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PR tools contd

Other tools oriented for external stakeholders are:

news release, annual report, stockholder
News releases are messages issued by the company
regarding wide range of topics, release of new
product, change in corporate leadership, or any
newsworthy item that generates a positive public
Sending key releases build credibility with the media
Goals of news release are to build goodwill with the
public & use of news media to gain exposure to the

Mentored by geerish 1
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University of
Timing Issues
1.Timing is a critical factor.
2.It will depend on objectives of firms
IMC plan.
3. Goal-Create Brand awareness-
Advertising followed by Public
4.Goal-building believability
Aspirin reduces the risk of heart attack?
PR followed by advertisement
Mentored by geerish 2
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University of
Integrating PR with the IMC
As PR is often separate department,
stress is to speak in one voice.
Identify Contact points to monitor
incoming & outgoing communications.
Create the themes & the toneQSC
Develop a managerial style-
Participatory management
Create Shared Performance Measures
Mentored by geerish 3
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University of
Date 29th September 2012
Two classes( 7th & 8th)
Class Test
Second consolidating lecture on IMC

Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 4
Corporate Image & Brand
Management-The role of IMC
Dude ,youre getting a Dell
One of the most recognised phrases.
Ben Curtis projects a combination of
both energy & humour.
Advertising back with quality products &

Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 5
Building an effective IMC
3 levels of goals to reach an IMC program.
Corporate Image
Brand Development
Brand Positioning
It is the affair of not only marketing
managers but also managers from other
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 6
Whats the most critical ingredient of
the successful development of IMC
Organisations image is the key
A firms image is based on the feelings
consumers & businesses have about an
It also include evaluations of individual
Advertising, sales promotions, trade
promotions, personal selling are all part
of the larger umbrella of the firms
Mentored by geerish

general image.Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University

of Technology,Mauritius 7
Corporate Image
Effective marketing communications begins with
a clearly defined corporate image.
Corporate names such as IBM,Nike,Apple
Computers all conjure.
Specific Images varies from person to person,
business to business.
The overall or most general image is
determined by the conglomerate view of all
This image influences customers positively or
negatively as they make purchase decisions.
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 8
Components of a Corporate
Tangible elements
Goods & Services sold
Retail outlets where the product is sold.
Factories where the product is produced
Advertising, promotions etc
Corporate name & logo
Packages & labels
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 9
Intangible elements
Corporate, Personnel & environmental
Ideas & beliefs of corporate personnel.
Culture of country & location of
Media reports. Report of negative
events or attitudes.
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 10
Promoting the Desired Image
Communicating the proper image is
We should understand the nature of
companys current image in order that
future communications are successively
What both our internal & external public
think about your firm?
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 11
Kinds of image to be projected
Image must portray accurately the firm & coincide
with the products & services.
Reinforced a current image, consistent with view of
customers is easier to accomplish than changing a
well established image.
It is very difficult in general the images people hold
about a company.
Any negative or bad press can quickly destroy an
image that took years to build.
Re-establishing or rebuilding the firms image takes
a great deal time once its reputation has been
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 12
EXAMPLES in regards of
Creating the right image-
SA accentuates its national identity by
using Singaporean girl in every advert.
Image goal is to stress quality
service.i.e simple,international,safety &
security to reassure potential

Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 13
Reinforcing a current image
Mc Donald projecting a more grown up Ronal Mc
Donald(playing golf) did not change radically the
primary image oriented towards children.
Radio Shack to demystify the technology for average
Youve have got questions & we have got answers.
People want advantages of new technology but at the
same time intimidated by them.
It is key to sell new products & attract new consumers.
Consistent with previous image while at the same time
incorporate new elements to expand the firms target
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 14
Changing an image
It is very crucial when target markets have
begun to shrink & disappear.
It does not match industry trends &
consumer expectations.
Aeroflot was aware of its poor safety image.
They adopted a flying elephant as its symbol.
It was followed by communicating with
internal publics then move to suppliers, other
businesses & then the larger public.
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 15
Corporate names & logos
Corporate name is the overall banner under
which all operations occur.
It is the cornerstone of a companys
relationship with its customers.
It sells an attitude and a tone and is the first
step towards a personality.
Lucent Technologies conveyed the idea of
something glowing with light which would fit
in the 21st century.
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 16
Corporate Logo is a critical
corollary to Corporate Name.
Organisations spend millions of dollars on selecting &
promoting corporate names &logos.
Taco Bell spend more money on permanent
media,signs,logo,name than on its advertising
Aid in memory recall of specific brands .make shopping
easier & faster.
Key in store shopping.
Pictures processed in the mind faster than words.
Logo reminds consumers of brands. It should elicit
positive feelings in regards to brand & corporate
Successful logos elicit shared meanings across consumers.
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 17
Four tests for Corporate names &
Be easily recognizable.
Be familiar.
Elicit a consensual meaning among those in
the firms target market.
Evoke positive feelings.
Logos, corporate names, components of
organisations operations, brands are part of
image of the firm.
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 18
Brands are names generally assigned to a product or service or
a group of complementary products while a corporate image
covers every aspect of the company.
Procter & Gamble carries many brands such as tide (laundry
detergents), old spice, crest & gleem (toothpastes).
An effective brand name allows a company to charge more for
its products which in turn increases gross margins.
Strong brands provide customers with assurances of quality &
reduction of search time in the purchasing process.
A brand name develops strength in the market place where
many consumers choose the brand for they consider it salient,
memorable & noteworthy.

Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 19
Developing a Strong Brand
It begins with discovering why consumers buy
& rebuy a brand?
What are the most compelling benefits?
What emotions are elicited by the brand either
during or after the purchase?#
What one word best describes the brand?
What is important to consumers in the
purchase of the product?
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 20
How to establish a stronger
brand prestige?
1.Brand must be prominently promoted through
repetitious type ads.
Due to number of adverts, repetition is essential
to capture the individuals attention and to store
message in his knowledge structure.
2.Brand must be associated with its most
prominent characteristics.
Crest toothpaste... cavity protection
Coca- Cola...refreshing product
BMW-.................................Performance driving
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 21
Family Brand
A family brand is one in which a company offers a
series of products under one brand name.e.g. Black
& Decker has its name on numerous power tools
Any new line of product, customers will associate the
reputation of B&D.
The goal of branding is to set a product apart from
its competitors.
Once brand recognition is achieved & the next step is
to prolong its success.
The secret to a long brand life is finding a unique
selling point & sticking with it.
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 22
Brand Image Confusion
Company that attempts to change concept
associated with a brand often confuses
consumers and hurts its overall corporate
image in the long run.
American Express attempt to move into
discount brokerage business.
Looking to take advantage of high quality credit
card image.
Clash between serving high quality CC & low
cost discount brokerage.
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 23
Name,Logo & a brand appear as part of the package and or label
associated with the product.
When consumer picks up a product at the store,company has its last
opportunity to make an impression on that buyer.
Australian wineries capitalised on aesthetics and quality package.
Based that men are more likely to do purchase.
They look for country of origin, grape variety & aesthetics.
Attractive bottles with feature names..Vale,Valley ,Hill
Using attractive bottles,images of mountain peaks & vineyards, bottle
colour using dark, warm & intense colours(red & Blue)
Their success caused French & German wine makers to change
packages & labels to compete.

Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 24
Trends in Packaging/labels
In foods market, foods that are fast, convenient and
portable are selling quickly.
Consumers want packages that are eye catching &
Think of Nestle line of products.
It must stand out through a unique set of shapes
designed to appeal to targeted customers.
Labels on packages serve several
functions.contents,information,even warranties &
guarantees are printed.
Labels can also contain special offers, other tie ins.
An attractive label is an attention-getting device that may
draw the consumer to the product.
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 25
They are often designed to build
customer interest & confidence in
making the purchase.
Product seem a better buy with word
like <natural,premium,strength,adult

Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 26
Brand equity
Set of characteristics unique to the brand
can charge higher price & greater
market share.
Power to company when it deals with
Improved position in terms of shelf space
& displays
Wholesalers will stock high equity brand.
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 27
Steps to building brand equity
It goes beyond brand recognition.
It could be built in following 6 steps

1.R& A what it takes to make brand

2.Decide what makes the brand unique

3.Boldly communicate the unique selling

point of the brand.

First 3 steps cultivate brand recognition
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 28
Building Brand
4.Spend no more than 30% communication
budget on sales driven,premiums,price off
initiatives. It increases sales but affects brand
5.Make domination the goal.
6.Deliver on the promise or uniqueness being
The last 3 steps build brand equity
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 29
Brand Equity involves
Strong view that brand is number one in
its category.
It can take in a geographic region or
market niche.
It is associated with any product benefit
that consumers desire.
Volvo.....the number one car in terms of
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 30
Delivering on promise
If Crest toothpaste promotes itself as
the cavity fighter, it must deliver on
that promise.
BBC is number one station in terms of
quality news that deliver beyond
What about Radio plus & Top FM?
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 31
The Mazda example
Mazda is attempting to move its image from
price based to stylish designs in performance
The firm focuses advertisements on overall
company name rather than on individual
This is supported by advertisements; advice
given in a handbook to local dealerships.
The tag line for : Mazda-Get in Be Moved
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 32
Brand Extensions
Firms often enter new markets using a brand
extension strategy.
It implies use of an established brand name on
good and services not related to the core brand.
Nike has been successful to extend its brand
name to a line of clothing.
Black & Decker extended to small kitchen
Singer extended from sewing machines to
refrigerators, ranges & televisions.
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 33
Flanker Brands
It is the development of a new brand by a company in
a good or service category it currently has a brand
Procter & Gamble primary laundry detergents are
Cheer & Tide
P& G offers 11 different brands of detergents in North
It is motivated to appeal to target market that its main
brand in each product category was not reaching.
It helps a company to offer a more complete line of
It creates barriers to entry for completing firms.
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 34
Private Brands
They are also known as private labels.
They are marketed & distributed exclusively
within the organisations outlets.
It carries the connotation of a lower price &
inferior quality.
The primary audience was price sensitive
It experiences growth in sale during
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 35
Changes in Private Brands
Improved quality
Price still 25% below manufacturers brand.
Loyalty towards retail outlets increase while loyalty
towards specific brands decreased. This results to
opportunity to expand private brands.
Increase in advertising for private brands.Wal -mart
has 14 labels of private clothing.
Increase in quality of in store displays of private
brands.Egs Nike,Reebock,Addidas shops.

Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 36
It is the process of creating a perception in the
consumers mind regarding its products in relative to
It is created by variables such as quality of P,prices
changed, methods of distribution,image & other factors.
Firms attempt to position its products through
advertising & other marketing communications.
Ultimately consumers determine the position of the
firms products.
Egs an organisation that produces 5 types of juice
100% vegetable juice;low sodium version; spicy
version; calcium enriched version
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 37
Different ways for effective
1.Focus consistently on an attribute that sets it apart from other
products. whitening teeth rather than cavity prevention.
2.Using competitors to garner a position in the consumers mind is
another tactic. Avis compared to Hertz in a series of adverts. They
admitted not to be number one but went on to explain the advantage
second place brought to consumers.
3.Use of price quality relationship-Say low price leader.
4.A product user positioning strategy. Apple Computers position itself
as the computer for educational institutions initially.
5.Firms position themselves in a particular product class
Orange juice long considered to be part of breakfast drink product
class. It was then moved to new product class to be taken at any time
of the day.
Then came: It's not just for breakfast anymore.
In this beverage product class, orange juice suddenly competes with
giants such as Pepsi & Coke
Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 38
Discussion question
Go to a retail store. Choose 5 packages
that are effective. Describe the reasons
they are effective. Choose 5 labels that
were effective at capturing attention.
What features were the attention-
getting aspects of the label.

Mentored by geerish
Bucktowonsing,SBMF ,University
of Technology,Mauritius 39
-9th Lecture-
BA (Marketing)
6th October 2012
Marketing process-
The jungle example-
Goods chase people with money & vice versa
Get them to connect-Is it Marketing
Marketing is therefore a social process
involving the activities necessary to enable
individuals & organisations to obtain what
they need & want through exchange
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 40
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Conditions for exchange

Virtually all organizations & individuals

attempt to identify, communicate & negotiate
with potential exchange partners
Ultimate consumers buy goods & services for
their personal use
Organizational buyers buy goods & services
for resale, inputs in production & for everyday

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 41

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Market Segmentation
It is one of the most important concepts in marketing
& is a prerequisite to target marketing & positioning
Market segmentation is a process by which a
market is divided into distinct subsets of consumers
Each segment should consider of people with
similar needs & characteristics.
Their response to a product offering & marketing
program will be same.

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 42

,University of Technology,Mauritius
It is the process of creating a perception in the consumers mind
regarding its products in relative to competition.
It is created by variables such as quality of P,prices changed,
methods of distribution,image & other factors.
Firms attempt to position its products through advertising & other
marketing communications.
Ultimately consumers determine the position of the firms
Egs an organisation that produces 5 types of juice
100% vegetable juice;low sodium version; spicy version; calcium
enriched version

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 43

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Different ways for effective
1.Focus consistently on an attribute that sets it apart from other products.
whitening teeth rather than cavity prevention.
2.Using competitors to garner a position in the consumers mind is another
tactic. Avis compared to Hertz in a series of adverts. They admitted not to be
number one but went on to explain the advantage second place brought to
3.Use of price quality relationship-Say low price leader.
4.A product user positioning strategy. Apple Computers position itself as the
computer for educational institutions initially.
5.Firms position themselves in a particular product class
Orange juice long considered to be part of breakfast drink product class. It was
then moved to new product class to be taken at any time of the day.
Then came: It's not just for breakfast anymore.
In this beverage product class, orange juice suddenly competes with giants such
as Pepsi & Coke

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 44

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Customers buy benefits!
By linking strengths of products to benefits
wanted by consumers, firm defines its target
Then we position the products.
To design a product offering & marketing
program that gives it a competitive

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 45

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Why segment?
Market are rarely homogenous in benefits
Purchasing power is not same
Company capabilities must match different
segments of customers needs
Can we have a product for the mass market?

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 46

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Market Aggregation
It enables the firm to maximize the efficiency
of its production & marketing efforts
We make one or a few standardized products
& sell them to a mass market.
It is applicable when total market has few
differences in customer needs or desires
When it is difficult to develop distinct products
or marketing actions to reach different
customer segments.
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 47
,University of Technology,Mauritius
When Segmentation is more
Most appropriate when market are diverse
Standardized product is not appealing
Customers have more varied & sophisticated
needs, tastes & life styles
When markets reach maturity, firms pay more
attention to customers
More media & retail organizations are
available to make market segmentation
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 48
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Benefits of market
It reflects the realities faced by firms in most
It can help in the design of products &
marketing programs that is more effective
It can identify opportunities for new product
It can approve strategic allocation of
marketing resources.

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 49

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Identification of market
Marketers divide segmentation variables into 4
major categories.
It applies for both consumers & industrial markets

1. Customer needs(expressed in benefits wanted)

2. Product related behavioral descriptors

3. Person or firm related behavioral descriptors

4. Demographic descriptors

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 50

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Additional info
Customer needs-Consumer & organizations may
buy similar products to satisfy different needs
It implies different benefits & obviously different
choice of brands to purchase.
Product related behavioural descriptors-it reflects
behaviour of customers towards a specific product
Person or firm related descriptors-innovatiness and
willingness to buy new products relevant to both
consumer and industrial markets
Demographic descriptors customer as per age,
income, gender etc
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 51
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Generic Market Segmentation
variables common to all markets
Customers needs-benefits,
Product usage-non user, light user, heavy
Purchase predisposition-
Purchase influence-buyer,user,prescriber adopters ,late adopters
Geographical location

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 52

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Difference between early & late
Social high status.low status
Media..greater exposure..less
Cosmopolitan contacts. more nonlocal
personal contacts
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 53
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Geographical Location
Markets can be easily segmented by geo
location-states,pincode etc
Alternative locations rep different sales
potentials, growth rates, customer needs,
servicing costs
Different regions in USA have different
It will imply different advertising, promotion or
PS campaign
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 54
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Geography can be an
important indicator
SW people drive more pick up trucks
NE more vans
Californians like high prized BMWs &
Mercedes Benz.
Texans drive big cars
New Yorkers like smaller ones.

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 55

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Segmentation descriptors
specific to consumer markets
Behavioural descriptors
1. Lifestyle/psychographic-Classify consumers on
basis of interests,activities,interests & opinions.
2.Social class-Grouping based on income, education
& occupation. from these come social values &
attitudes concerning a variety of subjects.

3.Demographic descriptors
-age sex,income,occupation,race & education.
4.Family life cycle attempts to predict buying
behaviour by combining age, marital status &
presence of children
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 56
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Lifestyle or psychographics
Traditionalist, family
oriented,sophisticated,sports activist,
outdoors person
By combining values & life style, researchers
have come out with characteristics of
consumer segments

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 57

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Characteristics of market
1. From strugglers to Achievers.
How is the consumer market segmented by taking
account values & life style?

2. What s the difference between Demographic &

geographical descriptors?

3. Whats the difference between psychographic &

behavioral descriptors?
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 58
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Segmentation descriptors
specific to Industrial Markets
It consists of 2 parts:
1.Macrosegmentation level-purchasing
structure, degree of rebuy,industrial sector &
company size
2.Microsegmentation level-personal
characteristics including hierarchical position,
role in purchasing process, decision making
style & demographics.

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 59

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Marketing Communications
10th &11th Lectures @13/10/2012
Types of Appeal/message in Advertising
Is silence Golden?
Is white space a crucial space in a world
cluttered with advertisements?
Can we attract attention with such design?
Can Billboard ads employ white space to
frame the key message?
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 60
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Most powerful advertising
One with the participation of a super star?
Sexy model defining desire
Making use of local dialect
Funny and humoristic one
The goal is to remember goods & services
being advertised
To be Considered first when considering
such a purchase
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 61
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Advertising Appeals
Advertisers would select one particular
It could be fear,humor,Sex,
Rationality, emotions,

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 62

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Choice of appeal
It will depend on a number of factors among
products sold, audience targeted
It also depends about timing of what appeals
would be appropriate
Is sex appeal effective for goods & services
that are in no way related to sex?
Key responsibility of marketer to finalize than
appeal is the right choice for the brand

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 63

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Can use of fear be effective?
Life insurance companies focus on the
consequences of not having life insurance if
people dies?
Shampoo ads invoke fear of dandruff
Mouthwash ads invoke fear of bad breath
Fear increases viewers interests
It is more remembered than one with warm &
upbeat message
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 64
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Smoking & Fear
American cancer Society makes use of fear
in their anti smoking advertisements
Portray negative consequences with smoking
Heart problems ,lung cancer etc
Physical & psychological harm is highlighted
Unfortunately ,smoking persists
Teens feel like adults with smoking
Young lads gain social acceptance by peers.
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 65
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Recent ads
Show smoking teens as being undesirable to
opposite sex
It costs both money & your health when u
Make use of role model to convince young
people never to start

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 66

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Can fear be applicable in B2B
& other adverts?
A company offering internet services focus on
severity of downtime if a companys server
goes down.
Census bureau pointed out severity of what
happens if census forms are not filled.

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 67

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Capture attention & keeping the attention are
2 different challenges
Humour is one of the best techniques
It is used in 30% of adverts
It is an effective approach to reach a wide
As per Maslow, people tend to develop a
more comedic view of life as they mature.
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 68
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Humour as an Advertising
Humour causes consumers to:
Humour should be directly connected to
It should tie product features, advantages to
customers, personal values of the means-end
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 69
,University of Technology,Mauritius
E.g. of retired plan.
Advert fails if only Humour is recalled
Essential that Humour relates to product
attributes or customer benefits or personal
value obtained from the product
Sarcasms & jokes popular with younger
E.G Older couple
Care if ethnicity is being used.
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 70
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Nudity & sex appeal
Nudity & other sexual approach are growing
Such advertisements have tripled over the last 30
Less of verbal reference but rather more explicitly
It is one approach to shock viewers & build brand
Why does Calvin Klein push sex and nudity to the
It simply sells

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 71

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Five ways in advertisements
1.Subliminal approach 2. Nudity 3. Sexual
suggestiveness 4.Overtsexuality 5.
Both men & women being used
Even diet coke advert
Perfume advert
Latest trend is to show even G & L doing
Levi Strauss advert
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 72
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Are sex appeals effective

Studies show that it increases attention

Regardless of the gender in the adverts
Regardless of gender of the audience
Attention is however greater for opposite sex
Reason both male & female models are

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 73

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Drawbacks of making use of
sex appeals
A number of countries are restrictive
Gender issues are even taboo subjects
Criticized of using thin models
Many women feel unhappy feeling too fat
In societies like Saudi & Malaysia, women
should be shown in family settings
In Canada sexism should be avoided in any
adverts towards children
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 74
,University of Technology,Mauritius
It should be used wisely
Make clever use of it
Make sure it does not offend
Consider carefully if necessity to shock
audience like CK
Apply decorative models when necessary
Resist same stereotypes image
Does not overpower the product
To shift from overt sexuality to more
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 75
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Musical appeals
It is an extremely important component of
Captures attention
Linked to emotions, memories &other
It can be intrusive gaining attention of a non
It helps to increase retention of visual info
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 76
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Musical appeals-Points to
What role will music play in the ad
Will a familiar song be used
Will something original be created
What emotional pitch should music reach
How does music fit the message of the

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 77

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Familiar tune V/s Creating
Original Music
Background music is usually mood inducing
Mood inducing music is often original like in
Coca cola adverts
Using a well known songs will transfer an
emotional affinity to the brand
It is easier to develop brand
affinity,awareness,loyalty with such music

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 78

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Extremely Expensive
Using established songs can be very
Relationship between music & advertising
industries are not same in each country
Music is an important ad for TV, Radio or

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 79

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Rational appeal
It is based on consumer using rationale
The goal is to provide the info needed to
make the decision
Should automobile appeal be a rationale
Are gas mileage,warranties,free servicing of
importance to buyers

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 80

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Rational appeal-Hierarchy
1. Stages of awareness
2. Knowledge
3. Liking
4. Preference
5. Conviction
6. purchase

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 81

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Rational appeal 2
Audience targeted must actively process
info in such ad
1. Attend the message
2. Comprehend the message
3. Compare the message to knowledge
embedded in a cognitive map
4. Print media is best for rational appeal
5. Trade publications or even specialized
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 82
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Complex products
Rationale appeal is well suited for high
involvement & complex products
Here, customers need to evaluate attributes
High level of involvement products
Rationale mixed with emotions appeal can
stand out
Only rationale appeal have very low attraction
appeal to general masses.
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 83
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Emotional appeals
Emotional appeals are based on three ideas
Consumers ignore advertisements
Rational appeal go unnoticed unless
customer is in the market
Emotional appeal can capture advert & help
develop attachment between consumer &

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 84

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Emotional appeal & tourist
Research shows that emotions are most
important factor in selection of vacation
They are more important than amenities or
even price
Emotions specifically identified are

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 85

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Other emotional adverts
Western Union concept of trust & reliability
Things money cant buy-Mastercard
I will run again, I will prove them wrong-Drugs
for horse treatment
Television is the best media for emotional
Emotional appeal can be tied with other
appeals to be more effective
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 86
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Emotions used in
Family bonds
Protecting Loved Ones

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 87

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Scarcity Appeals
It is occasionally used
When there is limited supply, value of product
Limited supply during Olympic Games
It incites customers to take actions

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 88

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Word of Caution
Ads campaigns can still fail
Care to be taken that one failure of one
campaign does not have long lasting effects
IMC build in such a way that product loyalty
together with customer recognition can
reduce ill effects of one advertising

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 89

,University of Technology,Mauritius
You need an Integrated Attitude to develop
You need right attitude & not aptitudes to
cruise to higher altitude.

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 90

,University of Technology,Mauritius
12th Class
The value of IMC plans
Excellent examples of firms using IMC
They have been recognized by the American
Productivity & Quality Center
Best practices of Sales & Marketing @
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 91
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Example of IMC program by
The group initiated its IMC process through
It aims to help employees understand the
dilemmas faced by its customers
Workshops were directed by personel from
sales, product marketing, engineering &
customer support departments within HP
Each view customers differently

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 92

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Hewlett Packard(contd)
Each group provides of valuable input
The team approach allows to see customer
from a more holistic perspective
A creative strategy emerged
A theme' We understand was adopted
Emphasis that we understood issues,
pressures & constraints of all

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 93

,University of Technology,Mauritius
We understand
The We understand idea served as an
umbrella for all marketing strategies & tactics
that would be utilized
The Integrated approach allowed HP to
speak with one voice
Effective communication within felt
External communication that follow creates
the impacts that end users reported a real
difference in products & services provided.
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 94
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Factors affecting the value of
IMC programs
1. Development of information technology
2. Changes in channel power
3. Increases in competition
4. Maturity Markets
5. Brand Parity
6. Integration of Info by Consumers
7. Decline in effectiveness of mass-media
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 95
,University of Technology,Mauritius
The Values of an IMC plan
There are many factors affecting the value of
an IMC program
1.Information Technology
The major force compelling firms to seek
greater integration of advertising & marketing
communications is information technology
Consumers have abundance info via www
Consumers can study companies & vice
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 96
,University of Technology,Mauritius
1.Information Technology
Technology allows instant communications between
business executives & their employees
Info, stats ,data about consumers wherever they are
can be gathered & analyzed in short lapse of time.
Say purchasing data via connections of credit cards
& business firms etc
We can determine who buy, when they buy & where
they buy
Can we not identify best communication channels to
reach these customers?
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 97
,University of Technology,Mauritius
How could we predict
behaviors in the past?
How British rules the World?
How communism prevail for so long?
How certain companies remain market
leaders for decades?
There was test markets, attitudinal research,
Intention to buy surveys
Collect of info via informal ways: word of
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 98
,University of Technology,Mauritius
New Coke, Old Coke & Classic
It shows lab preference is not necessarily purchase
In 1980s blind taste tests indicate that new coke
was preferred over Pepsi by 8 % & new flavour coke
by 55% over old coke
In reality sales were high in first week & fall to a very
low level afterwards
Pressure for Old Coke by customers
Within 4 months old coke introduced as classic coke

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 99

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Predicting Purchase Behavior
Keep refining techniques to understand
consumer buyer behaviors
Use of UPC (universal product code) & point
of purchase systems
Computer scanning to help to give info about
sales, inventory control system
Stockrooms reduced
Retailers shifted from stocking merchandise
to selling merchandise
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 100
,University of Technology,Mauritius
2.Changes in Channel Power
Typical market channel-Producer-Wholesale-
Information technology shifted more power to
All info can get info from home or office
Can purchase anything from internet
Purchasing air tickets & book hotel rooms etc

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 101

,University of Technology,Mauritius
IMC to know customer way of
Doon wants to buy a stereo
He goes to internet & searches for info
He identifies three possibilities
He goes to a local mall & investigates three
Learn about warranties & company policies
He can finalize internet to finalise purchase
Within three days stereo arrives with a money
back guarantee
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 102
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Increases of Competition
Competition not only comes from the street.
It can comes from 10,000 miles away
People want quality & low price
Advertising alone is not enough
Rather, integrating advertising & other
marketing communications become
extremely important

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 103

,University of Technology,Mauritius
IMC as applied in channel
Situation is further complicated when retailers
hold strong channel power
Retailers strong channel power & control the
flow of merchandise to consumers
Here comes application of Trade promotions
Retailers focus on IMC efforts to maintain
customer loyalty
Retailers apply IMC efforts to maintain
positive relationships with manufacturers
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 104
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Brand Parity
Multiple brands are being available
Many brands have identical benefits for consumers
When many brands offer the same set of attributes,
the result is called brand parity
Consumers will purchase group of accepted brands
Brand loyalty will experience decline
Thats where a quality IMC program help regain
benefits of a strong brand name
They must convince consumers of the USB of their
products or services
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 105
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Integration of Information
There are many ways consumers can integrate the
info they receive about various goods & services
They all go to websites
Mc McCormick seasonings provide additional info on
Ideas & Recipes for Consumers
Chat discussion for products & companies
Contact points are also [places where customer may
IMC program establish a consistent message about
nature of company, products & benefits that result
making a purchase for the organisation.
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 106
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Decline in Effectiveness in
Effectiveness of mass media adverts is
New inventions, cable TV, satellite dishes etc
give possibility to surf & zap out adverts
As a result advertising agency focuses more
on the development of IMC programs than
just advert aspect
They help create promotion materials, direct
marketing programs etc
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 107
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Viewer activities during TV
1.+ve response
Get amused by adverts.26%
Sit & watch commercials..19%
2.Negative Response
Get annoyed at number ads.52%
Get up & do something else45%
Switch channels.39%
Talk to others in the room34%
Turn down sound.19%
Read 11%
Use laptop,SMS,cell phone.5%
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 108
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Global Integrated marketing
Certain companies adopt the GIMC approach
Challenges are greater due to
cultural,national differences in target market
In the past-Standardize the product &
message across countries
Now the approach is to adapt the product &
message to individual countries
Manner to market a product in France is not
same as in Italy or India or China
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 109
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Think Global but act locally
Marketing messages should be design with a
global theme in mind
Same general message to be heard around
the world
At the same time design & encode message
for local markets
Tailor made & fits local culture
Pepsi portray Generation next
How it is conveyed to each country differs
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 110
,University of Technology,Mauritius
The world is growing small
Marketers should not reinvent the wheel
Commercial targeted for Spain can be viewed
by French viewers
Important to transmit consistent theme
Adaptation strategy permits marketers to
learn from each other
There should be synergy among countries

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 111

,University of Technology,Mauritius
13th Class for BA Marketing
Ethics & Social responsibility in
IMC program
IMC & the brewing Industry
By 18,average teen has viewed so many
beer commercials
Many beer commercials designed to build
brand loyalty & indirectly encourage
underage drinking
Teens can develop addiction for they are less
developed physically,mentally,emotionally

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 112

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Alcohol Industry( facts)
In USA, they spend $ 2 billions per year on
1/3 is spent on TV adverts
Swedish bikini models sell Budweiser beer
Humour is also attractive to teens & is found
in such commercials as Hey Beer man
Drunk driving,Dimished Performance in
School, Health problems & drink can easily
accompany underage drinking
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 113
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Important Questions
Is it ethical for marketing communications
experts to continue to deny they are not
influencing young people?
Should they be more socially responsible?
Whats your present view as a young

Important question from Mentor follows!!

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 114
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Temptation of Marketer
Quicker results tempt them to less ethical
practices to yield quicker results!
Sales & recognition drive them
Long term success is associated with acting
responsibly in its marketing practices
Successful IMC programs should incorporate
ethical issues & legal responsibilities

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 115

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Morals & Ethics
Morals are principles that individuals hold
concerning of what is right and what is
Morals direct our behaviors from dating to
family life & beyond
Should USA conduct business with countries
that violate human rights
Morals are also expressed by employers &
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 116
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Ethics are principles that serve as operational
guidelines for both individuals &
They regard establish boundaries related to
moral feelings about right & wrong
Leaders employ two methods top guide their
decision making processes:
Ethics Education & Codes of Ethics

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 117

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Examples of General ethic
In your interactions with customers, act in a way that is
consistent with the principles of fairness,concern,mutual respect
& professionalism
Respect the rights of individual employees regarding
employment practices,compensation,performance evaluations &
Honor property rights by treating the organization's property as if
it were your own.
Give due credit for ideas created by workers & subordinates
Behave in a way that will promote the organization's desire to be
a model citizen for the community, country & the world

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 118

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Ethical issues in Marketing
There have been a number of accusations about
integrity of that profession
1. Marketing causes people to buy more they can
afford.what about credit cos
2. Marketing overemphasizes
materialism wrong?
3. Marketing increases the costs of goods & services;
buying jersey for prestige
4. Marketing perpetuates stereotyping;R women
weaker or the old only helpless?
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 119
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Ethical issues ./contd.
Marketing create offensive advertisements. Use of minor n
Marketing creates adverts linked to bad habits & intimate
subjects-free speech & free adverts
Marketing use unfair tactics-Happiness depends on physical
Marketing prepare deceptive & misleading advertisements;
Punished by laws
Advertising professional services is unethical
Advertising to children is unethical; Exploiting children inability to
weigh evidence
Salespeople use deceptive practices ;use of gifts & bribery

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 120

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Question to ponder
Whats your opinion of Calvin Kleins
approach to advertising?
Do you support the manner of its advertising?
Has it gone so far?
Should it be restricted by regulatory
Should it be restricted by private sanctions?

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 121

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Deception v/s Puffery
Puffery exists when a firm makes an
exaggerated claim about its products or
Use of words of best, greatest, finest etc
Twice as good
Exaggerated claim without making an overt
attempt to deceive or mislead
What is considered puffery would be
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 122
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Government Regulatory
They serve as watchdogs to monitor potential
violation of law
Federal Communications Commission similar
to IBC
Responsibility to grant & revoke licenses
Authority over the contents of adverts
Monitoring adverts towards children
Control adverts transmitted by mass media
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 123
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Positive & Socially Responsible
Marketing Activities
Share goal to be beneficial force to society
together with attracting customers loyalty
companies need to identify areas to make a
positive difference
Make local media aware of efforts
Inform employees with view that news will
flow to family, friends ,neighbours
Invest in advertising to highlight company
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 124
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Supporting Charity
Distribution of fund to genuine charity
This help build strong company image
They poise as company that company that
improve lives & employees of the community

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 125

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Cause Related Marketing
Support of a social cause that a firm generates
through financial transactions with its customers
Race for Cure that supports the Breast cancer
Coalition etc
Over 80% consumer reports positive images of
companies that supports causes they care about
Companies should have impact on marketplace
,environment & the community too
Companies can have greater impact if they find a
way to utilize its products & services in the program
Supply 911 equipped digit wireless phone to Cab
watch that spot & report potential crimes
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 126
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Green Marketing
It is the development & promotion of products
that are environmentally safe
Support to companies selling biodegradable
It generates positive public & word of mouth
for a company
Most people give lip service to protecting the

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 127

,University of Technology,Mauritius
14th Lecture @Saturday 26th
Communication through the marketing mix
The target market should be selected initially
Development of a distinctive marketing mix to
meet the needs of the target segment
Each element of the marketing mix has
variable capacity to communicate

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 128

,University of Technology,Mauritius
It is more than physical products
It is a range of conscious & unconscious
customer needs
It is a combination of physical & service
What Waterman pen represents for you?
Tangible attributes of grip & writing facilities
Also Prestige & Status
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 129
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Product contd
Offerings consists of both tangible &
intangible attributes
Marketing communication is to ensure the
perception of the offering is the desired one
The perception of high value prestigious
product should be communicated
Intrinsic cues are also related to

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 130

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Marketing Communications
MC need to establish favourable images that
offerings that are heavily promoted are
perceived as highly in quality than those that
are not
It builds confidence to facilitate spread word
of mouth communications
It establishes favorable image

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 131

,University of Technology,Mauritius
MC have the responsibility of informing target
audience about price of an offering
They are communicated via advertising,
personal selling, sales promotion, in store
merchandising & packaging based
Price is an important contributor to perceived

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 132

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Overpricing ?
Is expensive offering overprized?
Does it represent exceptional value or bestow
high status upon those who are seen to have
purchase the product?
It depends upon a number of factors
including perception & expectations of buyers

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 133

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Hesitate to buy
If stated price is too low, potential buyer may
hesitate to enter into the exchange process
It could project low value & low quality
It is applicable when buyers enter unfamiliar
Say u buy a camera at low price
The pricing strategy needs to be reflected in
the communications undertaken by
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 134
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Pricing Strategy & MC
Pricing Strategy needs to be reflected in the
communications undertaken by organisation
Price depends upon a large number of factors:
target audience, level of involvement & attitude to
risk, complexity & technicality of the offering,
importance of price in the decision making process.
It should also be sensitive to expectations of target
It should be in line with position strategy

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 135

,University of Technology,Mauritius
As service element becomes increasingly important.
It helps to differentiate organisations & their
products offerings
Value employees bring to customer/company
interface becomes a vital aspect of the marketing
Impact of people make or bring to marketing
communication process is substantial in terms of
organisation identity issues

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 136

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Intermediaries are used to make products
available to target market
These organisations are involved in the
market channel system
Communication activities need to be
coordinated & synchronized to have the best
possible impact

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 137

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Launching of new products
Promises through pull based
communications, products should be
available through supply chain
Otherwise credibility is damaged
Customers perception of store,POP,other
channel members will affect attitude &
behaviour of customers

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 138

,University of Technology,Mauritius
What marketing communications
planner needs to do.
Liaise with channel members to ensure stock
is available
Be aware of needs of channel members
Provide consistency for all communications in
the channel
Effective internal marketing communications
to ensure effective implementation of concept
Coordinate actions with any main agencies
involved with the communication programme
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 139
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Elements involved in integrating
marketing communications
Promotional mix
Marketing mix
Business Strategy-Philosophy, objectives &
mission, content
Outsourced providers Agencies, production
& material suppliers,fulfilment houses
The Organisation-Employees & management
whether located at HO,SBUs,departments or
overseas divisions
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 140
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Example of Integration
Haagen Dazs penetrates UK
Ice cream is a tradition season childrens
It has experienced little growth or innovation
Strategy is to create a new market segment
as super premium market
Marketing mix has therefore to be
We are now addressing luxury, fashion
oriented food for adults
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 141
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Marketing Mix applied
Product reflected in high quality
High price induced perceived high quality
Distribution in the launch was through up market
restaurants, prestige locations & five star hotels
where Haagen-Dazs was the only branded ice
Promotional Campaign with celebrities from many
walks of life
Opinion leaders to create word of mouth ripple effect
Quality of the media used & messages themselves
reflected the quality theme

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 142

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Marketing mix?
What one should expect from a high quality
marketing mix model?
What makes a successful marketing mix?

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 143

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Explosion of Interest in IMC
Three main categories of drivers are the
reasons for this increase of interest
The importance for organisation to be
increasingly efficient
Driving down costs to increase profits &
levels of productivity
Synergize communications with associated
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 144
,University of Technology,Mauritius
2. Market based drivers
Reorientation from trans action based marketing to
relationship marketing
We not only ask What do our customers want?
We also ask: What are their values do they trust?
Are we loyal to them?
Organisation to adopt a position to enhance trust &
Organization's external communications need to be
continuous, consistent & credible

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 145

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Advantages of an IMC
1. Provides opportunities to cut communication
2. Has the potential to produce synergistic &
effective communications
3. Can deliver competitive advantage through
clearer positioning
4. Encourages coordinated brand
development with internal & external
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 146
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Advantages of IMC
Provides for increase employee participation
& motivation
Has the potential to cause management to
review its communication strategy
It fosters a customer focus
Provides a benchmark for development of
communication activities

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 147

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Last lecture- Teamwork @ 3rd
November 2012
Thinking, Planning ,Decisions & Actions are better
when done cooperatively

None of us is as good as all of us

TEAM-together everyone achieves more

Coming together is the beginning,keeping together

is progress,working together is success. Henry Ford
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 148
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Successful Organisation
Behind every successful person, there is a
successful team
One of the most challenging responsibilities
for a manager is to develop an autonomous,
motivated & effectively performing team
Leadership & careful selection of team
members are important.
Otherwise, a spiral of conflicts & non
productivity might follow.
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 149
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Team & Group?
A group is a collection of individuals who share a
common set of norms who generally have
differentiated roles among themselves & who
interact with one another towards the join pursuit of
common goals
Members of a group work mostly in isolation
They do share information to achieve goals & even
interact socially but
There is no single output for which the group is
accountable for
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 150
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Example of a group
School teachers within a single school
They have differentiated roles in terms of
subjects they teach
They share a joint pursuit of goals which is
education of pupils
However, each teacher is only accountable
for success of individual class

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 151

,University of Technology,Mauritius
A team
A team is a small number of people with
complementary skills
Committed to a common purpose, performance
goals & approach for which they hold themselves
mutually accountable
Team is collectively responsible to produce a
collective product or outcome
Team need to work intensively to achieve objective
for which they are mutually accountable

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 152

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Examples of a good Team
Consider Formula 1 racing team such as Mc
Performance is measured on individual skill
from each team member
Despite, there is no interaction between team
members during the race, they are referred to
their drivers as a team.
Consider Manchester United & the
Maanshaaft as example of team.
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 153
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Characteristics of an effective
project Team
Team needs to be built & developed
There should be leadership, direction &
motivation of the project manager
Effectiveness of a team is commonly
measured by the success of a project

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 154

,University of Technology,Mauritius
1.Complementary skills: Projects are multi
disciplinary & therefore require members with
complimentary skills
I. Technical skills, financial skills, strategic
skills, administrative skills & professional
There should be synergy where combined
skills are greater that sum of individual skills

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 155

,University of Technology,Mauritius
2.Common purpose
There should be a clear sense of project
The IMC approach should be applied from Day
The more mission is understood, the better the
Communications must ensure that all members
what should be their contributions.
Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 156
,University of Technology,Mauritius
Characteristic 3
3. Mutually Accountable_
A team cannot work cohesively unless all
members are willing to be mutually
accountable for success or failures within the
There should not be a blame culture. Instead
of blaming each other for fault, team should
work together for optimum solutions

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 157

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Characteristic 4:Trust
Members develop trust when team members
start working together
Trust within the team is critical
It is develop as members develop level of
Once they are comfortable ,they are willing to
trust opinions & beliefs of other team

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 158

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Characteristic 5
A highly motivated team is key to creating an
energetic environment that drives the project
There should be a sense on enthusiasm
Each member thrives on the challenges
They motivate each other`

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 159

,University of Technology,Mauritius
7 Key benefits of team work
1. Efficiency
2. Morale
3. Information sharing
4. Innovation
5. Reduce waste & duplication
6. Usability-No need to rework project
7. All for One & One for All

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 160

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Benefits to company
Objectives are attained
Solving process is faster
Company benefits from full potential of each other
Communication is faster
Work is delegated equally
There is a bond among members & less conflicts
It creates a positive environment at the workplace

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 161

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Importance of teamwork for
Team members can gain from each other
It improves relationship among each member
There is healthy competition among each
Work never takes a back seat
Tasks are accomplished in a faster ratd

Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 162

,University of Technology,Mauritius
Bye Bye & Good Luck

Reach for the sky.Seeing what beautiful

flowers have emerged in the dark soil
reminds us to be hopeful.


Mentored by geerish Bucktowonsing,SBMF 163

,University of Technology,Mauritius

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