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Learning from Critical Incidents

Body Language

Cross Cultural Contexts

A Presentation Edited by:

Simona Silberwasser 2015
Adapted from :

The Body Speaks

Adapted from: 2

Critical Incident no 1American Student- Female (19)
Location: Bejing, China

I decided to study abroad in China. I am also a very affectionate person.

When I arrived in China, I gave big hugs to all the members in my travel
group. When we went to meet our instructors, I spontaneously gave them
all a warm hug. After that first meeting with my instructors, I found that
their attitude toward me had changed. Each time I saw my instructors, I
found them to be very distant and cold towards me. I became depressed
and withdrawn.

?What happened and Why

Adapted from: 3

Sense of Touch

Adapted from:

Critical Incident no 2
Location: London, England
(Student: Female (19

I was sitting in the London underground one day, minding

my own business, reading a magazine and waiting for the
train to arrive. All of a sudden I looked up and saw a British
man staring at me. He was standing to the right of me, about
one foot away and could not take his eyes off me. My initial
reaction was to just ignore him, so I looked up at him,
smiled, and then continued to read my magazine. No longer
than two seconds later, I heard him say, "You're American,
aren't you?" I immediately responded by saying, "Yes, how
did you know?"
He said, "Because...

What happened and Why?

Adapted from: 5

Eye Contact

Adapted from: 6

Critical Incident no 3
Location: Limerick, Ireland
Narrator: American Student- Female 19

I was in the student travel office on campus, getting advice on

plans for an upcoming trip. The travel agent showed me a
brochure that seemed especially helpful, so I asked if I could
have two copies to take with me, knowing that my American flat
mate would want one as well. The agent went to get the
brochures and asked me again how many I wanted. I held up
two fingers and told her, "Two. A shocked look immediately
came over the agent's face

? What did I do wrong

?What happened and Why

Adapted from: 7


Adapted from: 8

Critical Incident no 4

Location: Amman, Jordan

Narrator: American Student- Malel
I had been invited to the home of one of my language teachers for a
family get-together. The home was small and quite crowded. Eventually a
nice middle-aged gentleman came over and sat down close beside me
on a sofa and asked me a bunch of questions about my background and
family. He asked if I had seen some of the local archeological ruins. I said
I had and they were impressive. He got excited and moved even closer to
me, put his hand on my thigh, and began to extol the past glories of the
country. His face was really close to mine, and I was feeling
overwhelmed and extremely uncomfortable. He even took my hand in
both of his for a minute or so. I felt totally invaded and had to get up and
go outside for a

What was going on

Adapted from: 9

Personal Space
US-American Proxemic Zones

PUBLIC = Ten feet or

SOCIAL = Four to twelve
PERSONAL = Eighteen inches to four
INTIMATE = Zero to Eighteen inches.

Adapted from R. W. Nolan, Communicating and Adapting Across Culture; Living and Working in the Global Village. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey, 1999. 10
Critical Incident no 5

Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil

Narrator: American Student- Female (20)

One night my friend Maria and I were getting ready to go out for the
evening. Before we could leave, Maria had to call her friend Rodrigo to
come and pick us up because Maria did not have a car. I was nervous
because I had not yet met Rodrigo.
I had borrowed Marias clothes and earrings so I would fit into the
foreign style. Rodrigo finally arrived around midnight. Maria introduced
us, and I, being culturally sensitive, remembered I had to kiss Rodrigo
on the cheek instead of shaking his hand. I kissed Rodrigo once on
each cheek. After the greeting Rodrigo gave me a strange look and
glanced at my left hand. Maria started to laugh as Rodrigo remained
puzzled and asked me why I was not wearing my wedding ring?

Why had Rodrigo thought I was married?

Adapted from: 11

Kisses & Greetings

Adapted from: 12

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