regiments ranging from professional
athletes to the everyday person. Also,
it helps increase stamina.
Examples are:Jogging,Elliptical
Training,Walking ,Treadmill
The AICR recommendations include the following:

-"Be as lean as possible without becoming underweight

-Each week, adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity
physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity
-Children should engage in at least one hour of moderate or vigorous physical activity
each week
-Be physically active for at least thirty minutes every day
-Avoid sugar, limit the consumption of energy packed foods
-Balance your diet with a variety of vegetables, grains, fruits, legumes, etc.
-Limit sodium intake, the consumption of red meats and the consumption of
processed meats.
-Limit alcoholic drinks to two for men and one for women a day"
These recommendations are also supported by the American Cancer Society.
Immune system
Physical activity boosts the immune system. This is dependent on
the concentration of endogenous factors , body temperature,
blood flow, hydration status and body position. Physical activity
has shown to increase the levels of natural killer (NK) cells, NK T
cells, macrophages, neutrophils and eosinophils, complements,
cytokines, antibodies and T cytotoxic cells. However, the
mechanism linking physical activity to immune system is not fully
Depression and Anxiety
Physical fitness can enhance your mood through the
release of dopamine, neurotransmitters, endorphins and
endocannabinoids. A short workout session or walk can
cause your body to release this chemical which causes
individuals to feel better. Physical fitness increases your
bodies temperature which results in a calming effect toward
the individual.
In function optimization, fitness approximation is a method for decreasing
the number of fitness function evaluations to reach a target solution. It
belongs to the general class of evolutionary computation or artificial
evolution methodologies.
In many real-world optimization problems including engineering problems,
the number of fitness function evaluations needed to obtain a good
solution dominates the optimization cost. In order to obtain efficient
optimization algorithms, it is crucial to use prior information gained during
the optimization process. Conceptually, a natural approach to utilizing the
known prior information is building a model of the fitness function to assist
in the selection of candidate solutions for evaluation. A variety of
techniques for constructing of such a model, often also referred to as
surrogates, metamodels or approximation models for computationally
expensive optimization problems have been considered.
Fitness function
A fitness function is a particular type of objective function that is used to summarise,
as a single figure of merit, how close a given design solution is to achieving the set
Fitness not only does exercise improve your body, it helps your mental function
Exercise increases energy levels and increases serotonin in the brain, which leads to
improved mental clarity
It is clear that those who are active and who exercise are much more productive at
As much as it may stress you out just to think about exercising, once you actually
start working out, you'll experience less stress in every part of your life
Exercise produces a relaxation response that serves as a positive
You're not the only person who will benefit from more happiness and less
stress in your life. When you're less stressed, you're less irritable-- and that
could improve relationships with your partner, kids, and co-workers.
Everyone has 20 minutes, Everyone has 10 minutes to jump rope, and
sometimes that's better than 20 minutes of walking or running
Research has shown that exercise can slow or help prevent heart disease,
stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, arthritis,
osteoporosis (bone loss), and loss of muscle mass
It also helps ease some aspects of the aging process.
Exercise can even boost immune function, so you spend less time down
with a cold or flu.
There isn't a major health problem where exercise cannot have a positive
And when the heart becomes stronger, it pumps more blood per beat, so at
rest, the heart rate is lower, t's not going to have to beat as fast" to expend
the same amount of effort.
Pound for pound, muscle burns more calories at rest than body fat. So the
more muscle you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate. And, of
course, you also burn calories while you're actually exercising.

All this means that "cheating" with a cookie once in a while isn't going to
take you back 10 steps. "Can you eat anything? No, But you can afford to
enjoy some of the things you really like when you exercise regularly. You
can better get away with those things in moderation than you can when
you're not working out.
After a few weeks of consistent exercise, you may feel your clothes fitting
differently and see that your muscle tone has improved.
Weight loss is the reason many people exercise in the first place. But it's
certainly not the sole benefit of an exercise program.
The long-term goal of weight loss is sold too heavily to people starting
fitness programs, and that can be discouraging. People have trouble
sticking with something if they don't see results quickly.
Really, they should think about the level of functioning in the activities of
daily living, That can serve as the motivation to keep them coming back for
So whatever weight loss goal you have when starting a fitness program,
don't make it your only goal. Strive to feel better, to have more energy, to
be less stressed. Notice the small things that exercise does for you quickly,
rather than getting hung up on the narrow goal of the number on a scale.
"With a goal of losing weight and enhancing health, exercise has to
become a part of a person's life, not an afterthought,"
Thank you !

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