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Anatomi Lower Limb

Anatomi Lower Limb

Medial femoral Lateral femoral

epicondyle epicondyle
Anatomi Lower Limb

Medial femoral epicondyle Lateral femoral epicondyle


Anatomi Lower Limb
Survace making of the lower limb
Skeleton on the thigh (Tulang paha)
Skeleton on the thigh (Tulang paha)

Skeleton on the thigh (Tulang paha)
Skeleton on the thigh (Tulang paha)
Superficial and deep structures
Greater saphenous vein
Lesser Saphenousl Vein
Cutaneous nerves
Cutaneous nerves
Fascia lata/ Iliotibial tract Crural Fascia
Pedal Fascia
Femoral triangle
Femoral triangle
Femoral nerve Innervates the
Femoral nerve anterior compartment of the
thigh, and provides sensory
branches for the leg and foot.
Femoral artery & Femoral Vein
Femoral artery Responsible for the majority of the arterial supply to the lower limb.
Femoral vein The great saphenous vein drains into the femoral vein within the triangle
Femoral canal
Muscles of The Tight

Maximus illiopsoas


Biceps Rectus
femoris femoris
Cross Section Middle of the Right tigh
Cross Section Middle of the Right tigh
Superficial dan deep fascia o of the tight
Muscle, blood supply and innervation
Muscle, blood supply and innervation
Muscle, blood supply and innervation
Muscle, blood supply and innervation
Muscle, blood supply and innervation
Muscle, blood supply and innervation
Veins of the gluteal region and posterior
Popliteal fossa
Leg region

Gastronemius Muscle
Peronous Longus Muscle

Peronous Brevis Muscle

Peronous Longus Muscle Soleus Muscle
Peronous Digitorum Longus Muscle
Soleus Muscle
Ekstencor Hallucis Longus Muscle

Achiles Tendon
Cross section of the leg
Cross section of the leg
Deep Fascia of the leg
Cross section of the leg
Lateral compartment muscle
Cross section of the leg
Posterior compartment muscle ( superfisial)
Cross section of the leg
Posterior compartment of muscle (deep)
Artery of the leg (anterior & lateral compartment)
Veins of Leg and foot
Knee joint
Knee joint
Knee joint
Blood Supply of the Knee Joint
Innervation of knee
The relationship bony pelvis with the lower limb innervation
Femoral Nerve
Anatomical course
Obturator nerve

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