Prevention Blindness Programs in Indonesia (Logo)

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Blindness in
Country Situation
4th largest population in the world : 255,461,700
The largest islands country in the world: 14,000 islands
2nd highest blindness prevalence in the world: 1.5% of total
Middle Income, Higher prevalence of Blindness
Eye Care Programmes: Not a priority in National Health
Low Cataract Surgical Rate: Back Log

So in 2015 Government built Eye Care

National Commitee to address
Cataract Blindness in Indonesia
Literature Review:
Cataract Elimination Programs
Indonesia: 34 Provinces, 514 Districts, 7.094 Sub Districts, 8.412 Villages
74.093,Village Units
National Health System: 9731 Primary Health Care (1 per 30,000 people),
1873 hospital in District Level (1 bed per 1000 people)
Ophthalmologist: 1522 (1/170000 population)
Global Action Plan 2014 2019: Decreasing blindness prevalence by 25% in
National Plan of Action in National Health Systems 2015 2020: Eye Care
Programmes included
Literature Review: Magnitude of
Growth of 50 years and above doubled
from 14% in 2000 to 29% in 2030
Degenerative Health problem increase,
including cataract
RAAB Jawa Barat: Prevalence of blindness
2.8%, Cataract contribute to 71.7%
RAAB Sulawesi Selatan: Blindness
prevalence 2.7%, cataract 64%
RAAB Nusa Tenggara Barat: Blindness
prevalence 4.5%, cataract 80%
1. RAAB in 15 provinces from 2014 to 2016
2. Training for human resources development in District level
(Ophthalmologist and ophthalmic nurses), Primary Health Center
(Community Eye Nurses) and Community Level (Key Informants)
3. Identify and manage the needs of equipments for cataract surgeries in
all Hospital in District Level
4. Referal System: Community Level (key Informants), Primary Level (CEN)
and Hospital in District Level
No. Activities Coordinators Indicators 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
1RAAB Research and Training Development of MoH number of provinces doing RAAB 3 4 8
2Strengthening human resources
% of districts that have
Distribution of Ophthalmologist HRD of MoH Ophthalmologist 100%
% Ophthalmologists in District
Training MSICS for Ophthalomologist Training Department IOA who capable for MSICS 100%
% District hospital District that at
least have 1 trained Ophthalmic
Training Ophthalmic Nurses Ophthalmologist in District Hospital nurse/s 30% 50% 70% 90% 100%
% Primary Health Care that have
Traning for Community Eye Nurses to at least 1 trained Community Eye
detect cataract Training Department IOA Nurse 10% 25% 40% 55% 70%
Training for Key Informants to detect % Villages that have at least 1 Key
blindness Community Eye Nurses in Primary Health Care Informants 10% 25% 40% 55% 70%

Distribution Equipments for Cataract % of districts hospital that have

3 Surgery based of GAP Standar List Logistic Department of MoH in District Level Cataract Surgery Equipments 30% 50% 70% 90% 100%

% District that implement Cataract

4Referral Systems Development Chairman of MoH in District Level Blindness Referral Systems 30% 50% 70% 90% 100%
Cataract Blindness Referal Systems
Case Findings by Key Informants in
Community Level
Aim and Objectives of
Aim To decrease prevalence of cataract blindness by 20% in 5 years in

Objective 1 Providing data of Blindness prevalence

Objective 2 Strengthen human resources in all level of Health Services
Objective 3 Identify the equipment for cataract surgeries in all Hospital in
District Level and manage the needs of the equipments
Objective 4 Develop a sustainable referal system of cataract blindness from
community level to district level
Activities Achievement Limitations
RAAB 3 Provinces done(2014), 4 provinces in Administrative matters
progress (2015), 8 provinces in 2016 Cover less than half provinces
HR Development Training module development Dynamic placement of HR
Training in Jawa Barat Province in all level Wide range of educational
of Health Systems background
Assessment of HR resource needs in Eye Lack of Human resources
Equipment for Assessment of the needs of equipment in High Cost
Cataract Surgeries District Hospital in Jawa Barat and Jakarta Surgeon preferences
Implementing Standard list of equipment
for cataract surgery
Referal System Pilot Projects in Jawa Barat and Jakarta Need process to be
Development implemented
Additional Steps
Networking development: Government, NGO, Private sectors,
Ophthalmology Department and Profession
Community based Problems solving
Increasing Accessibility to Eye Care Services for everyone
Implementation the Eye care system to all provinces in Indonesia
Development a planning module based on the data from population
based survey (RAAB)
1. Halim A, Syumarti, Mayangrini, Ratnaningsh N. Measuring Cataract Surgery Needs in
Jawa Barat Province of Indonesia. [Rapid Assessment of Avoidable Blindness]. In press 2015.
2. Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Profil Kesehatan Indonesia Tahun 2014.
In: Indonesia KKR, editor. 2015.
3. Demographic Trends in Indonesia [press release]. Bandung, , 30 January 2014 2013.
4. Pusat Data dan Informasi Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Situasi Gangguan Penglihatan
dan Kebutaan. In: Indonesia KKR, editor. 2014.
5. Vision 2020 Australia. Towards 2020 A Plan to Eliminate Avoidable Blindness and
Vision Impairment in our Region. Sydney, Australia: Vision 2020 Australia; 2010. p. 20.
6. World Health Organisation. Global Data on Visual Impairment 2010. 2012.
7. World Health Organisation. Universal Eye Health: Global Action Plan 214 - 2019. In:
World Health Organisation, editor. Global Action Plan 2014 - 2019 ed2013. p. 24.

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