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Green Architecture
Green Architecture

Green architecture, or green design, is an

approach to building that minimizes harmful
effects on human health and the
environment. The "green" architect or designer
attempts to safeguard air, water, and earth by
choosing eco-friendly building
materials and construction practices
Seven key principles of Green Building

Site and its surroundings

Energy Efficiency
Water Efficiency
Material Efficiency
Indoor Air Quality
Waste Reduction
Low maintenance costs
Site and its Surroundings | Siting and
Structure Design Efficiency

Site and its Surroundings is one of

the seven principles of Green Building
Architecture. In our earlier articles, we
discussed about Sustainable
For a better understanding and study of the
concept, we can divide the principle into
three parts:

Selection of a suitable site

Site Analysis
Site Development
Selection of a suitable site

Selection of a site depends on the

type and the size of the Project. Our
aim is to reduce the consumption of
energy resources and still create an
efficient structure
Site selection is mainly based on two

Factors concerning the before

construction of the project
Factors concerning the after
construction of the structure (after
use efficiency)
Factors concerning the before construction
of the project

Availability of skilled labour

Availability of cheap labour
Transportation facilities
Availability of local or natural materials to reduce construction
and transportation costs
Rate of population growth and urbanization in that area
Town planning and environmental conditions

These are the factors that are to be examined and kept in mind
while selecting a site prior to the construction of the project.
Factors concerning the after construction
of the structure (after use efficiency)

Access to Parks and Playgrounds

Agricultural potentiality of the land
Availability of Public Utility Services especially
water, electricity and sewage disposal
contour of the land in relation to the building
cost of land
distance from places of work
ease of drainage
Factors concerning the after construction
of the structure (after use efficiency)

location with respect to schools, colleges and public

nature of use of adjacent areas
transport facilities
wind, velocity and direction
Site Analysis and Site Development | Siting
and Structure Design Efficiency

Site Analysis is followed

by Site Development. Site
Development can be
efficient only if the Site
Analysis is done correctly
and accurately.
Site Analysis
Once we are done with the selection of
the Building site, get the entire survey of
the site. The topography of the site and
the natural features present on the site are
to be studied.

A better and efficient way of utilizing

the sites natural elements have to be
figured out.
Site Analysis

For examples, the existing landscaping which

would include tall or shady trees or bushes can
be efficiently merged with the building design to
serve a purpose.

Swales and Wetlands can be maintained and

preserved if any on the site and used for the
filtration of the Surface runoff. Site Analysis also
includes the study of micro-climatic factors
which could influence the design of the Project.
Site Development

Site Development scheme should be carried out after

having studied the site. This is the ultimate stage where
importance has to be given to the consequences of the
construction that is to be carried out onto the site.

This is something that will decide whether we were able

to successfully create a Green environment or not. When
we talk about Green environment, we are also taking into
consideration the ecological and environmental impact
that our structure would have on the surroundings and

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