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Your lungs can be very

badly affected by smoking. Coughs, colds,

wheezing and asthma are just the
start. Smoking can cause fatal diseases such as
pneumonia, emphysema and lung
cancer. Smoking causes 84% of deaths from
lung cancer and 83% of deaths from chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to
develop heart disease, stroke, and lung
Estimates show smoking increases the risk:
For coronary heart disease by 2 to 4 times1,6
For stroke by 2 to 4 times1
Of men developing lung cancer by 25 times1
Of women developing lung cancer by 25.7 times1
Smoking causes diminished overall health,
increased absenteeism from work, and
increased health care utilization and cost.
The cost of smoking cigarettes is not only a daily financial
cost, it can lead to higher costs for health and life insurance,
high health care costs due to smoking-related diseases, and
exposes your loved ones to the harmful chemicals in
cigarette smoke that have negative impacts on their health.
Financial Costs
Smoking can be expensive, for some, finances may be a
motivation to quit. Lets say that we spend approximately $7
per pack of cigarettes as an average in Washington State; if I
smoke around 2 packs a day, Im spending almost $400
dollars a month! (Thats $14/day multiplied by 28 days in
one month). Thats a car payment, airplane ticket, box seats
at a Seahawks game; ultimately, its more money in your
bank, if you arent spending it on cigarettes.
As a smoker, you are also charged higher rates for health
and life insurance policies. Smokers are considered higher
risk candidates for these types of insurance because of the
increased risks of serious chronic illnesses, and the
increased medical costs throughout our lifespan.
Physical and Social Costs
The cost of cigarettes is not only a financial
burden, your health, the health of others, and
the health of society is also affected.
Secondhand smoke (SHS), affects everyone
around you; it can be harmful to loved ones,
co-workers, and your community. A common
misconception is that secondhand smoke is not
as harmful as directly smoking a cigarette, in
reality; secondhand smoke can be just as
dangerous as mainstream smoke.
Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental
tobacco smoke (ETS), is a mixture of two types of
smoke that come from a cigarette:
Mainstream: Mainstream smoke is inhaled directly
by the smoker from the cigarette
Side-stream: Side-stream smoke is the smoke that
escapes from the lit end of the cigarette; this smoke
contains a higher concentration of cancer-causing
agents (carcinogens) than mainstream. These
carcinogens are also smaller particles than in
mainstream smoke so they make their way into
lungs more easily.
Side-stream smoke makes up 85% of the ETS in a smoky
room, making it the bulk of the smoke that non-smokers

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