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Faculty of Engineering

Department of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering

Reservoir simulation
Term Project
Make A Eclipse model for the given reservoir.
Use This model to plan for your field to get the
maximum Oil cumulative production.
Presents your results and the logics behind your

Petroleum & Natural Gas Eng. Master Program , UofK 2015 2

Term Project-data
Heterogeneous Reservoir (Permeabilty data
attached). Kx = Ky And Kz = 0.2 Kx.
Porosity values (0.23 Top, 0.17 Middle and 0.11in
the Bottom layer)
Reservoir Cubic shape with dimensions
(12800*12800*225 ft) descritized to (64*64*3
cells) in X,Y,Z directions respectively.
Reservoir top is 5000 ft in depth
Two Phase reservoir (Oil+Water)
Properties and equilibrium data attached
Petroleum & Natural Gas Eng. Master Program , UofK 2015 3
No of Wells = 10 wells (injectors+producers)
Run for 25 years
Use field units
Minimum producers BHP 2000 psi
Maximum Injectors BHP 6500 psi
Economic limits 100 STB/D-97% Water Cut

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Factors you can optimize- example
Type of wells (Injector or producers)
Wells location
Completion zones
Control Methods
Control Rates

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Dead Line
Last lec. in the semester will be the dead line and
the presentations Date.
Each Group will present their work.

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Thank You

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