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Ephesians 1:7 "In Him we have redemption through

1 His blood, the forgiveness of sins..."

The Cell and Its Function

Chapter 2

Ephesians 1:7 "In Him we have redemption through

2 His blood, the forgiveness of sins..."
Dr. Halide L. Abella

Department of Physiology

Ephesians 1:7 "In Him we have redemption through

3 His blood, the forgiveness of sins..."
Topic Outline

I. Organization of the Cell

II. Physical Structure of the Cell
III. Functional Systems of the Cell

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Organization of the Cell

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Organization of the Cell
•Nuclear membrane
•Cell membrane
-plasma membrane

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Principal fluid medium

Present in most cells
Except: fat cells

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Important ions
Potassium, magnesium, phosphate, sulfate and
Ions in smaller quantities:
Sodium, chloride and calcium
Provide inorganic chemicals for cellular reactions
Necessary for the operation of some cellular control
Required for transmission of electrochemical impulses in
nerve and muscle cells

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2nd most abundant

10-20% of cell mass
Divided into 2 types
Structural proteins
Functional proteins

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9 His blood, the forgiveness of sins..."
Structural Proteins
A. Inside the cell
Form: long filaments
Form microtubules
 Cytoskeletons of cellular organelles
Form a tangled mass
 Holds the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm together

B. Outside the cell

Fibrillar proteins
In connective tissues and blood vessel walls
In tendons and ligaments

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Globular (Functional) Proteins

Form: tubular-globular
Location: mobile in the cytoplasm
others, adherent to membrane structures
Function: mainly enzymes
Catalyze intracellular chemical reactions
The breakdown of glucose into CO2 and water

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Ephesians 1:7 "In Him we have redemption through
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Phospholipids and cholesterol
2% of the total cell mass
Insoluble in water
Function: form the cell membrane and intracellular
membrane barriers
Neutral fats
95% of the cell mass in fat cells
Body’s main storehouse of energy-giving nutrients

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A. Inside the cell
Little function in the cell structure
 Parts of glycoprotein molecules
Major role in nutrition
 1% of total cell mass
 3% in muscle cells
 6% in liver cells
Stored as glycogen

B. Outside the cell

 Dissolved glucose

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Ephesians 1:7 "In Him we have redemption through

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Physical Structure of the Cell

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Membranes Lipids
-lipids and proteins -provides barrier
-provide specialized pathways
-act as enzymes
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Cell Membrane
7.5 to 10 nm thick
Composed mainly of proteins and lipids

Composition Approximate
Protein 55%
Phospholipids 25%
Cholesterol 13%
Other lipids 4%
Carbohydrates 3%

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Lipid Bilayer
Basic structure
-lipid bilayer
-each layer:
1 molecule thick
-continuous over entire
-with interspersed
globular proteins

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Lipid Bilayer
Composed of phospholipids
and cholesterol
Head portion
phosphate end
water soluble
Tail portion
fatty acid portion

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Lipid Bilayer
Fatty acid portion
located in the middle
face each other
Phosphate portion
faces outward
becomes the 2 surfaces of
the cell membrane
in contact with the ICF
in contact with the ECF

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Lipid Bilayer

Cholesterol molecules
Dissolved in the bilayer
Help determine the degree of permeability or
Controls the fluidity of the membrane

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Cell Membrane Proteins
Most are glycoproteins
2 types
-integral proteins
-peripheral proteins
Function of integral proteins
-Provide structural channels
-for water and water-soluble
-Carrier proteins
-for subs that cannot penetrate the lipid bilayer
-active transport
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Cell Membrane Proteins
Function of integral proteins
-second messengers

Peripheral proteins
-attached to integral proteins
-as enzymes
-controllers of transport of substances

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Membrane Carbohydrates

Most integral proteins are glycoproteins

1/10 of membrane lipids are glycolipids

Carbohydrate substances bound to small protein cores
Loosely attached to the outer surface

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Membrane Carbohydrate

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Membrane Carbohydrates

Gives cell an overall negative surface charge
Attach cells to one another
Act as receptors
Some enter into immune reactions

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Cytoplasm and Its Organelles
Cytosol -clear fluid portion
-contains proteins, electrolytes & glucose
Dispersed in the cytoplasm
-neutral fat globules
-glycogen granules
-secretory vesicles
Important organelles
-endoplasmic reticulum
-Golgi apparatus
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Endoplasmic Reticulum

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Endoplasmic Reticulum
Network of tubular and flat vesicular structures
Interconnected with one another
Walls: lipid bilayer membrane
Contains large amounts of protein
Larger surface area in liver cells

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Endoplasmic Reticulum
Endoplasmic matrix
Space inside the endoplasmic reticulum
Connected with space between the nuclear membrane
Involved in the metabolic functions of the cell
Multiple enzymes attached to the surface of the ER
Conduct substances that are formed in some parts of
the cell to other areas of the cell

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Ribosomes, Rough ER & Smooth ER
Mixture of RNA and
Function: synthesis of
Smooth ER
Lipid synthesis

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Golgi Apparatus

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Golgi Apparatus
Closely related to the ER
Same membrane as the smooth ER
4 or more stacked layers of thin, flat, enclosed
Lies near one side of the nucleus
Prominent in secretory cells
Located in the side where substances are extruded

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Golgi Apparatus
Function in association with
the ER
“transport vesicles”
Fuse with Golgi apparatus
Process the transported
substances to form
lysosomes, secretory
vesicles, and other
cytoplasmic components
Provide additional processing

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Vesicular organelles
Broken off from the Golgi
Function: Intracellular
digestive system –digest:
Damaged cellular structures
Food particles
Unwanted matter

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250-750 nanometers
Typical lipid bilayer membrane
Filled with large number of small granules
Hydrolase enzymes
 Splits organic compound into 2 or more parts
 Combine one part of the compound with H from water
 Combine another part of the compound with the hydroxyl
Lysosomal membrane

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Formed by replication
Budding off from the smooth ER
Contains catalases
Contains oxidases
Combines oxygen with hydrogen ion forming hydrogen
 Together with catalase, will oxidize many substances that are
harmful to cells
 Ex. Alcohol in the body is detoxified by the peroxisomes of the

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Secretory Vesicles
Store and then release
into the cytoplasm the
secretory substance
formed in the ER-Golgi
apparatus system
Proenzymes stored in
the secretory vesicles of
pancreatic acinar cells

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“powerhouses” of the cell
number varies
Concentrated in areas where
energy metabolism occurs
Variable in size and shape
Lipid bilayer-protein
Outer membrane
Inner membrane

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Inner membrane
Infoldings form shelves called cristae
Oxidative enzymes
Large quantities of dissolved enzymes that operate in
association with the oxidative enzymes
Forms carbon dioxide and water
Releases energy used to synthesize ATP
 Transported out of the mitochondrion and used for cellular
Contains DNA which controls its replication
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Filament and Tubular
Structures of the Cell
Fibrillar proteins
Organized into filaments or tubules
Polymers of precursor protein molecules from the
Ex. Actin and myosin filaments in muscle cells
Very strong tubular structures
Polymers of tubulin molecules
Tubular skeletal structure in the center of the cilium
Centrioles and mitotic spindles
Function: act as cytoskeleton

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Control center of the cell
Large quantities of DNA – genes
Determine the characteristics of the cell’s
Control and promote the cell reproduction
 Replication
 Mitosis

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Nuclear Membrane
Nuclear envelope
2 separate bilayer
Outer membrane
Continuous with ER
Space between the 2
Continuous with that of the
Nuclear pores

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Nucleoli and Formation of Ribosomes
Highly staining structures
Don’t have a limiting membrane
Accumulation of large amount of RNA & proteins
Enlarged when the cell is actively synthesizing proteins
Starts in the nucleus
Specific DNA genes cause RNA to be synthesized
Stored in the nucleoli
Most transported outward through the nuclear pore into
the cytoplasm
Used with specific proteins to assemble ribosomes

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Functional Systems of the Cell

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Ingestion by the cell of very large particles
Principal forms
 Ingestion of minute particles that form vesicles OF ECF and
particulate constituents inside the cell cytoplasm
 Ingestion of large particles such as bacteria, whole cells., or
portions of degenerating tissue

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Occurs rapidly in macrophages
Pinocytic vesicles
Small, 100-200 nm in diameter
Only means by which most protein molecules can
enter cells
Rate of pinocytosis is enhanced
When protein molecules attach to the cell membrane

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Steps of Pinocytosis
Protein molecules attaching to
the membrane
Specialized protein receptors
Specific for the type of protein
Receptors are concentrated on
the coated pits
Latticework of fibrillar protein
beneath the coated pits
Other contractice filaments
Actin and myosin

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Steps of Pinocytosis
Protein molecules bind to the
Entire pit invaginates inward
Fibrillar proteins cause the borders
to close
Small amount of ECF

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Steps of Pinocytosis
Invaginated portion breaks away
A pinocytic vesicle is formed

Requires energy from within the

cell – supplied by ATP
Requires the presence of calcium in
the ECF

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Involves large particles rather than small particles
Tissue macrophages and some of the WBCs
Initiated when particles bind with receptors on the
surface of the phagocyte
Dead cells, bacteria and tissue debris
Attached to a specific antibody and the antibody
attaches to the phagocyte receptor
The antibody acts as an opsonin and the process is
called opsonization

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Steps in Phagocytosis
Actin and other contractile fibrils in the cytoplasm
surround the phagocytic vesicle and contract around
its outer edge, pushing the vesicle to the interior.

The contractile proteins then pinch the stem of the

vesicle so completely that the vesicle separates from
the cell membrane, leaving the vesicle in the cell

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Digestion of the Pinocytic and Phagocytic
Foreign Substance Inside the Cell
Lysosomes attach to the vesicle
and empty their acid hydrolases
A digestive vesicle is formed
Enzyme begins hydrolyzing the
engulfed substances
Products of digestion diffuse
through the membrane of the
vesicle into the cytoplasm
Residual body
Excreted by exocytosis

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Regression of Tissues and Autolysis of
Cells by Lysosomes
Regression of tissues –brought about by lysosomes
Remove damage cells or damaged portion of cells
Damage to cells causes lysosomes to rupture
Hydrolases digest the surrounding organic substances
Slight damage
Portion is removed
Cell repair follows
Severe damage
Autolysis – entire cell is digested
New cell is formed

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Contain bactericidal agents
Lysozyme –dissolves bacterial cell membrane
Lysoferrin –binds iron and other substances before they
can promote bacterial growth
Acid at pH 5
 activates the hydrolases
 Inactivates bacterial metabolic systems

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Systhesis and Formation of Cellular
Structures by the ER & Golgi Apparatus

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Specific Functions of the ER
Proteins are formed by the rough ER
Have large numbers of ribosomes attached to it
Protein molecules are synthesized within the structures
of the ribosomes
Some are extruded directly into the cytosol
Many more extruded through the wall of the ER into the
endoplasmic matrix

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Specific Functions of the ER
Synthesis of lipids by the smooth ER
Phospholipids and cholesterol
Rapidly incorporated into the lipid bilayer of the ER itself
 Causes the ER to grow more extensive
ER vesicles or transport vesicles continually break away
from the smooth ER
 To keep the smooth ER from growing beyond the needs of the

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Specific Functions of the ER
Smooth ER
Provide the enzymes that control glycogen breakdown
Provides vast number of other enzymes that are capable
of detoxifying substances that might damage the cell
 Coagulation
 Oxidation
 Hydrolysis
 Conjugation

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Specific Functions of the Golgi
Major function
Additional processing of substances already formed in
the ER
Synthesize certain carbohydrates that cannot be
formed in the ER
Formation of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate
 Major components of proteoglycans secreted in mucus and othe
glandular secretions
 Major components of ground substance in the interstitial spaces
 Filler between collagen fiber and cells
 Principal components of the organic matrix in both cartilage and

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Specific Functions of the Golgi
Proteins are formed in
the RER
Transported toward the
SER that lies nearest the
Golgi apparatus
Small transport vesicles
continually break away
and fuse with the deepest
layer of the Golgi

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Specific Functions of the Golgi
Fuses and empty their contents
into the vesicular spaces of the
Golgi apparatus
Carbohydrates are added to the
Secretions are compacted
More compaction and processing
at the outer layer of the GA
Small and large vesicles break away
from the GA carrying compacted
secretory substances
Diffuses throughout the cell
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Types of Vesicles Formed by the Golgi
Secretory vesicles
Formed by Golgi apparatus of highly secretory cells
Contain protein substances
To be secreted through the surface of the cell
membrane by exocytosis
 Stimulated by entry of Ca ions into the cell

Used inside the cell

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Use of Intracellular Vesicles to
Replenish Cellular Membranes

Cell membranes loses much of its

substance every time it forms a
phagocytic or pinocytotic vesicle
The vesicular membranes of the Golgi
apparatus continually replenish the cell

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Extraction of Energy from Nutrients
– Function of the Mitochondria

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Ephesians 1:7 "In Him we have redemption through
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Functional Characteristics of ATP
Adenosine triphosphate
Nitrogenous base – adenine
Pentose sugar – ribose
3 phosphate radicals
High-energy phosphate bonds
12,000 cal/mole of ATP
Labile – can split instantly on demand

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Functional Characteristics of ATP

When ATP releases its energy

A phosphoric acid radical is split away
ADP is formed
Energy released
 Energize all of the cell’s other functions
 Synthesis of substances
 Muscular contraction

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Functional Characteristics of ATP

To reconstitute the cellular ATP

Energy from cellular nutrients causes to recombine
 Phosphoric acid

ATP called the energy currency of the cell

It can be spent and remade continually

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Chemical Processes in the
Formation of ATP

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Uses of ATP for Cellular Function
Transport of substances through multiple membranes in the
Active transport of sodium through cell membrane
Membrane transport of postassium, calcium, magnesium,
phosphate, chloride, urate and hydrogen ions
Synthesis of chemical compounds throughout the cell
Protein synthesis of ribosomes
Synthesis of phospholipids, cholesterol, purines, pyrimidines and
other substances
Mechanical work
Muscle contraction
Ciliary and ameboid motion

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Locomotion of Cells

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Ameboid Movement
Movement of an entire cell in relation to its
Movement of white blood cells through tissues
Begins with the protusion of a pseudopodium
Continual exocytosis
Partially secures itself in a new tissue area
Remainder of the cell is pulled toward the
Continual endocytosis

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Mechanism of Ameboid Movement
Attachment of the
pseudopodium to
surrounding tissues
Cell body pulled forward
toward the point of
The attachment is effected
by receptor proteins tha
line the insides of the
exocytotic vesicles

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Mechanism of Ameboid Movement
Actin in the cytoplasm
Polymerize to form a
filamentous network
Contracts when it bind with
Process is energized by ATP
Takes place in the

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Cells that Exhibit Ameboid Locomotion
White blood cells
move out of the blood into the tissues
Tissue macrophages
Move into damaged areas to help in repair the damage

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Control of Ameboid Locomotion
Initiates ameboid locomotion
movement results from the appearance of
certain chemical substances in the tissues
Chemotactic substance
Positive chemotaxis
Negative chemotaxis

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Cilia and Ciliary Movement

Whiplike movement of cilia on the

surfaces of the cells
Occurs in the
Respiratory airways
Fallopian tubes

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Respiratory Airways
Nasal cavity, lower respiratory airways
Whiplike motion of the cilia
Moves mucus at a rate of 1cm/min toward
the pharynx
Clears the passageways of mucus and

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Fallopian Tube

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Covered by an
outcropping of cell
11 microtubules
Each cilium is an
outgrowth of the basal

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Mechanism of Ciliary Movement
The microtubules are linked to one another by cross-linkages
Even if the membrane is destroyed , as long as the axoneme is
intact, the cilium can still continue to beat
For the axoneme to continue beating
ATP should be available
Appropriate ionic conditions (magnesium and calcium
during forward motion
The double tubules on the front edge of the cilium slide outward
towards the tip
Those at the back remain in place
Multiple protein arms called dynein
Has ATPase enzymatic activity
Project from each double tubule towards the adjacent one

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Kartagener Syndrome
Clinical trial of a congenital syndrome
Situs inversus
Chronic sinusitis
Immotile cilia syndrome
Cilia appeared abnormal
Poorly mobile
Lacks the dynein arm
Immotile spermatozoa

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Kartagener Syndrome
Situs inversus
Ciliary beating is necessary for visceral rotation during
embryonic development
Chronic sinusitis and bronchiectasis
Decreased mucus clearance because of the immotile
History of the patient
Patients present with chronic upper and lower
respiratory tract disease resulting from ineffective
mucociliary clearance. A typical presentation is that
of rhinorrhea and/or mucopurulent discharge since
birth. Immotile spermatozoa result in male sterility
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85 His blood, the forgiveness of sins..."

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