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Integration of 5S and TPM


5SsThe Foundations for an Excellent Factory

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Difference between men and women ?

We (men) are bad

at translating
good ideas !
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Five S's Meaning

"Seiri" *Sort -Sorting Out

"Seiton" *Store -Setting Limits

"Seiso" *Shine -Shining Workplace

"Seiketsu" *Standardize -Setting Standards

"Shitsuke" *Sustain -Sticking to the Rules

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Before 5S

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Safety and Environ.
Focused Improvement.
5S is basis for all TPM pillars

Planned Maintenance
Autonomous Maint.
TPM in Administration
5Ss versus Autonomous Maint.


5S is focused at whole workplace AM is focused at equipment

Sort and Store known as 2S are Some Japanese companies (e.g.
the basics of a well organized & Mitsuba) integrate 2S in AM step
efficient workplace 0:Preparation focussing on tools, c/o
parts used in area around equipment
Shine the workplace Shine the equipment =
AM step 1: Initial cleaning
Set Standards for workplace AM step 2: Make cleaning
cleanup inspection easier
AM Step 3: Tentative CLI Standards
Sustain, Discipline of Sticking to AM step 4: Conduct general
the cleanup standards inspection (using the standards)
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AM Step 0: 2S

0. 2S: Sort out-Store & Set limits

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Seiri - Sort

Differentiate the necessary and the unnecessary

Mark the unnecessary items with a red tag
Ask yourself 4 questions
Is this item needed for our current production ?
In what quantity ? ( we do not need too many!)
Where should it be located ? (if seldom used move to warehouse!)
Is this item functioning properly and safe ? (if not replace!)

Dispose of the unnecessary

Use a red tag holding area for items you are unsure
of or can not disposed of immediately
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After 1st S: Seiri - Sort

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Seiton - Store

Decide appropriate locations

depending on frequency of use
minimize motion
store items together depending on usage
Identify locations using Visual Control Systems
color coding
paint lines on floor
draw outlines of parts/tools

A place for everything and everything in its place!

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After 2nd S: Seiton - Store

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Ex 1. Change-parts storage

Before After

Color coding show which parts to use for

what product
Lines on floor show location of carrier
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Ex 2: Tools storage

These tools are stored where they are needed

Lines on floor indicate location

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Ex 3.Floor demarcation

Indicate storage area for rework and packaging Indicate inspection points and walking path

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Ex 4. Spare parts storage
Before 2S After 2S

ID card indicates
photo of part
part name
maximum number
minimum number
order point
Note how many parts where not necessary! part price
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Ex 5. Outlines on board

Oeps, that tool

These tools
Name plate that shows who took the part does not belong
are missing!

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After 3rd S: Seiso - Shine
and AM step 1: Cleaning & Inspection
and AM step 2: Eliminate contamination and make CLI easier

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After 4rd S: Seiketsu - Standardize
and AM Step 3: Create CLI standards

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After 5th S: Shitsuke - Discipline
and AM Step 4: Skill training

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