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Health, fitness and exercise 1

Health, fitness and

Health, fitness and exercise 2

What you will learn about

in this topic:
1. The definition of health, fitness
and exercise
2. The comparisons between health
and fitness
3. The effects of a lack of exercise
Health, fitness and exercise 3

Learning objectives
By the end of this presentation you
should be able to:
Understand the terms health,
fitness and exercise
Describe each of these terms
Explain how a lack of exercise
affects performance
Health, fitness and exercise 4

Definition of health

A state of complete mental, physical

and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or
Health, fitness and exercise 5

Definition of fitness
The ability to meet the demands of
the environment
Health, fitness and exercise 6

Definition of exercise
A form of
physical activity
done to maintain
or improve your
health and
Definition of performance
How well a task is completed
The principles of training 24


1. Design five questions with

answers about health and skill
related fitness. (no 1 word
answer questions)
Health, fitness and exercise 7

To maintain a level of general

fitness, you should try to:
Exercise three to five times a
Increase your heart rate to above
60 per cent of your maximum
Keep your heart rate raised for no
less than 20 minutes in each
Health, fitness and exercise 8

Mental Physical
well-being well-being

Being healthy
involves deloping
these components

Social well-
Health, fitness and exercise 9

Fitness is to do with the physical,

so your body may be functioning
at a peak but the other aspects of
health may not be present.
Mental is to do with how well you
concentrate, think things through
and approach life.
Social is to do with how well you
interact, cooperate and deal with
other people.
Health, fitness and exercise 10

In order to be healthy you have to

be physically fit.

But as well as exercising in order to

develop the physical component,
you also need to be socially and
mentally well-adjusted in order to
be healthy.
Health, fitness and exercise 11

If the social and mental components

are lacking or underdeveloped you
could still be physically fit but not
classed as healthy.

Exercise is the link between health

and fitness.
Health, fitness and exercise 12

Effects of lack of exercise

Weight increase
Less flexibility
breathless sooner
Aerobic capacity
is reduced
Loss of strength
Health, fitness and exercise 13


Using ICT, create a poster showing

the relationship between health,
fitness and exercise.
Health, fitness and exercise 14

Exam questions
1. Health is:
A. The ability to meet the demands of
the environment
B. Working towards improving all
areas of the body
C. A state of complete physical fitness
and calmness
D. A state of physical, mental and
social well-being
Health, fitness and exercise 15

What you have learnt

in this topic:
1. The definition of health, fitness
and exercise
2. The comparisons between health
and fitness
3. The effects of a lack of exercise
Health, fitness and exercise 16

Learning objectives
You should now be able to:
Understand the terms health,
fitness and exercise
Describe each of these terms
Explain how a lack of exercise
affects performance

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