FP1 Chapter 6 - Proof by Induction

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FP1 Chapter 6 Proof By

Dr J Frost (jfrost@tiffin.kingston.sch.uk)

Last modified: 31st March 2015

What is Proof by Induction?
We tend to use proof by induction whenever we want to show some property holds
for all integers (usually positive).

Show that =1 = 2 + 1 for all .

Showing its true for a few values of is not a proof.

We need to show its true for ALL values of .
If its true for = 1, it must be true for = 2. If its true for = 3, it must be true for = 4.

= = = = =

If its true for = 2, it must be true for = 3.

Suppose we could prove the And so on. Hence the statement must be true for all .
above is true for the first
value of , i.e. = 1. Suppose that if we assumed its true
for = , then we could prove its
true for = + 1. Then:
Chapter Overview
We will use Proof of Induction for 4 different types of proof:

1 Summation Proofs Show that =1 = 2 + 1 for all .

2 Divisibility Proofs Prove that 3 7 + 9 is divisible by 3 for all + .

Recurrence Relation Given that +1 = 3 + 4, 1 = 1,

3 prove that = 3 2

1 1 1 1 2
4 Matrix Proofs Prove that = for all + .
0 3 0 2

Bro Tip: Recall that is the set of all integers, and + is the set of all
positive integers. Thus = + .
The Four Steps of Induction
For all these types the process of proof is the same:

! Proof by induction:

Step 1: Basis: Prove the general statement is true for = 1.

Step 2: Assumption: Assume the general statement is true for = .
Step 3: Inductive: Show that the general statement is then true for = + 1.
Step 4: Conclusion: The general statement is then true for all positive integers .

(Step 1 is commonly known as the base case and Step 3 as the inductive case)
Type 1: Summation Proofs
Step 1: Basis: Prove the general statement is true for = 1.
Step 2: Assumption: Assume the general statement is true for = .
Step 3: Inductive: Show that the general statement is then true for = + 1.
Step 4: Conclusion: The general statement is then true for all positive integers .

Show that =1(2 1) = 2 for all .

1 Basis Step When = 1, = 1=1 2 1 = 2 1 1 = 1

= 12 = 1. = so?summation true for = 1.

2 Assumption Assume summation true for = .

So =1(2 1) = 2 ?
3 Inductive When = + 1:

2 1 = 2 1 + 2 +1 1
=1 =1 ?
= 2 + 2 + 1
= +1 2
Hence true when = + 1.

4 Conclusion Since true for = 1 and if true for = , true for = + 1,

true for all . ?
More on the Conclusion Step
As result is true for = 1, this implies true for all positive integers and hence
true by induction.

I lifted this straight from a mark scheme, hence use this exact wording!
The mark scheme specifically says:

(For method mark)

Any 3 of these seen anywhere in the proof:
true for =
assume true for =
true for = +
true for all /positive integers
Test Your Understanding
Edexcel FP1 Jan 2010

Exercise 6A
All questions except Q2.
Type 2: Divisibility Proofs
Step 1: Basis: Prove the general statement is true for = 1.
Step 2: Assumption: Assume the general statement is true for = .
Step 3: Inductive: Show that the general statement is then true for = + 1.
Step 4: Conclusion: The general statement is then true for all positive integers .

Prove by induction that 32 + 11 is divisible by 4 for all positive integers .

1 Basis Step Let = 32 + 11, where + .

? by 4.
1 = 32 + 11 = 20 which is divisible

2 Assumption Assume that for = , = 32 + 11 is divisible by 4 for + .


Type 2: Divisibility Proofs
Step 1: Basis: Prove the general statement is true for = 1.
Step 2: Assumption: Assume the general statement is true for = .
Step 3: Inductive: Show that the general statement is then true for = + 1.
Step 4: Conclusion: The general statement is then true for all positive integers .

Prove by induction that 32 + 11 is divisible by 4 for all positive integers .

3 Inductive Method 1 (the textbooks method, which I dont like)

Find the difference between successive terms and show this is
divisible by the number of interest.
+ 1 = 32 +1 + 11 Bro Tip: Putting in terms of 32 allows us to
= 32 32 + 11 better compare with the assumption case
since the power is now the same.
= 9 32 + 11 ?
+ 1 = 9 32 + 11 32 + 11
= 8 32 = 4 2 32 Method: You need to explicitly factor out 4 to show divisibility by 4.
Method: Then write + 1 back in term of () and the
+1 = +4 2 32 difference. We know both the terms on the RHS are divisible by 4.

Therefore () is divisible by 4 when = + 1.

4 Conclusion Since true for = 1 and if true for = , true for = + 1,

true for all .
Type 2: Divisibility Proofs
Prove by induction that 32 + 11 is divisible by 4 for all positive integers .

3 Inductive Method 2 (presented as Alternative Method in mark schemes)

Directly write ( + 1) in form + ( ) by splitting off ()
or some multiple of it, where is the divisibility number.
+ 1 = 32 +1 + 11
= 32 32 + 11
= 9 32 + 11
= 32 + 11 + 8 32 ? Method: We have separated into
32 + 8 32 because it allowed us to then
= + 4 2 32 replace 32 + 11 with ()

Therefore () is divisible by 4 when = + 1.

This method is far superior for two reasons:
a) The idea of separating out () is much more conceptually similar to both summation
proofs and (when we encounter it) matrix proofs, whereas using + 1 () is
specific to divisibility proofs. Thus we neednt see divisibility proofs as a different
method from the other types.
b) Well encounter a question next where we need to get in the form + 1 =
+ ( ), i.e. we in fact separate out a multiple of (). Thus causes absolute
havoc for Method 1 as our difference + 1 () has to refer to (), which is
mathematically inelegant.
Type 2: Divisibility Proofs
Prove by induction that 8 3 is divisible by 5.

2 Assumption ? 3 is divisible by 5 for +.

Assume that for = , = 8

3 Inductive When = + 1:
+ 1 = 8+1 3+1
= 8 8 3 3
= 3 8 3 + 5 8
Method: We have 3 lots of 8 and
3 we can split off.
Using Method 2
= 3 + 5(8 )
therefore true for = + 1.
Test Your Understanding
Step 1: Basis: Prove the general statement is true for = 1.
Step 2: Assumption: Assume the general statement is true for = .
Step 3: Inductive: Show that the general statement is then true for = + 1.
Step 4: Conclusion: The general statement is then true for all positive integers .

Prove by induction that 3 7 + 9 is divisible by 3 for all positive integers .

1 Basis Step Let = 3 7 + 9, where + .

1 = 3 which is divisible by 3. ?

2 Assumption Assume that for = , = 3 7 + 9 is divisible by 3 for

+ . ?
3 Inductive Method 1: Method 2:
+1 = +1 37 +1 +9 +1 = +1 37 +1 +9
= =
= 3 + 3 2 4 + 3 = 3 + 3 2 4 + 3
+ 1 = = 3 2 + 2 ? = 3 7 + 9 + 3 2 + 3 6
+ 1 = + 3 2 + 2 = + 3 2 + 2
Therefore () is divisible by 3 when = + 1. Therefore () is divisible by 3 when = + 1.

4 Conclusion Since true for = 1 and if true for = , true for = + 1,

true for all . ?
Exercise 6B
Page 130.
All questions.
Type 3: Recurrence Relation Proofs
Step 1: Basis: Prove the general statement is true for = 1. Notice that were trying
Step 2: Assumption: Assume the general statement is true for = . to prove a position-to-
Step 3: Inductive: Show that the general statement is then true for = + 1. term formula from a
Step 4: Conclusion: The general statement is then true for all positive integers . term-to-term one.

Given that +1 = 3 + 4 and 1 = 1, prove by induction that = 3 2

1 Basis Step When = 1, 1 = 31 2 = 1 as given.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The textbook gets this wrong (bottom of Page 131),
saying that is required. I checked a mark scheme it isnt.
Bro Tip: You need to carefully reflect on what statement you are trying to prove, i.e. = 3 2, and what
statement is GIVEN (and thus already know to be true), i.e.+1 = 3 + 4

2 Assumption Assume that for = , = 3 2 is true for + .

3 Inductive Then +1 = 3 + 4 Method: Sub in your
=3 3
2 +4 assumption expression
= 3+1 6 + 4 into the recurrence.
= 3+1 2
Bro Tip: For harder questions, write out what youre trying to prove in advance, i.e.
that we want to get 3+1 2, , to help guide your manipulation.

4 Conclusion ?
Since true for = 1 and if true for = , true for = + 1, true for all .
Test Your Understanding
Edexcel FP1 Jan 2011

Recurrence Relations based on two previous terms
Step 1: Basis: Prove the general statement is true for = 1.
Step 2: Assumption: Assume the general statement is true for = .
Step 3: Inductive: Show that the general statement is then true for = + 1.
Step 4: Conclusion: The general statement is then true for all positive integers .

Given that +2 = 5+1 6 and 1 = 13, 2 = 35, prove by induction that

= 2+1 + 3+1
1 Basis Step When = 1, 1 = 22 + 32 = 13 as given.
? given.
When = 2, 2 = 23 + 33 = 35 as
We have two base cases so had to check 2 terms!
2 Assumption Assume that for = and = + 1, = 2+1 + 3+1 and
+1 = 2+2 + 3+2 is true for ?+ . We need two previous instances of
in our assumption case now.
3 Inductive Let = + 1
(Brominder: its worth noting in advance were aiming for +1 = 2 +1 +1 + 3 +1 +1 )
Then +2 = 5+1 6
= 5 2+1 + 3+1 ?
6 2+1 + 3+1
= 2+3 + 3+3 = 2+2+1 + 3+2+1

4 Conclusion Since true for = 1 and = 2 and if true for = and = + 1,

true for = + 2, ?
true for all . (Warning: slightly different to before)
Exercise 6C
Page 132.
Q1, 3, 5, 7
Type 4: Matrix Proofs
Step 1: Basis: Prove the general statement is true for = 1.
Step 2: Assumption: Assume the general statement is true for = .
Step 3: Inductive: Show that the general statement is then true for = + 1.
Step 4: Conclusion: The general statement is then true for all positive integers .

1 1 1 1 2
Prove by induction that = for all + .
0 2 0 2
1 Basis Step 1 1 1 1 1
When = 1, = =
0 2 0 2
1 1 1 ?
= 1 1 12 = . As = , true for = 1.
0 2 0 2

2 Assumption 1 1 1 1 2
0 3 ?
Assume true = , i.e. =
0 2
3 Inductive When = + 1,
1 1 +1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
= =
0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2
= = 1 1 +1 2+1
? Method: As with summation and divisibility
0 2 proofs, its just a case of separating off the
Therefore true when = + 1. assumption expression.

4 Conclusion Since true for = 1 and if true for = , true for = + 1,

true for all . ?
Test Your Understanding
Step 1: Basis: Prove the general statement is true for = 1.
Step 2: Assumption: Assume the general statement is true for = .
Step 3: Inductive: Show that the general statement is then true for = + 1.
Step 4: Conclusion: The general statement is then true for all positive integers .

2 9 3 + 1 9
Prove by induction that = for all + .
1 4 3 + 1
1 Basis Step 2 9 1 2 9
When = 1, = =
1 4 1 4
3 + 1 9 2 ? 9
= = . As = , true for = 1.
1 3+1 1 4

2 9 3 + 1 9
1 4 ?
2 Assumption Assume true = , i.e. =
3 + 1
3 Inductive When = + 1,
2 9 +1 2 9 2 9 3 + 1 9 2 9
= =
1 4 1 4 1 4 3 + 1 1 4
3 2 9 + 9
? + 1 + 1 9( + 1)
1 3 + 4 ( + 1) 3 +1 +1
Therefore true when = + 1.

4 Conclusion Since true for = 1 and if true for = , true for = + 1,

true for all . ?
Exercise 6D
Page 134.
All questions.

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