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Growth and Development

in children
Dr. Rafia. Iqbal
Growth is an essential feature of life
of a child .
Starts from the time of conception
and continues into adulthood
This process distinguishes him/her
from an adult
The terms growth & development are
often used together, but are not
They proceed concurrently , but may not
be interelated
They represent two different facets of
the dynamics of change i.e. quantity
Growth denotes an increase in size or mass
of tissues. It is attributed to
multiplication of cells and increase in the
intracellular substance.
Development specifies maturation of
functions. Related to the nervous sys, it
indicates acquisition of a variety of skills
for optimal functioning of the individual
Factors affecting G&D
Genetic & environmental factors :-
Genetic factors
1. Phenotype: the parental traits are
transmitted to the offspring.
-tall parents have tall children
-head size
-structure of the chest, deposition of
fatty tissues
2. Characteristics of parents: those
with high IQ are more likely to have
children with higher level of inherent
intelligence. This is further enhanced
because of a grter degree of
environmental stimulation in such
3. Race :growth potential of different racial
grps is different to a variable extent, e.g
4. sex: boys- generally longer and heavier at
birth. By one yr of age theres no
perceptible difference in length and wt.
The growth spurt occurs earlier in girls .
The mean ht & wt are less than those in
boys of same ages at time of maturation.
5. Biorythm and maturation: daughters
often reach menarche at a similar
age as their mothers .
6. Genetic disorders:G&D are adversely
affected by certain genetic
disorders viz: (i) chromosomal abn
(ii) gene mutations
Chromosomal abn:
severe chromosomal defects
severe growth disturbances e.g.
Turner syndrome (45 chromosomes,
one X missing)
Down syndrome(47 chromosomes,
trisomy of 21)
Gene mutation: of a single or multiple
genes may result in inherited
disorder of growth. The precise
defect in many of them is not known
In some the metabolic defects are
known as in mucopolysaccharidosis &
7. children of multiple pregnancies:
ultimate growth of these children is
related to the difference in the
birth wt. smaller newborns are
likely to attain lower ht and wt
Environmental factors: can be pre
and postnatal
Maternal undernutrition, anemia,
alcohol & tobacco use iugr
Maternal inf transmitted to the
fetus arrest or retard G&D
Postnatal: environmental experiences
determine the pace and pattern of G&D:
a) Nutritional status
b) Exposure to chemicals
c) Trauma
d) Infections and its residual
e) socio-cultural and emotional factors
Laws of growth
A) G&D of children is a continous and
orderly process
Sequence or pattern of growth is
comparable, but the rate is not
always uniform
The fetus grows fast in the first half
of IUL, then it slows
Laws of growth
During the early postnatal period ,
the velocity of growth is high.
Then there is a steady rate of
growth during mid-childhood
Second phase of acelerated growth is
during puberty &then decelerates
Laws of growth
B) growth pattern of every individual
is unique
Ectomorph somatotype has light bony
structure & small body mass relative
to length
Endomorph stocky with large amount
of soft tissue. Mature earlier
Laws of growth
Mesomorph mixed features of both muscular
Different tissues of body grow at different rates
general body growth
brain growth-later mths of fetal life till 2 yrs
of age
gonads- puberty
Lymphoids midchildhood 4-8 yrs of age,
hypertrophied tonsils and lymph glands

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