Different Forms and Conventions of The Film

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fferent Forms and Conventio

of the Film
1.Setting - can be used for a number of purposes
It might be used for:
a. Realism - Time and place of setting is made known
b. Atmosphere - Reinforce desired mood
E.g. Horror movies
c. Symbolism - (Can be conveyed through setting)
E.g. a storm can represent inner turmoil

2. Characterization a narrative might use

a. Sympathetic characters - With whom the audience
strongly identifies with. They may share qualities and
b. Unsympathetic Characters - Audience dislikes. May
increase sympathy to main character.
3. Performance - This will also affect the way an
audience responds. Elements of performance include
facial expressions, body language and delivery of lines.

4. Props, Sets and Locations - can influence our
interpretation of character as contribute to the
atmosphere of the film.

5. Camera Work/blocking - Frequent use of close-ups
can encourage the audience to identify with a character.
6. Lighting - Soft and harsh lighting can manipulate a
viewer's attitude towards a setting or a character. The
way light is used can make objects, people and
environments look beautiful or ugly, soft or harsh, artificial
or real.
a. Backlighting. A romantic heroine is often backlit to
create a halo effect on her hair.

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