Embryonic Mortality in Cattle

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"Embryonic mortality in cattle: endocrine

and infectious determinants, economical

impact and therapeutic options".

Monika Ptaszynska, DVM, PhD

Intervet International
The Netherlands

Occurrence and economic impact
Physiological conditions for pregnancy recognition and
maintenance in cattle
Contributing factors
- suspected non-infectious causes
- most relevant infectious causes
Therapeutic directions
Pregnancy losses in cattle -
Embryonic mortality loss of pregnancy during
embryonic phase fertilization 42d

EEM early embryonic LEM- late embryonic

mortality mortality
- death of embryo until - death of embryo after
15-16d post insemination 15-16d post insemination

- before maternal - maternal recognition of

recognition of pregnancy pregnancy have taken
have taken place place

- short or normal luteal - prolonged luteal phase

phase no change in the return later than 25d post
length of cycle AI
Fetal mortality loss of pregnancy during fetal
phase 42d to calving

Here we usually already are talking about

- early abortion first trimester
- mid term second trimester
- late abortion second/last trimester

Stillbirth birth of dead fetus

(usually at a physiological time)
Occurrence and economic impact
Humblot (2001) showed the following frequency of pregnancy
losses in cattle:

- Fertilization failure and early embryonic death: 20-45%

- Late embryonic/fetal loss: 8-17.5%
- Late abortion: 1-4% represent
Economic consequences of early
embryonic losses
Prolonged (inter)calving interval = increased number of
days open
Difficult planning of reproductive season and milk
Increased service cost
Premature culling of genetically valuable cows

Rarely such losses are directly evaluated and defined but can
be considerable:
Je-In Lee and Ill-Hwa Kim. J Vet Sci 2007;8:283-288
Embryonic mortality what is it really that
we are talking about?
The embryonic journey
D0-d42 Embryonic phase

d0 oviduct d6 Uterus pre-recognition d8-12 Uterus post recognition d42

Fertilization Transfer Pregnancy Finished

to the uterus recognition organogensis

Most of the losses occur when:

- Embryo actually dies before signaling takes place (incorrect fertilization process, poor embryo
development) and luteolysis occurs as if no fertilization did not take place
- Embryos production of INT t is delayed or inadequate and luteolysis starts or is triggered by
some luteotoxic factor and this causes the death of embryo
The most important factors deciding of pregnancy
maintenance during the first weeks

Adequate luteal function

that guarantees sufficient
progesterone levels
stimulates growth of
the embryo and
synthesis of INT t

Uterine environment supportive

Adequate and for embryonic development and
INT t inhibits
early production of luteolytic cascade maternal recognition
Most important non-infectious factors proposed
as causes of early embryonic mortality
Nutritional deficiencies (negative energy
Factors leading to low balance)
quality of oocyte or Inadequate LH support for High ambient temperature (heat stress)
incorrect fertilisation growing DF

Inadequate ovulatory LH Delayed ovulation and follicular persistency

Factors leading to Inadequate LH support Nutritional deficiencies (negative energy
insufficient luteal function balance)
and precocious
High ambient temperature (heat stress)
Direct luteotoxic effect of Inflammation processes, fever
induction of luteolysis
Phytotoxins (esp. mycotoxins) in the feed
Factors impairing embryo Inadequate support for Inadequate progesterone levels
development and INT t development
Suboptimal condition of endometrium
Direct harmful effect on the High ambient temperature (heat stress)
Inflammation processes, fever
Main infectious factors proposed as causes
of early embryonic mortality

Factors that impair follicular Indirectly through impaired LH BVD, IBR, generalised
growth and quality of the support infections, H. somnus (?)
Directly through inflammation of BVD, IBR
ovarian tissues
Factors that impair luteal Indirectly through impaired LH BVD, IBR, mastitis,
function support or activation of endometritis, generalised
precocious luteolysis infections with fever
Directly through inflammation of BVD, IBR
ovarian tissues

Factors directly damaging embryo or affecting placental BVD, IBR, Neospora

formation caninum (?), Trichomonas
foetus (?), Leptospira (?),
Campylobacter foetus
EEM causative factors

The science is focusing at present on three levels:

Oocyte quality= factors
that in fact impair growth,
maturation and ovulation of
the DF Embryo quality = all
Inadequate LH support factors that either
during growth =poor quality decreased quality of the CL quality = all factors that
follicle (NEB, heat stress) oocyte or directly damage lead to low P4 production: either
embryo creation of less efficient CL,
Inadequate LH metabolism of steroids,
preovulatory peak = delayed Inadequate LH support luteolysis
ovulation (NEB, heat stress) during follicular phase
Inadequate LH support
Factors directly affecting Inadequate P4 levels during CL formation
ovaries (BVD IBR) before recognition (high
metabolic rate) High metabolism of steroids

Direct influence of heat Inadequate embryo signaling

stress, uterine Luteotoxic factors (bacterial
environment, toxins, toxins, PGF)
infectious factors
EEM causative factors

The science is focusing at present on three levels:

And proposes for the practice:
Oocyte quality= factors - The nutritional side plays the most important role
that in fact impair growth,
maturation and ovulation of
therefore the first step is to ensure adequate
the DF nutrition level to avoid NEB and inhibition of
GnRH production
Inadequate LH support
during growth =poor quality - As heat stress causes delayed ovulation -
follicle (NEB, heat stress) minimize the influence of high ambient
Inadequate LH temperature: fanning, spraying
preovulatory peak = delayed - As the negative influence of BVDV and IBRV on
ovulation (NEB, heat stress)
the ovarian function is confirmed ensure
Factors directly affecting protection from the infection through
ovaries (BVD IBR) vaccination that prevents free cell viraemia
- Provide protected follicular growth and
ovulation through application of Ovsynch-type
protocols or induce ovulation with GnRH at AI
Estimate of pregnancy rate as duration of dominance of the pre-ovulatory
follicle increases, established when a logistic model was fitted from four
different experiments (After Diskin at al., 2002)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Why manage estrus with Ovsynch type

Ovsynch type protocols provide additional GnRH/LH

support of follicular growth and induce ovulation:

- higher chance for a development of healthy DF

- elimination of delayed ovulation and follicular persistency

Higher chance for ovulation of an oocyte with high

developmental potential and for a correct fertilization
What to chose?
Two aspects to be taken under consideration:
- feasibility
- luteotrophic ability
Recepta/Fertagyl 2.5ml Prosolvin/Cyclix Receptal/Fertagyl 2.5ml
7 days 48h 17-24 h Fixed time AI

Day 0 Day 7 Day 9


Easy Receptal/Fertagyl 2.5ml Prosolvin/Cyclix Receptal/Fertagyl 2.5ml

7 days 48h Fixed time AI

Day 0 Day 7
Day 9

Receptal/Fertagyl 2.5ml Prosolvin/Cyclix Chorulon 1.500iu

7 days 48h 17-24 h Fixed time AI

Day 0 Day 7 Day 9

Ovulation induction with GnRH

Well established and practiced

Usually gives significant improvement in herds with AI

performed at detected heat and where prolonged heat
signs are observed

In the meta-analysis of Morgan and Lean (1994) there was

a significant increase in pregnancy risk in cows treated
with GnRH analogue at first insemination post partum, at
second service after calving and in repeated breeder cows
treated with GnRH at the time of insemination

Although well known, still new data are generated but

targeted at heat stress
The effects of GnRH treatment at the time of AI and 12 days later on
reproductive performance of high producing dairy cows during the
warm season in northeastern Spain.
Lopez-Gatius et al., Theriogenology 2006;65:820830

Lactating HF cows, May-September

100mcg gonadorelin
Control no treatment

Treatment group Conception rate

Control 20.6%

GnRH-d0 30.8%

GnRH-d0+d12 35.4%
Dose dependent effect of GnRH analogue on pregnancy
rate of repeat breeder crossbred cows.
S.D. Kharche and S.K. Srivastava. Anim Reprod Sci 2007;99:196201

137 crossbred dairy cows with a history of repeat breeding

Group 1- 20mcg buserelin (Receptal) at the time of AI
Group 2 10mcg buserelin (Receptal) at the time of AI
Group 3 physiological saline +AI
EEM causative factors

The science is focusing at present on three levels:

Embryo quality = all And proposes for the practice:
factors that either
decreased quality of the - The nutritional side plays the most important role
oocyte or directly damage therefore the first step is to ensure adequate
embryo nutrition level to avoid NEB and inhibition of
Inadequate LH support
GnRH production
during follicular phase - As heat stress causes delayed ovulation and has
Inadequate P4 levels a direct negative effect on early embryos -
before recognition (high minimize the influence of high ambient
metabolic rate) temperature: fanning, spraying
Direct influence of heat - We can do really little to directly influence the
stress, uterine development of the embryo and efficacy of INT t
environment, toxins,
infectious factors
production = we must give the embryo the best
environment = healthy uterus and high P4 levels
Healthy uterus what would that
Proper feeding promotes high immune competence of
endometrium making it more resistant to infections (works
by Zerbe and Sheldon)

Early detection and treatment of acute endometritis

prevents the development of chronic conditions around the
breeding time

Properly balanced protein/energy ratio prevents excessive

production of ammonia and unfavorable changes of uterine
Chances of the embryo to survive can be
markedly decreased by excessive ammonia
McNeill et all.(2006)
Day 4 post ovulation Day 5 post ovulation

1 1

Probability of embryo
Probability of embryo

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
2 4 6 8 10
2 4 6 8 10 12
Progesterone in m ilk (ng/m l)
Progesterone in m ilk (ng/m l)

Day 6 post ovulation

Probability of embryo




2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Progesterone in m ilk (ng/m l)
We focus more and more on
progesterone and luteal function

The science is focusing at present on three levels:

CL quality = all factors that And proposes for the practice:
lead to low P4 production: either - Again nutrition is the key and the first step
creation of less efficient CL,
metabolism of steroids, - Direct stimulation of early luteal function and
luteolysis formation of additional CLs through administration of
hCG at 4-6d post AI increase in P4 levels
Inadequate LH support
during CL formation - Indirect luteotrophic support prevention of
precocious luteolysis and induction of accessory CLs
High metabolism of steroids with administration of GnRH at 10-12d post AI
Inadequate embryo signaling
Luteotoxic factors (bacterial
toxins, PGF)
Improvement of fertility with hCG
at 4-6d post AI
hCG is increasingly used for improvement of
pregnancy rates in dairy cattle

It is believed to give better results than GnRH,

especially in case of repeat breeders who return
to heat >25 days post AI

New data generated and confirming its value

(Santo et al., 2001; Nishigai et al., 2002; Stevenson et al., 2007)

It seems that hCG thanks to its longer half life:

1. Induces secondary CLs of higher secretory

2. Can directly stimulate the secretory function
and development of CL verum

Schmitt et al., J. Anim. Sci. 1996. 74:10741083

Responses to injection of hCG at d 3 support the concept that LH-

like exposure early in the development of the CL may stimulate CL
Therefore, a d 5 injection of 3,000 IU of hCG may induce
modifications of the original CL and contribute to a greater
development of the induced CL.

Perhaps the extended half-life of hCG may improve maturation of

the d 5 dominant follicle and formation of a CL with a greater
steroidogenic capacity.
Improvement of fertility with GnRH
post AI

Also well established

Extensively studied and meta-analysed by

Peters (2000) who suggested that in certain
circumstances it may produce significant benefits

Recent publications confirmed both possible

benefits and herd variability of response
(Sterry et al., (J Dairy Sci 2006); Franco et al., (Thriogenology
2006); Howard et al., (J Anim Sci 2006); Lopez Gatius et al.,
(Thriogenology 2006); Stevenson et al., (J Dairy Sci 2007)
Cows with low/delayed early progesterone rise show lower
embryonic survival

Mean milk progesterone concentration in cows after AI

(Mann and Lamming 1999)

concentrations (ng/ml)
Milk progesterone

10 non pregnat

d0 d3 d6 d9 d12 d15 d18 d21 d24 d27 d30
Days after AI

Early repeats Late repeats

(35-45d post AI)
(15-25d post AI)
(np. Receptal, 2.5ml)
(np. Chorulon, 1.500jm)
Early embryonic losses in cattle
therapeutic possibilities


Not really so far we do not know the dose and best timing!

Author Dose Administration Timing Results

route. post AI
Walton et al (1990) 200mg inj 5-11d -
1g IVD 5-12d Increase P4
Thuemmel et al (1992) 75mg/d. Inj. 6-10d Tend. +

Mann et al (2001) 0.95g IVD 10-17d -

Villarroel et al (2004) 1.55g IVD 5d -, repeat br.+

Lopez-Gatius et al (2004) 1.55g IVD 36-42d Tend +

Hanlon et al (2005) 1.56g IVD 4-7d -

Mann et al (2005) 0.95g IVD 5-9d +

0.95g IVD 12-16d -

Early embryonic losses in cattle therapeutic

NSAIDs e.g. flunixin meglumine?

Theoretically yes, if we suspects premature release of PGF

to be the reason for the pregnancy loss, as they block
prostaglandin release.

So far the results are quite inconsistent.

FM given on 15th
and 16th day post AI
The therapeutic options

Pharmacological measures exist without previous attempts

to address nutritional and managerial inadequacies

There is no single system that would always be effective

and solve all the problems EEM is a multifactorial

In many cases a solution on measure have to be


In fact, often the therapy is based on historical data and

prevention is rarely possible (with the exception of heat
To summarize .. what to do in
Induce ovulation with GnRH in a correct dose
alone or within the Ovsynch protocol:
- when prolonged oestrus and persistency of DF are
- in dairy herds during summer months
Support early LC with hCG at 4-6d post AI:
- in highly producing dairy cows
- when early repeat are observed
Induce accessory CLs at 10-12d post AI with GnRH
- when late repeats are observed

Decreased fertility rates in cattle can be caused by

numerous factors including nutrition, production status, heat
stress and infectious diseases affecting directly or indirectly
follicular and luteal function as well as embryonic
developmental potential

Pharmacological induction of timely ovulation and support of

luteal function can be used to improve the pregnancy rates

Any pharmacological treatment adopted should be

proceeded by adequate corrections of feeding and
managerial conditions

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