Suggestopedia - Presentation

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Background to the methodology
Humanistic approach
Developed in the 1970s by the Bulgarian psychotherapist &
educator Georgi Lozanov
It is used mostly to teach foreign languages.
Relaxed but focused state is the optimum state for learning.
Makes use of
a comfortable and relaxing environment- including comfortable chairs
a relationship between the teacher and the student that is akin to the
parent-child relationship.
Dr. Georgi Lozanov
Theory behind the methodology
Respect for students' feelings
The reason for our inefficiency, Lozanov asserts, is that we set up
psychological (affective) barriers to learning.
Fear of Failure
Lack of connection with peers in class
Lack of relationship with teacher
Theory behind the methodology
According to Lozanov, we may be using only five to ten percent of our
mental capacity.
In order to make better use of our reserved capacity, the limitations
we think we have need to be 'desuggested.
Students are encouraged to adopt new identities that shed the
limitations of their usual selves
Suggestopedia in practice
Physical surroundings and atmosphere in classroom are the
vital factors to make sure that "the students feel comfortable
and confident
Various techniques, including art and music, are used by the
Authoritative Teacher: the teacher takes a role of complete
authority and whole control in the classroom during the
Method is largely teacher-led
A Suggestopedic lesson consists of four phases

1. Introduction
The teacher teaches the material in "a playful manner"
instead of analyzing lexis and grammar of the text in a
directive manner

2. Deciphering
The teacher introduces the grammar and lexis of the
3. Concert Sessions (passive and active)
In the passive session, the students relax and listen to the teacher
reading the text calmly. Classical or baroque music is played in the
In the active session, the teacher reads the text at a normal speed,
sometimes intoning some words, and the students follow.

4. Elaboration / Production
The students spontaneously speak and interact in the target
language without interruption or correction
Lower the students affective filter
Authority concept
Deliberately exploits conscious and unconscious
Peripheral learning
Through Suggetopedia we learn to trust the
power of the mind.
Ineffective for large groups
Infantilization of learning
Teacher-led, not student-centred
It depends, in a sense, on the trust that students develop towards the
Suggestopedia lacks scientific backing and is criticized by
psychologists as being based on pseudoscience
Who it benefits
The methodology is suited best to
Young children
Auditory learners
People with special educational needs (SEN)
Relevant today?
Suggestopedia is one of the more radical / experimental
methodologies and is not commonly practiced today
It had its heyday in the 1970s, but a contemporary ESL teacher can
incorporate aspects of the method into their everyday practice

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