Organ Reproduksi Laki-Laki: (Organa Genitalia Masculina)

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Organ Reproduksi Laki-laki

(Organa Genitalia Masculina)

Figure 221. The male genital system. The testis and the epididymis are
shown in different scales than the other parts of the reproductive system.
Note the communication between the testicular lobules.
> tunika albugenia
> tunika vaskulosa
> mediastinum
> septulum
Lobulus testis
> stroma jaringan ikat
<> sel-sel intersisiel (sel-sel Leydig)
> tubulus seminiferus kontortus
tubulus seminiferus rektus
rete testis
Testis (samb.)
Tubulus seminiferus
> sel Sertoli, sel penunjang dan sel nutritif
> sel-sel seks (sel-sel germinal
<> sel spermatogonium
<> sel spermatosit primer
<> sel spermatosit sekunder
<> sel spermatid
<> sel spermatozoon
> fungsi testis
<> menghasilkan sel-sel spermatozoon
<> sekresi testosteron dan inhibin
Figure 222. Section of a testis showing seminiferous tubules, some of which are
outlined, and groups of pale-stained interstitial (Leydig) cells (arrowheads).
Pararosanilinetoluidine blue (PT) stain. Medium magnification.
Figure 223. Epithelium of seminiferous tubules surrounded by myoid cells. The
spaces between the tubules contain connective tissue, blood and lymphatic vessels,
and interstitial cells. PT stain. Medium magnification.
Figure 224. Part of a seminiferous tubule with its surrounding tissues. The
seminiferous epithelium is formed by 2 cell populations: the cells of the
spermatogenic lineage and the supporting or Sertoli cells.
Figure 225. Part of the wall of a seminiferous tubule. Several cells of the
spermatogenic lineage are present: a spermatogonium, primary spermatocytes,
and young and late spermatids. The approximate limits of a Sertoli cell holding
several spermatids are delineated. H&E stain. High magnification.
Figure 226. Spermatocytes and spermatids in the epithelium of a seminiferous
tubule. The tubule is covered by myoid cells. Picrosirius-hematoxylin (PSH) stain.
Medium magnification.
Figure 227. Diagram
showing the clonal nature
of the germ cells. Only the
initial spermatogonia divide
and produce separate
daughter cells. Once
committed to
differentiation, the cells of
all subsequent divisions stay
connected by intercellular
cytoplasmic bridges. Only
after they are separated
from the residual bodies
can the spermatozoa be
considered isolated cells.
(Modified and reproduced,
with permission, from
Bloom W, Fawcett DW: A
Textbook of Histology, 10th
ed. Saunders, 1975.)
Figure 228. Interstitial cells and cells of the seminiferous epithelium. H&E
stain. High magnification.
Figure 229. Top: The principal changes occurring in spermatids during
spermiogenesis. The basic structural feature of the spermatozoon is the head, which
consists primarily of condensed nuclear chromatin. The reduced volume of the nucleus
affords the sperm greater mobility and may protect the genome from damage while in
transit to the egg. The rest of the spermatozoon is structurally arranged to promote
motility. Bottom: The structure of a mature spermatozoon.
Figure 2210. Electron micrograph of a mouse spermatid. In the center is the
nucleus, covered by the acrosome. The flagellum can be seen emerging in the lower
region below the nucleus. A cylindrical bundle of microtubules, the manchette, limits
the nucleus laterally. (Courtesy of KR Porter.)
Figure 2211. Scanning electron micrograph of a spermatozoon in the uterine
cavity of a rodent. The tufts are ciliated epithelial cells. x2,000. (Reproduced, with
permission, from Motta P et al: Microanatomy of Cell and Tissue Surfaces: An Atlas
of Scanning Electron Microscopy. Lea & Febiger, 1977. Copyright Societa Editrice
Libraria [Milan].)
Figure 2212. The Sertoli cells
form the blood-testis barrier.
Neighbor Sertoli cells are attached
by occluding junctions that divide
the seminiferous tubules into 2
compartments and impede the
passage of substances between
both compartments. The basal
compartment comprises the
interstitial space and the spaces
occupied by the spermatogonia.
The adluminal compartment
comprises the tubule lumen and
the intercellular spaces down to
the level of the occluding
junctions (OJ). In this
compartment are spermatocytes,
spermatids, and spermatozoa.
Cytoplasmic residual bodies from
spermatids undergo phagocytosis
by the Sertoli cells and are
digested by lysosomal enzymes.
The myoid cells surround the
seminiferous epithelium.
Figure 2213.
Hypophyseal control of
male reproduction.
Luteinizing hormone
(LH) acts on the Leydig
cells, and follicle-
stimulating hormone
(FSH) acts on the
seminiferous tubules. A
testicular hormone,
inhibin, inhibits FSH
secretion in the
pituitary. ABP,
protein. (Modified and
reproduced, with
permission, from
Bloom W, Fawcett DW:
A Textbook of
Histology, 10th ed.
Saunders, 1975.)
Figure 2214. Electron micrograph of a section of an interstitial cell. There is abundant
smooth endoplasmic reticulum as well as mitochondria. Medium magnification.
Testis (samb.)
Saluran genital organ reproduksi laki-laki
1. tubulus rektus, di dalam lobulus testis
2. rete testis, di dalam mediatinum testis
3. duktulus eferentis, di dalam lobulus epidi-
dimis dari kaput epididimis
4. duktus epididimidis, di dalam korpus dan
kauda dari epididimis
5. duktus deferens, terletak di dalam korda
(funikulus) spermatikus dan ampulanya
6. duktus ejakulatorius
Tubulus rektus
> epitelium selapis kuboid
Rete testis
> epitelium selapis kuboid
Duktulus eferentis
> 10 15 buah
> membentuk lobulus epididimis, terletak di bagian
kaput epididimis
> epitelium selapis silindris :
<> epitelium yang tinggi adalah bersilia
atau dengan mikrovili
<> epitelium yang lebih pendek ,non-silia
dan berfungsi sekresi
Duktus epididimis
> saluran tunggal, muara semua duktuli eferentes
> di bagian korpus dan kauda dari epididimis
> epitelium bertingkat silindris, stereosilia
> selapis tipis sel-sel otot polos sirkular

Duktus deferens
> funikulus spermatikus :
<> duktus deferens, arteri testikularis, pleksus
(vena) pampiniformis, pembuluh limfatik,
serat saraf ke testis dan epididimis
Figure 2215. The highly coiled ductus epididymidis, sectioned several times. Its
wall is made of a pseudostratified columnar epithelium surrounded by connective
tissue and smooth muscle. PSH stain. Medium magnification. Inset: Higher
magnification of the epithelial cells with their long microvilli (stereocilia).
Duktus deferens (samb.)
Lapisan dinding
> mukosa :
<> epitelium bertingkat silindris
<> stereosilia
<> membran basalis dan propria
> submukosa, jaringan ikat
> muskularis, serat otot-otot polos :
<> dalam, longitudinal
<> tengah, sirkular, paling tebal
<> luar, longitudinal, tebal
> adventisia, jaringan ikat
Figure 2216. Section of the ductus deferens showing the mucosa formed by
pseudostratified columnar epithelium with stereocilia and a lamina propria. The thick
outer wall is formed of smooth muscle (brown) and collagen fibers (blue). Trichrome
stain. Low magnification.
Spermatogenesis dan Spermiogenesis

o spermatogonium ---------- spermatogenesis

o spermatosit primer
o spermatosit sekunder
o spermatid ------------------- spermiogenesis

o spermatozoon
Kelenjar tambahan Organ reproduksi laki-laki
1. Kelenjar prostat
> jumlahnya satu, terdiri dari lobus-lobus
> bersama-sama dengan kelenjar vesikula
seminalis membentuk 75 % cairan seminal
> sekresi mengandung asam sitrik dan enzim
acid phosphatase
2. Kelenjar vesikula seminalis
> jumlahnya sepasang, penghasil cairan semi-
nal bersama-sama dengan prost
3. Kelenjar bulbo-uretralis
> jumlahnya sepasang, menghasilkan mukus
sewaktu ereksi, melincirkan uretra
Figure 2217. Seminal vesicle. A section of this tortuous tubular gland with a
much-folded mucosa gives the impression that the gland consists of many
tubules. PSH stain. Medium magnification.
Figure 2218. Section of prostate showing the distribution of its glands in 3
zones. The gland ducts open into the urethra.
Figure 2219. Section of the central region of the prostate showing the prostatic
urethra and tubuloalveolar glands surrounded by connective tissue and smooth
muscle. PT stain. Low magnification.
Figure 2220. Glands of the prostate surrounded by connective tissue and
smooth muscle. PT stain. Medium magnification.
1. Korpus kavernosum penis
> sepasang, jaringan erektil dengan sinus-sinus vena
> dibungkus oleh tunika albugenia
2. Korpus kavernosum uretra
> tunggal, disebut juga korpus spongiosum
> mengelilingi uretra
> dibungkus oleh tunika albugenia yang lebih tipis
> epitelium uretra bertingkat silindris sampai ber-
lapis gepeng di bagian ujung
> kelenjar Littre sepanjang uretra
3. Kulit
> membungkus penis, tanpa jaringan lemak
> glans penis ditutupi oleh preputium
Figure 2221. Transverse section of the penis.
Rujukan :
1. Junqueira, L.C., Carneiro,J. :
Basic Histology, Text & Atlas, 10th ed.
Lange Medical Books McGraw-Hill,
New York, USA,

2. Arey, L.B.: Human Histology, 4th ed.

W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, USA,

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