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Did you know

A Tsunami wave can reach over

100 ft.
or higher onto land?
Tsunami waves can be up to 60 mph?
Tsunami waves are powerful enough
to lift giant boulders, lift vehicles, and
demolish houses?
These waves can
cross an entire city
without losing any
Hawaii is the number one
STATE at risk for a Tsunami
and they average about 1
per year?
Many say Tsunamis
sound like a freight
Right before a Tsunami
strikes the ocean can drain
Most Destructive recent Tsunamis

1929 Grand Banks 1957 Aleutian 1975 Hawaii

1946 Aleutian 1960 Chile 1996 Peru
1952 Kamchatka 1964 Prince William Sound
The highest tsunami, with a reliably
measurement on record occurred on
July 9, 1958 in Lituya Bay, Alaska.
This was caused by a landslide that
fell into the bay. This unusual
happening, caused by a wave to surge
up the slope on the opposite side of
the bay to a height of 518 m(1,700
ft). Scientists believe that bigger
tsunamis happened a long time ago by
asteroids, or large meteors, falling
into the ocean. Two places their
looking for evidence of these
tsunamis are Hawaii and the coast on
the Gulf of Mexico. The landslide
came from the mountain(A) into the
Waves often full of debris (trees, cars, pieces of
wood etc.)
As the wave recedes, the debris drags more
stuff with it
Can recede as much as a km out to see, leaving
shoreline empty with flopping fish, boats, etc.
on the bottom
standing wave

Standing wave in an enclosed or partially

enclosed body of water (similar to sloshing in
a bath tub)

Generated by
wind or seismic
Often swimming
pools experience
a seiche during

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