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Saltmarch Media Presents

Great Indian Developer Summit 2008

May 19-23 2008 | IISc, Bangalore, India
Table of Contents
• What is Great Indian Developer Summit 2008?
• Co-located Conferences at Developer Summit 2008: Bleeding-edge .NET, Rich Web, Daring Java
• Why Developer Summit 2008 is Not Just Another Technology Event
• Great Indian Developer Awards
• Proposed Speakers
• Who Should Attend Develop Summit 2008?
• Why Developer Summit is a Valuable Investment Tool for Sponsors and Exhibitors
• About Saltmarch Media
• Contacts
The Great Indian Developer Ecosystem
Will Get Its Due This Summer
Under the hood of robust enterprise IT systems, infrastructure, software, products and applications, is the
wisdom, passion, grit and experience of people who have contributed in multiple ways to make the end
product successful. This collective ecosystem of "Developers" — decision makers, analysts, architects,
engineers, project managers, designers, and programmers — is what makes the world of software

The 2008 edition of Saltmarch Media’s annual Great Indian Developer Summit, centered around the
theme of "Recipes for Enterprise Productivity", features a blockbuster convergence of three on-the-
radar co-located conferences that no entity in the "Developer ecosystem" can ignore in their quest for
success at work and in their careers – Bleeding-edge .NET (May 19-20), Rich Web (May 21) and
Daring Java (May 22-23).

The first of its kind in India, Developer Summit 2008 will provide a high quality summit experience
where the most intelligent minds and proactive technology organizations converge to create a high-
quality learning experience. Hosted in an intimate setting, the summit offers its participants the best food
and comforts, ample networking opportunities, and thematized downtimes and after hours to foster
informal interaction among the developer community in India.

2008 will usher in the golden period for professionals working within a Windows platform
computing environment. With an avalanche of releases dubbed the "Global Launch Wave", the
Microsoft IT community is gearing up for one of the most important enterprise launches ever in its
history. At Developer Summit 2008, be a part of this golden period of bleeding-edge enterprise
development solutions that use Microsoft’s powerful developer tools, frameworks, and platforms.

Tracks include:

• Visual Studio 2008 & .NET 3.5

• Databases/SQL Server/Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
• C# 2008/WWF/WCF/WPF
• BizTalk Server/BPM/SOA
• SharePoint & Search
• Visual Studio Team System
• Cut & Bleed technologies
Rich Web technologies are pushing the boundaries of the browser and adding attributes such as
"lightness", "usability", "innovation", and most importantly "value" to both enterprises and users alike.
Crossing disciplines, combining technologies and cross-pollination are birthing a next generation web
that is propelling a myriad of new business and development models. At Developer Summit 2008,
challenge your current choice of tools and technologies, modus operandii, and business
presuppositions, to explore ways to enter new vistas of vision and achievement on the rich web.
Tracks include:

• Web 2.0 & Social Applications

• Enterprise 2.0
• Ajax In Action
• Software Mashups
• Dynamic Scripting
• Browsers & Rich UI
• Rich Web Security
• Rich Web Stories
On May 23, 2008, Java technology transitions into teenage years - quite a remarkable achievement
for a technology that is today a testament to the convergence and ubiquity of the computer. At
Developer Summit 2008, come celebrate thirteen intrepid years of WORA (Write Once, Run
Anywhere), VMs galore, bytecode, open source infusion, and the maturity and acceptance of a
daring technology that now runs on platforms ranging from enterprise-grade servers to mobile
phones to smart cards.

Tracks include:

• Java Enterprise
• Java Development Tools & Techniques
• Java Infrastructure Technologies
• Java Mobile
• Java on the Desktop
• Open Source Java
• Java Stories
• Java and the Rich Web
• Agile Experiences
Why Developer Summit 2008 is Not Just Another
Technology Event
• Cutting-edge content: the summit offers five days of continuing education on everything from utilizing new
software and developing new ideas to improving client relations. It provides a well-balanced learning
experience that virtually guarantees attendees go back home with a richer understanding of the technologies
that make a difference to their work life and career.
• Sessions by stalwarts behind the technology; Support by Top Functionaries in Government, Academia
and Industry: sessions at Developer summit 2008 will be covered by some of the top experts in the
developer ecosystem such as Jesse James Garrett (Founder of Ajax), Holly Cummins (Java Performance
Guru), Craig Russell (Founder, JDO), Venkat Subramaniam (Founder, Agile Developer Inc.,), Ramesh
Loganathan (J2EE/SOA/Web 2.0 Expert), Lauren Cooney (Info 2.0 Specialist), Erik Meijer (Creator of
LINQ). The advisory board includes Jesse Liberty (Silverlight Geek), MN Vidyashankar (Principal
Secretary to Government, Dept. of IT, Biotechnology, S & T, Govt. of Karnataka) and Professor
Balakrishnan (Associate Director, IISc), among others.
• Attendee profile that encompasses the collective ecosystem of "Developers”: decision makers, analysts,
architects, engineers, project managers, designers, and programmers from companies in various verticals such
as BFSI, Petrochemicals, Government, IT, Telecom and Manufacturing among others – all of whom are
active constituents and stakeholders in the Indian developer ecosystem.
• Unreasonable experience for attendees: the summit offers its participants ample networking opportunities,
free geek gear, the best food and comforts, and thematized downtimes and after hours to foster informal
interaction among the developer community in India.
Great Indian Developer Awards::
Plug into a Success Story
Developer Awards is the first-of-its-kind ceremony that honors winners across a range of categories
in the IT Developer ecosystem. The awards throw the spotlight on trailblazing individuals,
technologies, and organizations that are contributing to the evangelism, productivity and innovation
excellence of the Indian developer ecosystem. The awards will highlight product excellence,
research and innovation, corporate achievements, the strongest individual efforts, and the most
compelling community efforts among the entire IT developer fraternity in India. The judging process
will culminate in an exclusive ‘awards nite’ with a high stature panel felicitating the awardees on
May 21 2008.

Award Categories
• Top Ambassador
• Top Committer
• Ecosystem Leader
• Products Par Excellence: Development Environments, Collaboration Solution, Content
Management, Design and Modeling, Change and Configuration Management, Testing, Security,
Web Development, Mobile Development, Frameworks, Database, Technical Books
Sponsors/Exhibitors::Come, Combine,
and be the Center of Attention
Sponsors of Great Indian Developer Summit 2008 have the unique opportunity to showcase their brand,
propagate their leadership message, and spread awareness of their presence. All Sponsorship opportunities
are exclusive to Great Indian Developer Expo 2008 exhibitors, and are designed to maximize your
companies' visibility.

Who Should Sponsor

• Infrastructure providers
• Application development vendors
• System Integrators
• Channel sales
• Content development, management, and delivery vendors (including graphic design software)
• Social media solutions: blog, wiki and other community application vendors, social networking platforms,
identity and reputation vendors
• Web hosting and web operations providers
• Training & Consultancy providers
• Search Engine Optimization and other marketing vendors
• Professional services for Internet start ups
Exclusive Benefits for
• Focused Audience: the conference is highly targeted to our database of attendee profiles to match that of
the event. This ensures your audience is precise and your sales effort can be accurate and cost-effective.
• Meet Implementers and Buyers: the delegates visit from near and far but all are making a clear effort to
set time aside to attend, learn and do business. Today, all functions of business are driving purchase
decisions, from developers to designers to business strategists (read as the entire "Developer" ecosystem)
applying .NET, Java, and Rich web technologies to their work.
• Networking: business executives and technology stalwarts come to the summit to meet and establish a
strong rapport with potential partners and open up possibilities for knowledge exchange. So the event is a
great opportunity, if you are looking to sell your company’s brand equity and establish relationships
within the ecosystem.
• Maximum Market Reach: by sponsoring and exhibiting at the summit your brand and your product will
be seen by many more of your focused target group over five days than if you were to invest in many
months of alternative routes. The summit is also a great place to meet potential customers whom you may
never have met otherwise.
• Optimum Showcase on a Vendor-Neutral Platform: by showcasing your goods in a vendor-neutral
environment that reflects your brand, your gain greater impact because you are allowing your customers
to see, feel and interact with your company where the buyer is under no strain to make a purchase.

What Does Developer Summit Offer
its Attendees?
Whether you are a veteran or a newcomer to the world of .NET, Java, or the Rich Web, the Great
Indian Developer Conference at Developer Summit 2008 presents a unique opportunity to learn and
assimilate technology know-how, augment executive decision-making, understand best practices and
case studies, and absorb the innovation excellence of experts from India, Europe, US, and Asia
Pacific, in focused settings. All this besides being involved as a key stakeholder in one of the largest
developer markets in the world.

Who Should Attend?

* CTOs & VPs of Engineering * Software Developers
* Directors of Business Development * Software Programmers
* Development Managers * Software Testers
* IT Managers * System Analysts
* Project Leaders * IT Consultants
* Application Programmers * Database Administrators
* Software Architects * Web Programmers & Designers

About Saltmarch Media
• Saltmarch Media is a revolutionary new media company that provides industry-leading
Web Sites, Conferences, and new media platforms focusing on diverse sectors such as
IT, Energy, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Retail, Biotechnology, and BFSI.
Saltmarch’s media properties aim to inform, network, and serve professionals and
executives in these diverse sectors with information, opportunities, evaluation and
guidance they need to excel in their jobs from keeping pace with emerging trends and
technologies, to evaluating products and solutions, to developing strategies, to making
cost-effective purchase decisions and effectively managing and leading their
organizations' projects.

• Poonam Sharma, Associate Director, Editorial Communications (


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