Media Registers

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You called?
Where were you, Joe?
I, uh, couldn't sleep. I went for a drive.
Has your contact approached you?
No, not yet.
He must be assessing you, make sure you're not a Nazi agent. We received
intelligence this morning. We believe a courier is carrying some cargo from
San Francisco.
Okay, what's his name?
It's a woman, not a man. Now, we don't know if she's headed to
Canon City, but you're to report in immediately if you see her.
Is she carrying a film, too?
Who said you were carrying a film?
I checked the cargo. I wanted to make sure it was safe.
Joe, those werent your orders.
I'm sorry, sir. But what's so important about a film?
It's not your place to ask questions, Joe. Satisfy yourself with
following orders. Understand?
Yes, Obergruppenfhrer.
You're performing a great service for the Fatherland. Heil Hitler.

[click, dial tone]

The Man in the High Castle is an American dystopian alternative
history television series produced by Amazon Studios, Scott
Free, Headline Pictures, Electric Shepherd Productions and Big
Light Productions.

The series is loosely based on the 1962 novel of the same

name by science fiction author Philip K. Dick. Taking place
in an alternate version of 1962 America, where the Axis powers
won World War II and subdivided the United States into two
powers, the Greater Nazi Reich and the Japanese Pacific States.

The series follows characters whose destinies intertwine after

coming into contact with a series of propaganda films that show a
vastly different history from that of their own.
a telephone conversation, which shows that the
participants do not share the same physical place;
spoken register/ a more open register because we
have a discourse meant to persuade (It's not your
place to ask questions, Joe. Satisfy yourself with
following orders. Understand?);
the addressor: Obergruppenfhrer John Smith;
the addressee: Joe Blake;
time and place of communication: at night; Joe is
in his hotel room and John is at home, in his
the language is accessible;
there is a power difference between the
participants: Joe is a spy and has to report to
strategies of politeness (Im sorry, sir/ Yes,
as for the specific medium, we have transient
the speakers are producing language at the same
time they are thinking about what they want to
the conversation has general purpose: to report/
to inform/ even to persuade;
consultative style, since they are both trying to
extract accurate information from each other.
Meyers then recounted how he and his wife, Alexi
Ashe Meyers, went to watch the election returns at a
friend's house. "Before we left, we put our 8-month-
old son to bed. I was holding him and I said to him,
'When you wake up tomorrow morning, we might
have our first female president.' And then when we
came home around midnight, I went into his room,
shook his crib until he woke up and screamed, 'We
have to get out of here!'" he joked. "And then my
wife pointed out that wasn't productive, and she was
right. I'm willing to admit that she was right."
"So, I re-calibrated and I told him that for the
first time in our history, our president would be a
steak salesman, and that seemed to calm him
down," Meyers said. "Then, we got into bedmy
wife and I and our dog, Frisbee, who is a 7 lb.
Italian greyhound." Initially, it felt like a typical
nighttime ritual. "Usually, she provides great
comfort to us. But last night Frisbee was skittish
because being Italian, she doesn't know if she
gets to stay. So, we had to calm her down, too."
"This morning I realized how lucky we were, because an 8-month-old
was the perfect aged child to have. While my wife and I were sitting at
the kitchen table solemnly talking about what all of this meant, he was
just happily going to town on a pear. We cut up a pear, we're
discussing the future of the Supreme Court, and he was just smiling
and eating that pear," he said. "And you could tell he was thinking, 'I
don't know what you two are talking about, but I'm with pear.'"
Meyers empathized with every parent who had to explain the election
results to their children"especially parents with daughters," he said.
"Because a lot of them, like me, probably thought Hillary would be
our first woman president, but she won't be," he said. "But that does
mean that someone's daughter is out there right now who will one day
have that title. Maybe you're a woman who's currently a senator.
Maybe you're still in college. Hopefully, you're not a toddler, but who
knows? With the way things went last night, who knows?"
"The fact is, we don't know who you are, but imagine
this moment today will be a defining moment for you,
one that will make your work harder and stride farther.
And whoever you are, I hope I live to see your
inauguration. () I felt a lot of emotions last night and
into today; some sadness, some anger, some fear. But I'm
also aware that those are the same emotions a lot of
Trump supporters felt, emotions that led them to make
their choice, and it would be wrong for me to think my
emotions are somehow more authentic than their
emotions," he said. "We're always better as a society
when we have empathy for one another, so I would just
like to say to those Trump voters, 'Congratulations.'"
Late Night with Seth Meyers is an American late-night talk show
hosted by Seth Meyers on NBC. The show is produced by Broadway
Video and Universal Television and it is the fourth incarnation of
NBC's long-running Late Night franchise, originated by David
The program airs Monday through Thursday nights at 12:37 a.m.
ET/PT. The show opens with Meyers' topical monologue, which he
delivers from his desk. The program also contains comedy bits,
sketches, interviews with a myriad of guests, and a musical or comedy
"A Closer Look" is a signature segment, where Meyers discusses, in-
depth, contemporary current events, which has given the show a
politically-driven edge to it. The segment makes frequent use of news
clippings and video from network news. The Late Night Show attracts
an average of 1.5 million viewers nightly.
the channel: monologue;
spoken register;
time and place of communication: Studio 8G, at 30
Rockefeller Plaza, New York City/ as for the time,
the show airs late at night, just as the title points out;
the message: hope for a better future;
the language is accessible to the public;
the style of what Seths delivering is informal and
intimate, as between friends;
social roles: socially equal participants
addressor: Seth;
addressee: plural (the people on set, from the
audience, and the people at home)
general topic: politics;
general purpose: to narrate, to entertain, to
confess ones true feelings on a specific matter;
strategies of politeness: <<I would just like to say
to those Trump voters, Congratulations.>>

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