Wentworth Industrial Cleaning Supplies: Shashank Vashist 160103124

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Wentworth Industrial Cleaning


Shashank Vashist
What problems and issues do Griffith
face ?
The major problem for Griffith is the slowdown in growth and sales volume.
Current products only covers a part of the market.
The prices are too high as compared to competitor and again act as
Sales are dependant mostly on repetitive customers
Relate the problems and issues to TMs, AMs
and SSDs

Negative attitude of salesforce as well as SSD which resent the WICSs effort
to pressure them to sell new products
Since the potential market share is 12.6% and the actual share is 9.5% the SSD
cannot be said to be at fault.
Area managers consider themselves to be lackeys or chauffer's for SSD
Slow down in growth: AM sales objectives not achieved, SSD functioning as
extension of WICS sales force is at question, TM addressing of the issue
AM planning is improper, training of sales force is at question, SSD not able
to push and promote WICS products effectively
Lack of communication between SSD and TM
What alternatives are open to Griffith and? What
are the advantages and disadvantages of the
suggestions made by his staff
The alternative open to him are:

Mike Toner Calla Hart

He suggested to add more SSD and Set quotas for SSDs and removing the
then to mange them add more area ones which do not make it.
managers. Incentivise AMs effort for those who
achieve their target.
More AM and SSD to increase sales
Increase sales
New SSD would bring in new end users
for company SSD would be more active in getting
new end users
Increase in the overall cost
SSDs would take this as more pressure
Would result in short term benefits only
What alternatives are open to Griffith and? What
are the advantages and disadvantages of the
suggestions made by his staff
The alternative open to him are:

Ryan Michaels Charlotte Webbers

He suggested to conduct a job Expansion of current line of products
analysis of AMs and update the job and addition of new line of economic
descriptions products
Better define AMs Job
Increase product coverage
Increase in sales and efficiency
Increasing sales and market share
Could bring in new end users for
company New end users customers
Disadvantages: Disadvantages:
Time consuming. Initial cost of infrastructure and R&D
Does not focus on SSD and the high Training required for new products
margin cost
What alternatives are open to Griffith and? What
are the advantages and disadvantages of the
suggestions made by his staff
The alternative open to him are:

Caitlin Smith
Reduce prices to increase sales volume,
and also reduce margins for SSD
Easy implementation
Increase in sales and efficiency
Lower price would attract other SSD who
may be price senstitive
Based on an assumption which is not
May impact the company image.
What should WICS do to correct its
market share problem?
Increase market coverage by addition of SSD
Revamping the job description
Broaden the current product range and include economy class
WICS has to lower prices on its premium products but avoid going too low
Distributors should be added selectively to fill voids in the distributor

Market share calculation:

WICS address 75% of market product
40% market willing to pay for these products
Thus market served by WICS = 75%*40% = 30%
Market coverage of WICS = 42% (Given)
Thus potential market addressed :: 42%*30% = 12.6%

Premium and average products provide only 75% of market

i.e. 75%*12.6% = 9.6%
Actual addressed market 9.6%

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