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Hazardous Waste Storage,

Transportation, and Disposal

HW Transporters
A hazardous waste transporter under
Subtitle C is any person engaged in the
off-site transportation of hazardous
waste within the United States, if such
transportation requires a manifest.
Regulated by EPA and DOT
Transporter Requirements
Obtain an EPA ID number
Comply with the manifest system
Properly handle hazardous waste
Storage Facility

Holding hazardous waste for a

temporary period, after which the
hazardous waste is treated, disposed of,
or stored elsewhere
Treatment Facility

Any method, technique, or process

designed to physically, chemically, or
biologically change the nature of a
hazardous waste
Disposal Facility

The discharge, deposit, injection,

dumping, spilling, leaking, or placing of
any solid or hazardous waste on or in
the land or water. A disposal facility is
any site where hazardous waste is
intentionally placed and where the
waste will remain after a TSDF stops
Regulatory Requirements of TSD
Meet general facility standards
Preparedness and prevention requirements
Contingency plans and emergency procedure
Manifest, recordkeeping, and reporting
Closure and postclosure (financial assurance)
Groundwater monitoring
Land Disposal Requirements
Prohibits the land disposal of hazardous
waste that has not been adequately treated
to reduce the threat posed to human health
and the environment
Prohibits dilution of hazardous waste to
circumvent proper treatment
Prohibits indefinite storage of untreated
hazardous waste other than the accumulation
of quantities necessary for effective treatment
or disposal
Best Demonstrated Available
Technology (BDAT)
Treatment standards, or
Universal Treatment Standards
A universal treatment standard is a single
concentration limit established for a specific
constituent regardless of the waste matrix in
which it is present,
i.e., the same treatment standard applies to a
particular constituent in each waste code in
which it is regulated
Two different sets of universal treatment
for nonwastewater forms of waste
FOR wastewater forms of waste.
Example: BDAT for Wood
Preserving Wastes
Universal treatment standards for the regulation of
listed hazardous wastes identified as F032, F034, and
Treatment standard alternative of combustion for the
regulation of Dioxin and Furan (D/F) constituents in
Based on slag vitrification and stabilization/solidification
treatment performance data for nonwastewaters
Based on (1) pretreatment steps such as oil separation,
pH adjustment, chemical precipitation/clarification, and
equalization (2) biological treatment processes with
acclimation of microorganisms to the concentrations of
pentachlorophenol, PCDD, PCDF, and metals; or (3) the
addition of a carbon adsorption polishing
Subtitle C Regulated
Treatment/Disposal Facilities
Containers/Containment Buildings
Drip Pads
Land Treatment Units
Surface Impoundments
Waste Piles
Miscellaneous Units (salt domes formations,
underground mines, and underground caves)

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