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Submitted by:
Rafael Jason P. Cruz

Submitted to:
Prof. Valerio
What is a sphere?
A sphere is a solid with all its points the same distance from the center. The
distance is known as the radius of the sphere. The maximum straight distance
through the center of a sphere is known as the diameter of the sphere. The
diameter is twice the radius.

How to find the volume of a sphere?

The volume of a sphere is equal to four-thirds of the product of pi and the cube of
the radius.
The volume and surface area of a sphere are given by the formulas:

where r is the radius of the sphere.

Atoms and Molecules
Here are some examples of how atoms
affect the world:

1. Oxygen atoms are in the air and

keep up alive because we need
oxygen in order to breathe

2. Carbon dioxide atoms are released

from our bodies and plants take in the
CO2 so that they can

3. Hydrogen atoms and oxygen

atoms bond together to form H2O
The Importance of Atoms which is water. Water is so important in
the world because it has multiple uses.
In the most simple terms, without atoms
there would not be a functioning 4. Copper atoms, aluminum
world. Atoms make up matter, and matter atoms, nickel atoms, etc., all make up
makes up everything in the world, with a metal which is used for a variety of
few exceptions. things in everyday life.
Problem 1:
A layer of equal spheres is in the form of a square. The spheres are
arranged so that each sphere is tangent to every one adjacent to it.
In the spaces between sets of 4 adjacent spheres, other spheres rest,
equal in size to the original. These spheres form in turn a second
layer on top of the first. Successive layers of this sort form a
pyramidal pile with a single sphere resting on top. If the bottom
layer contains 16 spheres, what is the height of the pile in terms of
the common radius r of the spheres?
Cell Division: Mitosis Process
Mitosis is also the basis for healing
wounds and fighting off invading
pathogens that cause sickness.

Certain organisms lose millions of cells

per day as part of their normal

Mitosis allows old cells to be replaced

by new ones, ensuring an army of
fully functioning cells.

Importance of Mitosis Significance of Understanding Mitosis

Mitosis is a fundamental process of all 1. Preserves the continuity of life

living things. Cells divide to produce more 2. Allows organisms for growth,
cells. This is necessary for organisms that repair
are large, because there is a limit on how 3. Also for reproduction
big cells can be.
Problem 2:
Two balls, one 15 cm in diameter and the other 10 cm in diameter,
are placed in a cylindrical jar 20 cm in diameter, as shown in the
figure. Find the volume of water necessary to cover them.
I have learned in this project that even the smallest of things
can make a difference. From the atoms, which is the basis of
life, has been a part of thousands and millions of living things
in the world we live in. Without its intricate concept and
process that created a heavy impact from the past till the
present time, the world will be just floras and faunas all over
again. Applying it into todays studies and discoveries, we
gain knowledge that can be used in different fields such as
engineering and architecture in order to create a smooth-
flowing community and society.

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