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Coacheducation projects in
Womens football
Marianne Miettinen, Head coach
Three current projects to educate and mentor the coaches

1. Fortum Tutor project

2. Womens League coaches program

3. Talented female coaches program

Fortum Tutor project
100 tutors around the country who support the coaches of 5-12 years old kids ( boys and girls )

Paid by the FA ( Sponsor Fortum )

Work in the clubs in training sessions and in the games / tournaments to support the coach

Tips for the training sessions ( what ,why, how )

Tips how to create an inspirational and fun learning environment

Tips how to give feedback to the players in the trainings and in the games

Tips how to develop the players as individuals and how to develop the game
A Fortum tutors jobdescription in one club
1-2 times a week in a trainingsession or in a game + feedback and discussions with the coach
Organize and be an isntructor in E level coaching course during 2015
Organize the technic competition in the club and training for that during 2015

April - May
Indiviual meeting with the coach
Tutoring a practise session I
Model training + playbook introduction
Tutoring a practise session II
Tutoring a game
Tutoring a practisesession and meet the parents, theme education for scoring goals

June - July
Indiviual meeting with the coach
Tutoring a practise session III
Model training + playbook follow up
Theme education for scoring goals II
Tutoring games in a tournament

September - October (new coaches?)

Indiviual meeting with the coach
Tutoring a practise session IV
Model training + playbook introduction
Tutoring a practise session V
Tutoring a game
Tutoring a practisesession and meet the parents, theme education for scoring goals

Method for coaching the youth coaches

Training session coached by instructor coaches as a model group

Training session coached by instructor players as a model group

Training session coached by coaches players as a model group,

mentored by instructor
Development of the Womens League coaches

Supported by FIFA

Cyprus cup 2015 8 coaches,for 6 days

Analysis what and how to develop the Finnish womens


Follow up in April in League opening day

Mentor Lars Mosander travel during june to all the clubs

to follow up / support the coaches in everydaylife

Develop our game
Train for the demand of the game
- Practice to 100% Session where you can do gamelike situations, make it gamelike
- Winning mentality Demand of quality and competitions
- Quality first, then tempo/game Individual and team training, number/hours of practice
- High intense sessions Pulse the training sessions and pulse inside the session, ensure you reach this every week
- First touch; During movement, fake move before getting ball, speed between first and second touch
- Passing quality; Both feet, different technics, long-short, pass to correct foot, speed, demand of quality, lead the next action
- Comfortable with ball Protect(right and wrong turned), skill and balance, attitude to keep the ball
- Second movement Be able to create space for other players, sue created space (with and without ball)
- Moving without ball Create and use space together with other players, complete runs, pass-move, opposite moves
- To create goalchances Penetration phase
- Pressure play; Win the ball, defend forward, complete the press
- Zonal defending To act in different roles(change role in each situation), defend forward, first and second defender,
Attacking and defending
- 1v1; Offense(challenge) and defense, run with ball, duel play
- Positional demand; Finishing, heading, goal keepers role (see separate slide)
- Transitions Reaction when losing the ball
- Communication Attacking and defending
- Rediness; Read next situation (defending and attacking), have an idea before getting the ball (attacking)
Develop our game
- Club training
To think of as coaches - Coaches
Create situations where players can give each other feedback, on and off the field
- Communication between players in attacking and defending

Prioritize players with good football understanding and ability to read the game
Encourage and include different characters in the teams
Prioritize in all practices;
1. Quality in game like situations
2. Tempo in game like situations

Create winning mentality. Competitive environment

Demand of quality/focus in each pass session
Pulse the training sessions and pulse inside the session. Ensure all players reach the physical demand of the session
- High intense sessions on national team players
Ensure there is a responsible person for each young player (avoid overload)
Players own their own development, encourage them to be aware of this
Ensure all in your organization knows what Elite football is
How to handle injured players
- Have a plan
- Participating in training?
Talented female coaches project


To get more elite players to continue their carrier as

coaches and by doing that increse the number of

female coaches in different coaching tasks

Support female coaches in their coaching and

development as coaches by mentoring

Build a network for female coaches

Supported by sportsministery

Selected 5 out of 12 aplications to this project first quality, then quantity

Sanna Malaska, former WNT player, played abroard, works in HJK as a director of

coaching on girls side

Essi Huppunen, Womens league player, Satakunta sports academy coach

Maiju Ruotsalainen, former league player, played abroard, Ilves league head


Mari Mki, former player, youth instructor, District coach, KTP club coach for U15


Tiina Saario, former WNT player, played abroard, to be coach / playermanager

Mentor WU18/WU19 head coach

Marianne Miettinen

Other supportcoaches:

Andre Jeglertz, WNT head coach,

Marko Saloranta, WU15-WU17 head coach,

Anne Mkinen FA physical coach, talent


group head coach


Make an own developmentplan for each coach how to find their own

pathway ( individual coach, youth coach, adult coach ect. )

Three meetings 2015 as a whole group

WNT Finland Sweden in february, opening day

UEFA SGS + UEFA WU16 development tournament in Finland in may

WU19 1st qualification round in Finland in september

Coach education ( FA courses, seminars )

Three visits in every coaches home enviroment to support the everydaylife

Use all five coaches in FA activities during 2015 ( regional activities, talent

group camps, youth nationalteam camps )

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