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Edited by

Dr.Liniyanti D Oswari, MNS,MSc.

What is biochemistry?
Living things are composed of lifeless
molecules. When these molecules are
isolated and examined individually, they
conform to all the physical and chemical
laws that describe the behavior of inanimate

-Albert Lehninger
Science concerned with
chemical basis of life in Human
Science concerned with the
chemical constituents of living
cells and with the reaction and
process that they undergo

Course Overview
Carbohydrate Metabolism
Sugars, Starches, Digestion, Absorption, Energy
Lipid Metabolism
Digestion, Absorption, Transport, Mobilization
Amino Acids and Proteins
Production, Breakdown, Conversion
Nucleic Acids, DNA and RNA
Production, Breakdown
Medical Genetics

the sum total of chemical (and physical)

changes that occur in living organisms,
and which are fundamental to life.

Concise Encyclopedia of Biochemistry

Conversion into derivatives
e.g histidine to histamine
Tyrosine to thyroxines
Tyrosine to melanin
Choline to acetylcholine
Catabolism: exergonic oxidation
(Pemecahan dari molekul besar ke
molekul lebih kecil contoh
Sukrosa dg enzim Sukrase jadi
Glukosa & Fruktosa)
Anabolism: endergonic biosynthesis
(Mensintesa dari molekul kecil kemolekul
lebih besar contoh Asam amino memben
tuk Protein Otot)
Products from one provide substrates for the other.

Anabolism and catabolism share many intermediates.

The three stages of catabolism.
Stage 1: Proteins,
polysaccharides, and lipids are
broken down into their
component building blocks.
Stage 2: The building blocks
are degraded into the common
product, the acetyl groups of
Stage 3: Catabolism converges
to three principal end products:
water, carbon dioxide, and

Proteins Carbohydrates Fats

Glucose Fatty acids

Amino acids
and glycerol


Acetyl CoA

Krebs (Citric Oxidative

acid) cycle phosphorylation
Gut-Brain Peptides
(only a few out of many)

Chemical signals from the G.I. Tract to the Brain

Short-term Regulators
Last for minutes to hours
Make us want to start eating and stop eating

Long-term Regulators
Work over periods of weeks to years
Regulate our caloric intake & energy spent and amount of
adipose tissue
Short-Term Regulators
Secreted from parietal cells when stomach empty & stops within
an hour of eating
Produces sensation of hunger & starts up eating
Causes hypothalamus to release GHRH ( hGH)

Peptide YY
Secreted by ileum & colon in response to food in the stomach, in
proportion to calories consumed
Signals satiety & stops eating

Secreted by duodenum & jejunum
Produces appetite-suppressing effect via Vagus N.
Long-Term Regulators

Secreted by adipocytes in proportion to amount of stored fat
Primary way brain knows how much body fat is stored
Obesity is related to receptor unresponsiveness

Secreted by beta cells in pancreas
Stimulates glucose & amino acid uptake
Promotes glycogen & fat synthesis
Additional way brain knows how much body fat is stored (effect
weaker than leptin)
Digestion is the first step of catabolism
Carbohydrates glucose, fructose,

Proteins amino acids

Lipids glycerol
fatty acids

Substances that connect metabolic pathways
In reduction, coenzymes accept H atoms
In oxidation, coenzymes remove H atoms
FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide)
FAD + -CH2-CH2- FADH2 + -CH=CH-

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)

NAD+ + -CH-OH NADH + H+ + -C=O


All chemical & physical changes that

occur in living organisms appear to obey
the universal laws of thermodynamics.

Reactions must be thermodynamically

possible, even if seemingly unfavorable,
for them to occur in biochemistry.
Compartmentation of Metabolism
Certain metabolic pathways are
compartmentalized in different cell
Glycolysis occurs in the cytosol.
The Krebs cycle reactions occur in the
mitochondrial matrix.
Other oxidative reactions occur in the
In photosynthesis, some pathways are in
the chloroplast.
* Biochemistry studies have
illuminated many aspects of
health & disease

* the study of various aspects of

health & disease has opened up
new areas of biochemistry

Nucleic acid Protein lipid Carbohydrates

Geneticdisease Sickle cell anemia arteriosclerosis Diabetes mellitus


Let us take
the case of
which has

From Stryer
As can be seen, some reactions of glycolysis require
an input of energy, whereas others release it.
Thus by coupling unfavorable reactions to
reactions that can go spontaneously, desired
biomolecules can be synthesised without flouting
the laws of thermodynamics.
Since many of the effective units of
metabolism are the metabolic pathways, how
are they controlled?

Let us go back to look at a simple reaction

catalysed by a Michaelis-Menten enzyme.
Vmax is the maximum velocity which
the amount of enzyme used here can
Vo = K + [S] [S] is the concentration of substrate
M being varied here.

KM is defined as the ratio of the rate constants of the

component reactions in the derivation of the rate equation:

Enzyme + Substrate ES complex Enzyme + Product

k-1 k2
k-1+ k2
E + S ES E + P
KM =
Aerobic respiration
Aerobic metabolic pathways (using oxygen) are
used by most eukaryotic cells

Anaerobic metabolic pathways (occur in the
absence of oxygen) are used by prokaryotes and
protists in anaerobic habitats
Aerobic respiration and fermentation both
begin with glycolysis, which converts one
molecule of glucose into two molecules of

After glycolysis, the two pathways diverge

Fermentation is completed in the cytoplasm,
yielding 2 ATP per glucose molecule
Aerobic respiration is completed in mitochondria,
yielding 36 ATP per glucose molecule if all
processes there go to completion
Three stages
Glycolysis (carried out in cytoplasm; necessary to
set stage for mitochondrial processes that follow
Acetyl-CoA formation during Krebs cycle
Electron transfer phosphorylation (ATP formation)
C6H12O6 (glucose) + O2 (oxygen)
CO2 (carbon dioxide) + H2O (water)

Coenzymes NADH and FADH2 carry electrons and

Typically, the breakdown of one glucose
molecule yields 36 ATP for all three stages:

Glycolysis: 2 ATP

Acetyl CoA formation and Krebs cycle: 2 ATP

Electron transfer phosphorylation: 32 ATP

Fermentation pathways break down
carbohydrates without using oxygen

The final steps in these pathways regenerate

NAD+ but do not produce ATP
Glycolysis is the first stage of fermentation
Forms 2 pyruvate, 2 NADH, and 2 ATP

Pyruvate is converted to other molecules, but

is not fully broken down to CO2 and water
Regenerates NAD+ but doesnt produce ATP

Provides enough energy for some single-

celled anaerobic species
Alcoholic fermentation
Pyruvate is split into acetaldehyde and CO2
Acetaldehyde receives electrons and hydrogen from
NADH, forming NAD+ and ethanol

Lactate fermentation
Pyruvate receives electrons and hydrogen from
NADH, forming NAD+ and lactate
Fermentation gives rise to doughs by CO2 release.

Fig. 8-10b, p. 133

Slow-twitch muscle fibers (red muscles)
make ATP by aerobic respiration
Have many mitochondria
Dominate in prolonged activity

Fast-twitch muscle fibers (white muscles)

make ATP by lactate fermentation
Have few mitochondria and no myoglobin
Sustain short bursts of activity
Fermentation pathways start with glycolysis

Substances other than oxygen accept

electrons at the end of the pathways

Compared with aerobic respiration, the net

yield of ATP from fermentation is very small
Pathways that break down molecules other
than carbohydrates also keep organisms alive

In humans and other mammals, the entrance

of glucose and other organic compounds into
an energy-releasing pathway depends on the
kinds and proportions of carbohydrates, fats
and proteins in the diet
Its a constant balancing act

When blood glucose concentration rises, the

pancreas increases insulin secretion
Cells take up glucose faster, more ATP is formed,
glycogen and fatty-acid production increases

When blood glucose concentration falls, the

pancreas increases glucagon secretion
Stored glycogen is converted to glucose
About 78% of an adults energy reserves is
stored in fat (mostly triglycerides)

Enzymes cleave fats into glycerol and fatty

Glycerol products enter glycolysis
Fatty acid products enter the Krebs cycle

Compared to carbohydrates, fatty acid

breakdown yields more ATP per carbon atom
Enzymes split dietary proteins into amino
acid subunits, which enter the bloodstream
Used to build proteins or other molecules

Excess amino acids are broken down into

ammonia (NH3) and various products that can
enter the Krebs cycle
Amino acids are absorbed
from the small intestine

About 50% from diet

About 25% from dead epithelial cells
About 25% from digested enzymes
1) Amino acids used for protein synthesis

Amino acids can be actively transported

into body cells & used to build proteins

What are some

examples of proteins?
20 different amino acids are used to synthesize

8 called essential amino acids because they

must come from the diet

Histidine & arginine are semi essensial amino

acids for adult and essential amino acids for

Foods that contain all the essential amino acids

are called complete proteins, for example;
eggs, milk, meat.
The nonessential amino acids can be produced by
the body through a process called

Transamination = transfer of an amino group

(NH2) from an abundant amino acid to a keto
acid to make a new amino acid

Keto acid + amino group (NH2) amino acid

2) Amino acids can be used as fuel, or a source of

First step is deamination, which is removal of an

amino group (NH2) from an amino acid creating
a keto acid

Amino acid Keto acid + amino group

Depending on which
amino acid is

the keto acid may be

converted to;
Pyruvic acid
Acetyl CoA
One of the acids of
citric acid cycle

p 1023
Pyruvic acid could be
converted back into
glucose by cells in the
kidney or liver

This is an example of
gluconeogenesis, which
is making glucose from a

p 1023
The amino group is
transferred to ketoglutaric
acid, making glutamic acid,
that travels to the liver & is
converted back to
ketoglutaric acid

Left over ammonia (NH3) is

converted to urea

p 1023
Absorptive State = 4 hours during & after a meal
Nutrients are being absorbed & then immediately used or stored

Postabsorptive State = stomach & intestine are empty

Stored fuel molecules are used for energy

p 1025
Biochemical research has
impact on nutrition and
preventive medicine

all disease has a

biochemical basis
(1)Physical agent:
mechanical trauma,extremes of temperature,
sudden changes in atmospheric pressure,
radiation, electric shock

(2)Chemical agents:
drugs, certain toxic compounds,
therapeutic drugs

(3)Biologic agents:
Viruses, Bacteria,Fungi,
Higher forms of parasites
(4)Oxygen lack :
loss of blood supply, depletion of the
oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood,
poisoning of the oxidative enzyme
(5) Genetic disorders:
Congenital , molecular
(6) Immunology reaction:Anaphylaxis,
Autoimmune disease

(7) Nutritional imbalances:Deficiencies,excesses

(8) Endocrine imbalances :hormonal deficiencies,

hormonal excesses

Biochemical studies contribute to
diagnosis, prognosis & treatment

Disease Causes
Scurvy deficiencies of vitamin C
Rickets deficiencies of vitamin D

Arteriosclerosis genetic,dietary environment factors

Phenylketonuria mainly mutation the gene coding

phenylalanine hydroxylase
Disease causes
Cystic fibrosis mutation in the gene coding the
CFTR Protein
Cholera exotoxin of Vibrio Cholera
Diabetes type I genetic and environment factors
resulting in deficiency of insulin

Many biochemical studies illuminate
disease mechanisms & disease inspire
biochemical research

Use example
1.To act as screening use of measurement of blood
tests for the early tyrosine or TSH in the
diagnosis of certain diseases neonatal diagnosis of
congenital hypothyroidism

Use example reveal the fundamental demonstration of the genetic
causes &mechanisms defects in Cystic Fibrosis.
of diseases

3. to suggest rational use of a diet low in Phenyl-

treatment of diseases alanine for the treatment of

4. to assist in the diagnosis use of the plasma enzyme

of specific disease CK-MB in the diagnosis 0f
Myocardial Infarction.

Use example
5. the progress of certain ALT in monitoring the
disease progress of infectious

(6. To assist in assessing the use of measurement of

response of diseases to therapy blood CEA in certain
patients who have
been treated for cancer
of the colon


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