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Introduction to

• Definition of management
• Characteristic features of management
• Scope of management
• Importance of management
• Role of management
• Administration & management
• Management is a science or art ?!
• Professionalisation of management
• Managerial hierarchy
• Lawrence A Appley “ management is the
development of people and not direction of things.”
• Joseph Massie “… is defined as the process by which
a co operative group directs action towards common
• Henry Fayol “to manage is to forecast and to plan, to
organise, to command, to co ordinate and to control.
• Keith & Gubellini “management is the force that
integrates men & physical plant into an effective
operating unit.”
Characteristics of management
• It aims at reaping rich results in economic terms.
• It also implies skill and experience in getting things
done thro people.
• It is a process
• It is a universal activity
• It is science and art.
• It is a profession
• It is an endeavour to achieve pre determined
• It is a group activity
• It is a system of authority
• It involves in decision making
• It implies good leadership
• It is dynamic & not static.
• It draws various ideas& concepts from various disciplines
• It is goal oriented
• Different levels of management
• Need of organisation
• It need not to owners
• It is intangible.
Scope of management
• Subject matter of management
• Functional areas of management
– Financial
– Personnel
– Marketing
– Production
– Materials
– Purchasing
– Maintenance
– office
• Management is an inter disciplinary approach
• Principles of management
• It is an agent of change
• Essentials of management
Importance of management
• Management reconciles the interest of various groups
• Optimum utilization of resources
• Uncertain business environment
• Growing size of business
• Provides innovation
• Tackles business problems
• Management directs the organisation
• Management provides co ordination
Administration & management
• Management & administrations are different
• Management is a generic term including
• Both are synonymous.
Is management a science or an art?
• Science
– As a systematic body of knowledge pertaining to
an area of study and contains some general truths
explaining past events or phenomena.
– Characteristics
• It is a systematised body of knowledge and uses
scientific methods for observation.
• Its principles are evolved on the basis of continued
observation and experiment
• Principles are exact and universal without any limitation
• Art
– “The way of doing specific things: it indicates how
an objective is to be achieved”
– Characteristics
• It is the application of science and it is putting
principles into practice
• After knowing particular art repetition/ practice is
needed to perfect on the same
• It is undertaken for accomplishing an end thro
deliberate efforts.
Professionalisation of management
• Abraham Flexner “a profession is
– A body of specialised knowledge and recognised
educational process of acquiring it.
– A standard qualifications governing admissions to the
– A standard conduct of governing the relationship of the
practitioners with clients, colleagues and the public.
– An acceptance of social responsibility inherent in an
occupation and public interest.
– An association or society devoted to the advancement of
the social obligations as distinct from the economic
interests of the group.
• Lewis Allen “ a professional manager is the
one who specialises in the work of planning,
organising, leading and controlling the efforts
of others and does so thru a systematic use of
classified knowledge, a common vocabulary
principles, who subscribes to the standards of
practice and code of ethics established by a
recongnised body.”
• World council of management recommended
following criteria for Professionalisation
– Members of the profession sub ordinate self interest
to the client interest and the official interest.
– A profession is based on a systematic body of
knowledge that is held to common and lends to
– Membership of a profession should depend on the
observance of certain rules of conduct or behaviour
Management hierarchy
• Top management
• Middle management
• Lower level / supervisory management
Top management
• Board of directors & executive committee
• Functions
– Determination of goals
– Policy framing
– Formation of plan to carry out objectives/ policies
– Mobilisation of resources to implement the plans
– Motivating people for effective performance thro
appropriate leadership
– Co ordination and communication
– Controlling operation towards goals
• Behavioral characteristics
– Drive
– Strong desire
– Successful image
– Effectiveness
– Willingness to work
Middle management
• Henry fayol “this group is • Run the detail operations
responsible for the &leaving top brass free.
execution and interpretation • Co operate to make smooth
of policies throughout the operations
organisation and for the • Understand the interlocking
successful operation of of depts. in major policies
assigned divisions and
departments.” • Co ordination achievement
among depts.
• Built efficient staff and
reward the same
• Develop leaders for future
• Built up company sprit
Lower level / supervisory
management- functions
• Planning day to day work • Maintain good human
• Issue instruction/ supervise relations &close personal
• contact with workers
Make available required
material, tool, etc • Maintain discipline
• Job training for workers &develop right approach for
• Communicating problems to
• Advice middle management
about working environment
• Act as liaison officer
• Sending reports/ statements
between middle / workers
to middle management.

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