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Dr. P. R.

Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ Financial Management ²Prasanna Chandra

[ Financial Management ²Khan and Jain

[ Financial Management ²I.M.Panday

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

Chapter 1

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Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ Mature and objective of Financial Management

[ Role of Finance Manager.
[ Interface between Finance and other Functions.
[ Environment of corporate Finance.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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½ Financial Management is that managerial activity which is

concerned with the planning and controlling of the firm·s
financial resources.
½ As a separate activity or discipline , it is of recent origin.
½ The subject is still developing and there are certain areas
where controversies exist.
½ The subject is getting importance because among most
crucial decisions of the firm are those relates to finance.
½ And understanding of theory of the financial management
provides them with conceptual and analytical insight to
make those decision skillfully.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ The financial management can be defined as
´Management of the finance of business/organization
to achieve financial objectives.µ

[ Taking a commercial business as most common

organizational structure ,the objective of the financial
management would be :
* Create wealth for the business.
* Generate the cash and

[ Provide adequate return on the investment bearing in

the mind the risk that business is taking and the
resources invested.
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‰ Centre for Financial Management , Bangalore

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010


Ñ There are three key elements to the process of

Financial Management.

(A)Financial Planning :
Î Enough funds should be made available at the right
time to meet the need of the business.
Î The funds may required for short, medium or long

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

[ (B) Financial Controls :

Î It helps to business ensure that the business
is meeting its objectives.
Î Financial control address the questions such
as :
Î Are assets being used effectively?

Î Are business assets secure?

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

[ ( C )Financial Decision Making :

Î The key aspects of financial decision making

relates to investment and dividends
Î Investment must be financed at low cost and
alternative that can be considered.
Î In regard to dividend ² a financial decision is
whether profits earned by the business should be
retained rather than distributed to shareholders .

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010


[ Firms create manufacturing capacities for production

of goods and services to consumers.
[ They sell their goods and services to earn profit.
[ Funds are required to acquire manufacturing and
other facilities.
[ The three important activities of the business firm are
: a)finance, b) production c) marketing.
[ All these department are headed by the executives.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

[ The common thread running through all decisions

taken by the various managers is money.
[ The R&D manager has to justify the money spent
on research by coming up with new products.
[ Material manager has to manage inventory-
working capital.
[ He has to achieve balance between too much and
too little inventory.
[ The finance manager as his designation implies,
should be involved in all financial matters of the
organization since almost all activities in the
organization have financial implication.
Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

[ The finance manager make available the required

funds at an acceptable cost and invested according
to plan.
[ The finance manager also look into utilization of
profits, payment of dividends ,prices of the share in
stock exchanges.
[ The objective of the manager is to increase or
maximize the wealth of the owners by increasing
value of the firm

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010
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[ The objective of the financial management is therefore,

maximization of wealth of its current shareholders.
[ What is meant by wealth maximization?
[ Wealth maximization means maximizing the net present
value (MPV)or.
[ wealth of the course of action is difference between the
present value of benefits and present value of cost.
[ The objective of wealth maximization takes care of the
questions of the timing and risk of expected benefits

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ everal alternative objectives of financial management
has been suggested by the experts. They are:
[ Maximization of profits, a maximization of earning per
share and maximization return on equity.
[ It is argued that profit maximization assume the perfect
competition which never exist and it is business objective.
[ The precise meaning of the profit maximization is unclear.
[ Does it means short term or long term profit? Does it refer
to profit before tax?
[ Profit maximization objective does not make distinction
between return received different time period

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Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ Finance manager is a person who is responsible to

carry out the financial functions.
[ He is responsible for shaping the fortunes of the
enterprise and involved in allocation of resources.
[ He must see that the funds of enterprise are
utilized most effectively.
[ The finance manager is engaged in the following

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ The finance manager has to plan for and mobilize the

required funds from various sources when they are
[ For this purpose he will be liaising with the banks/Fis,
merchant banking firms and other agencies.
[ He has to consider the cost of the funds and
conditions for raising the funds.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010


[ There are always many competing needs for allocation

of funds.
[ In consultation with various departments the finance
manager decides the manner of allocation of funds.
[ ome time investment committee is formed for
allocation of resources.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ The finance manager has to monitor the utilization
of funds.
[ He has to act as financial controller and report to
top management.
[ The reporting may, utilization of bank credit,
receivable and fund requirement at different point
of time.
[ All such reports are called ´control Reports and
whole process constitutes control because it helps
management to take timely corrective action to
ensure that planned results are achieved.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ Financial decisions often involves alternative course of

[ hould firm set-up a plant which has a capacity of one
million tone or two million tones.
[ hould debt: equity ratio of the firm be 2:1 or 1:1
[ hould the firm pursue a generous credit policy
[ hould the firm carry a large inventory or a small one?
[ The alternative course of action typically have
different risk return implications.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

[ In general when you take the financial decisions

you have to answer the question like :

[ What is expected return? What is expected


[ Given the risk return character tics of the decision

How would it influence value.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ Õne of the common factor among all managers

(Marketing, production and top management ) is
that they are concerned about the resources.
[ ince the resources has the cost it should be
effectively utilized.
[ Therefore there is need to have interface between
the finance and other functions.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ Marketing manager takes many decisions which have

impact on profitability.
[ To achieve the sale target he may extend the credit to
customer on liberal term.
[ He may maintain large inventory of finished goods.
[ All these decisions will have financial implications.
[ Õther key decisions of the marketing manager which
have financial implication are pricing, product
promotion and advertisement, choice of product mix
and distribution policy.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ Production manager controls a major part of the

investment in the form of equipments, materials, and
[ He has to effectively utilize the equipments, inventory
of spares, semi finished goods should be ideal and
work stoppages are minimized.
[ He has to hold cost of outputs under control.
[ imilarly he has to take a decision regarding make or
buy, buy or lease which has financial implication.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ Top management is interested in ensuring that firm·s

long term goals are met.
[ The financial statements are the means for
understanding overall performance of the firms.
[ trategic planning and management control are the
two important functions of top management.
[ Finance function provides basic inputs needed to
undertake these activities.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

Environment and Corporate Finance


Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

[ Finance Manager·s job is to understand the

external environment in which he operates.
[ In India investment and financing activities are
subjects to government control and legislations.
[ For example there are more than 600 item
reserved for MEs
[ The private limited company can not issue the
share capital.
[ The finance manager has to also take in to
consideration the fiscal policy

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

[ The finance Manager has to operate in

external as well as internal constraints to
maximize the wealth
[ There are four aspects of external
environment. They are :
A. Forms of Business organization.
B. Regulatory Frame work
C. Financial system
D. Tax aspects.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ All firms face the basic problems of capital

budgeting capital structure, dividend policy,
working capital cte.

[ However these issues tend to be more complex for

company than other form of organizations.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010
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[ Õwned by the single person. The rewards and

liabilities of the business is to him.
[ The advantage of the sole proprietorship are :

1. Easy and inexpensive to set up.

2. Few government regulations
3. Mo firm tax
[ The disadvantage are ²limited life, high tax rate,
unlimited personal liabilities.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ The business is owned by two or more persons and

they are partners in the business.
[ There will be partnership agreement or partnership
[ The advantages are:
1. Inexpensive and can be set up easily.
2. Relatively free from government regulations.
3. The partnerships are governed by Indian partnership
Act 1932.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010


[ A group of persons working together towards a common

objective is a company.
[ A company is collectively owned by the shareholders who
entrust the task of management to their directors.
[ The company is distinct legal person separate from its owners.
[ The liability of the shareholders of a company is limited to the
share capital subscribed by them.
[ A company must pay taxes on its profits.
[ A company may be private limited or public limited company.
[ A private limited company must have at lest two shareholders
and public limited company must have seven shareholders

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

[ A public limited company invites member of public

to subscribe to its shares where private limited
company can-not do so.

[ A public limited company permits free transfer of

shares where private limited company usually
impose the restrictions

[ According to sec 3(1) (IV)of the company Act 1956

a public company means a company which has a
minimum paid up capital of five lakhs.

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

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[ Corporate investment and financing decisions are

governed by a regulatory framework.
[ The important elements of these framework are:

1. Industrial policy.
2. Industrial licensing provision and procedures.
3. Foreign exchange management Act.
4. MRTP Act
5. Companies Act
6. EBI

Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

[ Finance manager must be aware of the provisions

of the industrial policy
[ The first industrial policy resolution was
announced in 1948.Given importance to both
private and pubic sector. Industrial sector divided
into 4 categories (1) state monopoly 2.mixed sector
3. field of government control 4.private enterprises.
[ IDR Act was passed in 1951. First five year plan
completed ( 1951-56) and there was need for new
industrial policy.
[ Industrial policy resolution was announced in 1956
which emphasis for rapid industrial growth,
development of heavy industries, development of
cooperative sector and regional development
Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

[ Resolution divided industries into three categories. a.

monopoly of the state-17 industries, b. mixed sector
public and private- 12 industries , c. industries lift for
private sector.
[ Mew Industrial policy 1991- it is part liberalization
policy. It consist abolition licensing for 18 industries.
[ Public sector role diluted. Emphasis on the
development of ME sector and regional development .
[ Encouragement of foreign investment.
[ Industries were grouped in three schedule.
[ chedule one list of industries reserved for public
Dr. P. R. Kulkarni 7/31/2010

[ chedule II- list of the industries which are subject to

compulsory licensing.
Î chedule iii list of the articles reserved for ME.

[ MRTP Act 1969.

Î The act was passed to control monopolies and
regulate monopolistic trade practices.
Î To prohibit restrictive trade practices and
Î To regulate unfair trade practices.
Î Restrictions on monopoly houses have been removed.
Î However power of MRTP commission widen to control
the unfair practices.


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