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Liseth Yurani Portillo Perez

Oscar Daniel Rojas Ordoez

The Caribbean and Andean regions will be
mostly affected by increased rainfall.

Ideam director, Omar Franco warned both national and regional

authorities and Colombian on the start of the winter season traditional

As noted by the manager, in the next two months will fill winter much
of Colombian territory with an increase in rainfall and therefore the
risk committees and mayors and governors should have ready their
contingency plans to avoid situations that endanger the lives of people.
He said that the authorities should, among others, review water
sources, all are pipes, rivers and streams, and clean up much of this
infrastructure that will be presented increasing water sources in the

He noted that although it has removed a possibility of a strong La Nia

Phenomenon, which could hit the country, the rainy season is
necessary to monitor it constantly.

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