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Khitish Kumar Patra

Transportation planning process in TPVS consists

of following steps
Scenario determination
Shipment creation
TSP selection
Sending shipment to Transporeon
Creation of deliveries into ECC
Transfer of Shipment to ECC
Deletion of Shipments
Scenario Determination

Nordics (excluding Denmark), Benelux, Italy, Austria

2A only
Denmark and Germany 1A, 2A and 3A
France and Spain 1A , Manual and 3A
UKI - 1A , 2A, 3A and 4A
Shipment Creation
At KEU, shipments are created in three ways:
automatically by VSR Optimizer
automatically by Haulier Confirmation message
manually in TPVS manual planning screen (transaction
TSP Selection

TSP selection settings are not used in KEU TPVS.

TSP is selected by Transporeon
The vendor code for Transporeon is TRANS
Hauliers are maintained in EAP system which in turn move to SCP system via
Sending Shipment to Transporeon

When system or user selects default TSP TRANS and release shipment system
triggers outbound IDOC to Transporean with message type PLNSHP
This IDOC will have shipment number along with Scenario ID
Without Scenario ID idoc will not go to Transporean system
Once final Haulier confirmation comes from Transporean to TPVS
System removes TRANS from TSP field from TPVS against the
shipment and update the new haulier number
Once new haulier updates for shipment system triggers another IDOC
to transporean which confirms no more planning for the shipment in
tarnsporean and haulier update is successful in TPVS system
Creation of Deliveries into ECC

Delivery creation is controlled and triggered by TPVS. Deliveries will only be

created for Freight units that have been fully processed in Transporeon system
Delivery creation is planned to be triggered by a batch job. Program name:
Can be done manually by selecting the shipment and then OLTP of Delivery
Transfer of Shipment to ECC

At end of the planning process, shipment and its deliveries need to be

transferred to ECC for further processing. This is triggered from TPVS.
This step is automatic by a batch job.
Transfer to ECC batch job: /SAPAPO/VS_SHP_RELEASE
Manually one can do check release + Transfer shipment to OLTP else click green
Transportation Lanes
Transportation lanes are integral Master data objects for planning in TPVS.
Lanes are used both for GATP and TPVS
GATP lanes are maintained between Plant and the Transportation zone.
Following Means of Transports are maintained for these lanes: ZG01, ZG02
and ZG03
TPVS lanes are maintained between shipping point and the destination
zone. Means of Transports maintained for these lanes are the actual MOTs
defined for transferring goods via this lane
Means of Transport:
MOT/MOTs must be assigned to the lane.
For 2A only countries, two MOTs must be assigned. ZT14 and ZQ14 (e.g. Italy).
For other countries the appropriate MOTs for the lane needs to be assigned. One MOT is
needed for the lanes relevant for other (non 2A only) markets
Italy Lane VS Other Market Lane
Optimization Profile
Cost profile in the optimization profile, the system takes into
account the relevant costs and constraints during optimization
If you do not define costs for a particular means of transport, the
optimizer assumes that this means of transport is not relevant to
this cost profile
The optimizer only considers vehicles for which you have defined
costs for the corresponding means of transport
Please note costs in the cost profile are not actual costs, they
represent a theoretical value.
Optimization Horizons
Planning Horizon: It checks of orders RDD falls under defined date
range window
Demand Horizon: It checks if orders MAD falls under the defined the
date range window
ATP Categories
ATP categories are nothing which types of orders can be planned in
In this Tab we define start and end location details
Start location is nothing but the shipping point
Destination/ End location is nothing but Ship-to-party number or
Resource is created via /n/sapapo/res01 which is assigned to means
of transportation
Advance order selection
Only condition is the key area which is used in KEU TPVS
We use conditions to restrict the selection of orders further
We can create one via /n/sapapo/vs15
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