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Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
On the suction side of a pump, There is a possibility of
cavitation occurring within the pump due to low
cavitation occurs when the liquid pressure at a given
location is reduced to the vapor pressure of the liquid .
This causes loss in efficiency as well as structural
damage to the pump.
Potential for cavitation is characterized with the
difference between the total head on the suction side,
near the pump impeller inlet,
the liquid vapor pressure head,
reference for the elevation head passes through the
centerline of the pump impeller inlet.
Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
This difference is called the net positive suction head

There are actually two values of NPSH of interest.

NPSHR , required NPSH, that must be maintained, or
exceeded, so that cavitation will not occur.
Determined from the above equation
NPSHA , available NPSH, which represents the head that
actually occurs for the particular flow system.
This value can be determined experimentally, or
calculated if the system parameters are known.

The energy equation applied
between the free liquid
surface, where the pressure is
atmospheric, Patm and a point
on the suction side of the
pump near the impeller inlet

head available at the pump impeller inlet is

so that
Absolute pressures are normally used since the vapor
pressure is usually specified as an absolute pressure. For
proper pump operation it is necessary that

as the height of the pump impeller if the reservoir is above the

above the fluid surface, z1, is pump, z1 will be negative in
increased, the NPSHA is and the NPSHA will increase
decreased. as this height is increased.

Therefore, there is some critical

value for z1 above which the pump
cannot operate without cavitation. 5
Pump Curves
Pump manufacturers supply performance curves for
each of their pumps. These are normally referred to as
pump curves. These curve are generally developed
using water as the reference fluid.
The following can be read directly from a pump curve:

Head vs. flow rate information for any fluid

Pump efficiency for any fluid
Pump horsepower for system operating with water
Pump Performance Curves

Impeller NPSH


Flow Rate
Q = 300 gpm
Di= 10

Head(ft) = 95 ft
(%) = 70
P(hp) = 10HP
Power Input

Pfluid fluid
Sp. Gr. fluid
Pwater water

Note: A less dense fluid requires less horsepower


Do not use NPSH to size or select a pump unless all else

fails. Pump selection is governed by H vs. Q requirements
of system. When NPSHA is too small, it might be increased

Increasing source pressure (not usually feasible)

Cooling liquid to reduce vapor pressure (not usually
Raise elevation of source reservoir
Lower elevation of pump inlet
Raise level of fluid in reservoir
Given are the following data for a commercial centrifugal water

(a)the design-point discharge,
(b)the water horsepower, and
(c)the head if b1 = b2 =1.75 in.
Solution Part (a)
The angular velocity is

the tip speeds are

From the inlet-velocity diagram, Fig.


the discharge is
Example -Part (b)

The outlet radial velocity follows from Q

This enables us to construct the outlet-velocity diagram as in Fig.


The tangential component is

Part (b)

The power is then computed from Eq.


at the design point

Part (c)

The head is estimated from

If NPSHA Cant Be Increased

If the pump must be modified to achieve proper NPSH:

Larger slower-speed pump

Double suction impeller
Larger impeller eye
Oversized pump with an inducer
Pump Selection from Many Choices of
Characteristic Curves

1. Examine pump curves to see which pumps operate

near peak efficiency at desired flow rate. This
suggests some possible pipe diameters.
2. Compute system head requirement for a few
3. Compute V for some diameters. For water V in the
range of 1 10 ft/s is reasonable (see ahead).
4. Re-examine pump curves with computed head and
pipe diameters. This may give a couple of choices.
5. Pick pump with highest efficiency.

Maximize pump efficiency

Power input (hp) should be minimized if possible
Selected impeller diameter should not be largest or
smallest for given pump. If your needs change
switching impellers is an economical solution
NPSH required by the pump must be less than
Effect of Operating Pumps
in Series, in Parallel
Pumps can be arranged in series or in parallel to provide
for additional head or flow capacity.
When two pumps are placed in series, the resulting
pump performance curve is obtained by adding heads at
the same flowrate.
both the actual head gained by
the fluid and the flowrate are
increased, but neither will be
doubled if the system curve
remains the same.
The operating point is at (A)
for one pump and moves to
(B) for two pumps in series.

Effect of Operating Pumps - in Parallel
For two identical pumps in parallel, the combined
performance curve is obtained by adding flowrates at the
same head, as shown in Fig
The flowrate for the system will
not be doubled with the addition
of two pumps in parallel (if the
same system curve applies).

However, for a relatively flat

system curve, as shown in
Fig. a significant increase in
flowrate can be obtained as
the operating point moves
from point (A) to point (B).

Dimensionless Parameters and Similarity Laws
Characteristics of pumps are usually determined
dimensional analysis and similitude considerations will be
useful in the study and documentation of these
The principal, dependent pump variables are the actual
head rise, ha, shaft power, WShaft, and efficiency, .
incompressible fluids - compressibility effects not

Dimensionless Parameters and Similarity Laws

head rise coefficient.

power coefficient

Reynolds number that

represents the relative
influence of viscous effects.

Dimensionless Parameters and Similarity Laws

At high Reynolds numbers, the effect of the Reynolds

number can be neglected.

The relative roughness, /D, can also be neglected in pumps

since the highly irregular shape of the pump chamber is
usually the dominant geometric factor rather than the
surface roughness.

All pertinent dimensions, li scaled by a common length scale

The dependent pi terms are functions of only Q/D3, so


Dimensionless Parameters and Similarity Laws

CQ = Q/D3 the flow coefficient

These three equations provide the desired similarity

relationships among a family of geometrically similar
Dimensionless Parameters and Similarity Laws
If two pumps from the family are operated at the same value of flow

It follows then

where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to any two pumps

from the family of geometrically similar pumps.

With pump scaling laws it is possible

to experimentally determine the performance characteristics of one
pump in the laboratory
and then use these data to predict the corresponding characteristics
for other pumps within the family under different operating conditions.

Dimensionless Parameters and Similarity Laws

shows some typical shows the results plotted in

curves obtained for a terms of the dimensionless
centrifugal pump (12 coefficients, CQ, CH, CP,
inch dia, at 1000 rpm. and .
Dimensionless Parameters and Similarity Laws
From these curves shown in Figure
the performance of different-sized, geometrically similar
pumps can be predicted, as can the effect of changing
speeds on the performance of the pump from which the
curves were obtained.
It is to be noted that the efficiency, , is related to the
other coefficients through the relationship = CQCHC-1P .

Special Pump Scaling Laws
Two special cases related to pump similitude commonly
In the first case we are interested in how a change in the
operating speed, , for a given pump, affects pump
characteristics. For the same flow coefficient (and
therefore the same efficiency) with D1 = D2 (the same

The subscripts 1 and 2 now refer to the same pump

operating at two different speeds at the same flow

Special Pump Scaling Laws

Thus, for a given pump operating at a given flow

coefficient, the flow varies directly with speed, the head
varies as the speed squared, and the power varies as
the speed cubed.
These scaling laws are useful in estimating the effect of
changing pump speed when some data are available
from a pump test obtained by operating the pump at a
particular speed.
Special Pump Scaling Laws
In the second special case we are interested in how a
change in the impeller diameter, D, of a geometrically
similar family of pumps, operating at a given speed,
affects pump characteristics.
for the same flow coefficient with 1 = 2

Special Pump Scaling Laws
The effects of viscosity and surface roughness have
been neglected
But as the pump size decreases these effects more
significantly influence efficiency because of smaller
clearances and blade size.

In general,
The similarity laws will not be very accurate with other fluid
being highly viscous as tests on a model pump uses water
the fluid physics involved with oil Low Re # is different from
the higher Re # flow associated with water.

Specific Speed
A useful pi term can be obtained by eliminating diameter
D between the flow coefficient and the head rise

The dimensionless parameter Ns is called the specific

In dimensional form.

Suction Specific Speed

With an analysis similar to that used to

obtain the specific speed pi term, the
suction specific speed, Ss can be
expressed as

This dimensionless parameter is useful in determining the

required operating conditions on the suction side of the pump.

In dimensional form

Pump Performance Curves

Impeller NPSH


Flow Rate
Power Input

For fluids other than water:

P m


g ft lb f gal 1 ft 3 lbm
H q 3
g c lbm min 7.48 gal ft
ft lb f s
550 60
s hp min

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