43 - Web DB

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Databases and the Web

Databases and the Web

I. Databases in Abstract
II. Creating Databases using Relational
DataBase Management Systems
III. Databases and Web Interfaces
I. Databases in Abstract
A database is an organized collection of data
whose content must be quickly and easily
A relational database is one whose data are
split up into tables, sometimes called relations
First Normal Form (1NF)
All attributes are single valued & non-repeating
Must be 1NF & must have primary key
Each non-primary key attribute must be functionally
dependent on primary key
Must be 2NF
Each non-primary key attribute must be dependent only
on primary key
Each column constitutes an attribute
Each row constitutes a record or tuple

Attribute 1 Attribute 2
(column 1) (column 2)
Record 1
(tuple 1)
Record 2
(tuple 2)
An attribute or group of attributes which
uniquely identifies each record in a table
May not be a Null value
used primarily for enforcing referential
integrity, but also for establishing relationships
between the two tables
One-to-one (1-to-1)
One-to-many (1-to-M or 1-to-)
Many-to-Many (M-to-M or -to-)
Structured Query Language
Pronounce Sequel or Ess Que Ell
Industry standard language of (Relational)
Allows for complete
Table Creation, Deletion, Editing
Data extraction (Queries)
Database management & administration
II. Creating Databases using
A. Microsoft Access
Creating Tables
Entering, Importing, Editing, & Viewing Data
Defining Relationships
Constructing Queries
B. MySQL (Documentation)
Where to put it (servers at UVa)
Ditto MS Access
C. Others
mSQL, PostGreSQL, Oracle, DB2, Informix, Sybase,
Empress, Adabas
III. Databases and
Web Interfaces
What a Web-Interface for a Database
Your database (Access, MySQL)
A Web server (html)
A way of connecting the two
(CGI scripts and SQL)
Security concerns
Where to put your
Database and Scripts
Academic side of UVa
ESERVICES es-web1 (web.virginia.edu)
MySQL server (dbm1.itc.virginia.edu)
Home directory (blue.unix, faculty, curry, avery, minerva
www.virginia.edu, jm.acs www.itc.virginia.edu)
Medical side of UVa
See the UVa Health Systems Web Development
Active Server Pages (ASP)
When a browser calls an ASP document, the
ASP Server reads the .asp document and
1. Substitutes appropriate files for the (server-side)
include statements
2. Runs the ASP code (Visual Basic Script see the
Tutorial and Language Reference, )
3. Returns the resulting HTML code to the browser
ASP Key Points (1)
ASP code enclosed in: <% ASP code %>
Everything outside is HTML
The result of the combined HTML and ASP code
must be a standard HTML document, e.g.:
<title>Miracle Drug Study</title>
<meta name="Description" content="">
<meta name="Keywords" content="">
<link rel=STYLESHEET type="text/css" href="">
ASP Key Points (2)
Connect with database:
Create connection object:
set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Open connection:
Submit Query:
Generate SQL statement:
SQL = "SELECT FirstName, LastName, DOB, Gender FROM
Patients WHERE Gender = '" & Gender & "' ORDER BY
FirstName DESC"
set Patients = conn.execute(SQL)
ASP Key Points (3)
Add to or edit table:
Create and open Record Set object:
set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
RS.Open "Treatment", conn, , adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
Create new record, Edit, & Update:
RS(Dosage) = 200
ASP Key Points (4)
Add to or edit table (continued):
Or Find desired record, Edit, & Update :
do while NOT RS.eof
if RS(ID) = 7 then
RS(Dosage) = 200
end if
ASP Key Points (5)
Clean up (free server resources) when done:
set Patients = nothing
Record Sets:
set RS = nothing
The Connection:
set conn = nothing
ASP Security
Apart from various Internet Information
Services (IIS Windows Web service)
security holes (for viruses and worms),
security is quite good.
Use https:// if you want to protect content
over the Web provides Secure Socket
Layer (SSL) security
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
HTML embedding scripting language (see
the PHP online manual
Example 1, Example 2
PHP Key Points (1)
PHP code enclosed in <?php PHP code ?>
or <? PHP code ?>
Everything outside is HTML
Output is (generally) to a browser requiring
standard HTML
PHP Key Points (2)
Connecting with RDBMS and editing, adding, and
deleting databases therein are all done through
PHP functions
Connect with MySQL RDBMS
mysql_connect($hostName, $userName, $password) or
die("Unable to connect to host $hostName");
Connect with database
mysql_select_db($dbName) or die("Unable to select
database $dbName");
PHP Key Points (2)
Queries: Nearly all table interaction and
management is done through queries:
Basic information searches
$SQL = "SELECT FirstName, LastName, DOB,
Gender FROM Patients WHERE Gender = '$Gender
$Patients = mysql_query($SQL);
Editing, adding, and deleting records and tables
$SQL = "INSERT INTO Patients (FirstName,
LastName) VALUES('$firstName', '$lastName')";
$Patients = mysql_query($SQL);
PHP Key Points (3)
Cleaning up: close the database connection
PHP/MySQL Security
PHP/MySQL can be made secure apart from one
serious flaw as implemented at UVa:
Because web files must be readable by the world (unix
permissions), anyone with an account on the server
where you run the php code can see the code, including
your MySQL $password.
A couple of exceptions to this flaw are as follows:
If you secure your server so that there are no other users on it
If you use Perl instead, compile it, and then hide or remove
your source code containing the MySQL password
One other possible poor to fair workaround: use .htaccess to
password protect your php directory
See the passwords link
Practical Extraction and
Report Language (Perl)
a.k.a Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister

Originally designed to be a better general
purpose tool than a Unix shell, it has grown and
spread to be support from Windows to
Macintosh to VMS.
Perl Key Points (1)
First Line must specify the location of the
Perl engine (The DBI module will not work
for #!/usr/local/bin /perl see below):
#!/usr/local/bin/perl5 -w
First printed line must be the following if
you want it to respond to go to a browser:
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
Perl Key Points (2)
You *must* use the DBI module which
allows you to interface with the database
(see DBI link 1 & DBI link 2)
use DBI;
You should also make use of the CGI
use CGI;
Perl Key Points (3)
Set the usual parameters:
my $hostname = "dbm1.itc.virginia.edu";
my $username = "dld5s"; # "my" defines a local variable
my $username = "dld5s";
my $password = "ias!";
my $database = $username . "_study"; # = dld5s_study
my $data_source = "DBI:mysql:$database:$hostname";

Connect to the database:

my $dbh = DBI->connect($data_source, $username, $password)
or die "Can't connect to $data_source: $DBI::errstr\n";
Perl Key Points (4)
Define the SQL statement and execute
my $SQL = "SELECT FirstName, LastName, DOB, Gender
FROM Patients
WHERE Gender = '$Gender
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL)
or die "Unable to prepare $SQL: dbh->errstr\n";
$sth->execute or die "Unable to execute query: $dbh->errstr\n";

Clean up
Other Resources
MySQL by DuBois (New {Active Server Pages
Riders) 3.0 by Mitchell &
MySQL & mSQL Atkinson (Sams)}
byYarger, Reese, & King
ITC Desktop Web
Beginning PHP4 by Blan,
Choi, et. al (Wrox) pages
Learning Perl by Schwartz
& Christiansen (OReilly)

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