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Erica E. Arellano
Grading System
Raw Score x 50 + 40 = % Equivalent
Total Items
Computation of Grades
i. Quizzes 40%
ii. Periodical Examination 30%
iii.(20%) performance task/(10%) Notes 30%
Total 100%
Final Grade
i. Prelim Grade 25%
ii. Midterm Grade 25%
iii. Pre- Final Grade 25%
iv.Tentative Final Grade 25%
Attendance is a must
Youre presence in every class is very
important! There will be an individual or
group activity every meeting as an output
and its graded. So as much as possible,
please dont miss any meetings.
Surprise Quiz or graded recitation is expected, better
come prepared.
Punctuality and Attendance
1. Students are required to attend classes regularly and should
come on or before the designated time of class schedule.
2. A student who comes to class 15 minutes after time
schedule, is considered absent.
3. When marked absent, the student should present an entry
slip signed by the Program Head or the Head of Student
4. A special quiz is given only for justifiable reasons and must be
taken within 3days.
Class Notes
1. Students are required to attend classes regularly and should
come on or before the designated time of class schedule.
2. A student who comes to class 15 minutes after time
schedule, is considered absent.
3. When marked absent, the student should present an entry
slip signed by the Program Head or the Head of Student
4. A special quiz is given only for justifiable reasons and must
be taken within 3days.
Get a piece of paper and write in 3 columns what you
think about yourself starting with the following phrases:
I think I ____________ I feel that I ___________ I act _________________
because ___________
Bioethics A Philosophical Journey and a critical Analysis into the
Life Sciences: A guide to healthcare Providers. by: Dr. Eddie R.
From Greek word ethicos, which means custom or
Defined as the philosophical (normative and
theoretical) science that deals with the morality of
human conduct
4 divisions:
1. Descriptive or Speculative Philosophy is a division in
philosophy that posts the question : What is the quiddity or the
nature or essence or substance of reality?
2. Metaphysics > philosophical science of beings
3. Normative Philosophy > is a division in philosophy that posts
the question What is good is right and what is bad or wrong
4. Practical Philosophy > a division in Philosophy which reflects
on truth with due recourse to action.
Postulates in Ethics
1. the existence of God
2. the existence of intellect and free will
3. the spirituality and immortality of the
human soul
> is a discipline that deals with the ethical
implications of biological research
> it is a branch of ethics that analyzes moral
values in the context of biomedical sciences.
Hippocratic Oath
> served the purpose and directions of the profession
of medical practitioners since 400 to 300 B.C.E.
> written by a Greek physician named Hippocrates
Nightingale Pledge
Composed by Lystra Gretter, a nursing instructor at
the Harper Hospital in Detroit, Michigan in 1883, Lady
with the lamp
Bioethics Centers
1. The Catholic Bishops Conference of the
2. The University of Santo Tomas has a Bioethics
Dept. in its College of Medicine
3. The College of Medicine of the University of
the Philippines
4. Far Eastern University
1. Bioethics is interested in the ends and purpose of life sciences, healthcare, meanings
and implications of distributive justice, meaning of life, death, pain, suffering,rights,
duties and responsibilities of the sick person and his/her relatives, society, and the state.
Get sheet of paper.
No need to copy the questions
Answer the following:
No need to copy the questions
Answer the following:
1. Discuss the role of Hippocratic Oath as part of the Historical background of Bioethics.
2. Present and discuss the role of Nightingale Pledge to healthcare providers especially to
B.) Compare the following . Provide some concrete examples.
3. Ethics and Morality
4. Intellect and will
As a result of an automobile explosion, 25 year-old Dax Cowart was badly burned over 65% of
his body. Both eyes, both ears and both hands were damaged beyond repair. Large doses of
narcotics were required for minimal pain relief. To control the many infected areas on his
body, Cowart had to be submerged daily in a tank of highly chlorinated water to disinfect his
wounds. The experience was excruciatingly painful, and Cowart protested and refused the
tankings. He pleaded with his caregivers to be allowed to die, and stated several times that
he wanted to kill himself. The physicians turned to his mother to obtain consent for all his
5. Case Discussion in your opinion as a medical practitioner, what will you do?
As a result of an automobile explosion, 25 year-old Dax Cowart was badly burned over
65% of his body. Both eyes, both ears and both hands were damaged beyond repair.
Large doses of narcotics were required for minimal pain relief. To control the many
infected areas on his body, Cowart had to be submerged daily in a tank of highly
chlorinated water to disinfect his wounds. The experience was excruciatingly painful,
and Cowart protested and refused the tankings. He pleaded with his caregivers to be
allowed to die, and stated several times that he wanted to kill himself. The physicians
turned to his mother to obtain consent for all his treatments.
In your own opinion, when does human life, or
personhood , begin? Does it begin at
or fertilization? Or at birth?
Neurological theory
This theory is based on the notion of the capabilities and
function of a gadget electroencephalogram, or EEG.
EEG is a medical test used to determine the brain waves
of a human being.
Can recognize the life of a fetus approximately only in a
span of 24 to 27 week (4 months to 6.76 months) after
gestation since around this period the intrinsically
required formation of synapses for the neural activity of
the will becomes detectable.
Miss is how to determine that exact moment when
human life begins.
Biological Independence Theory
Founded on the notion of viability.
Depends on the maturation of the lungs of the
growing fetus.
Based on this theory, not until the fetus has
acquired matured lungs that can strongly allow it
to be viable, or exist outside the uterus, only then
it can be said to have started to live, or have
enjoyed the status of human life.
Metabolic Theory
This theory advocates the idea that, strictly
speaking, there is no such thing as fertilization or
the moment of fusion of the ovum and the sperm
cell that leads to the formation of the socalled
new reality or being termed zygote.
To them the development of the fetus is a
continuous process whose beginning cannot be
Embryological Theory
Maintains that the beginning of human life
happens at gastrulation, not at fertilization. The
term gastrulation is derived from the Greek word
gaster which means stomach or gut.
There is a variance between a human individual
and a human person. They argue that a zygote is
truly human and at the same time truly single;
however, it is not as yet a person since it cannot be
accounted for individuality.
Self Consciousness Theory

Human life begins when the child earns consciousness

of his/her very self.
This theory allows infanticide( killing of a less than 3 days
old child) to be done since, normally , infants do not
have self-consciousness, or consciousness, yet.
This theory maintains thats only when a children
become conscious of themselves can they acquire
moral status, hence they also attain humanness or
Article 41 For civil purposes, the
foetus is considered born if it is
alive at the time it is completely
delivered from the mother.
Genetic Theory
fertilization or conception occurs the moment the

sperm cell fuses with the egg cell.

This glorious event marks the beginning of humanness
and personhood.
During fertilization, a union of genetic substances
happens. Hence, for adherents of this genetic theory,
the conceptus, happens.
Some scientists prefer to see fertilization as the process
that occurs over a period of 12 to 24hrs. After the actual
combination of the sperm and the egg.
Approximately 350 to 500 M of sperm, have to wait 7hrs.
For them to earn necessary power to fertilize the egg.
From among the millions of sperm, only 100 will survive,
from among the lucky, husky, and strong sperms
accounted to 100, only one will be the winner..
Pregnant On My Lunchbreak One Womans Story of Artificial Insemination

Angela is a solicitor in her late thirties. She has

always wanted to have her own children, and
those maternal instincts grew stronger as her
friends started to have families of their own. With
no sign of the right man coming along, and the
window of opportunity quickly closing, she took an
alternative route to becoming a mother.
Angela's child was conceived on her lunch
break, by a man she has never seen, never
held, or even touched. That morning, she had
gone to work like any ordinary day. That
afternoon, she returned to her desk after a life-
changing moment. Unknown to her colleges she
had just received artificial insemination, and in
the weeks that followed she would learn that it
was successful.
Angela's sperm donor is from Denmark which is
where most Irish women get donor sperm. The
Danish sperm bank Cryos is the world's biggest and
it ships sperm to over 70 countries. They have a
web-based database where prospective mothers
can browse through hundreds of donor profiles, not
unlike shopping online.
Using a login, they can search by ethnicity, eye
and hair colour, height and weight. Angela
chose a donor who is similar to her in looks; tall
and fair. In some countries, such as the UK,
legislation is in place to give children to right to
identity their father, so it is illegal to use
anonymous donors. In Ireland, both anonymous
and non-anonymous donors are permitted.
Angela chose an anonymous donor.
. One of Angela's reasons for wanting her own
children is that she herself is adopted. She never met
her birth parents, and always wondered what it
would be like to have a relative that looks like her.
Her dad is a 78 year-old widower living in rural
Tipperary. He is very supportive of Angela's decision;
after all, he has a firsthand experience of wanting a
child and taking extra steps to have one.
The Human Person
Christian Philosophers, including prominent theologians,
lament that there should be no distinction between the
notions of human being and human person.
Christian expound the idea that every human being is
the image and likeness of God.
Personhood is inherent in every human being.
The personhood of man is the foundation of morality,
philosophy, art, science, law, and the like.
> Sullivan, a physician by profession, the issue of
personhood is the ground zero of bioethical reflection.
According to Aristotle, there are 3 kinds of soul:
a. vegetative soul among plants& other vegetation
b. sensitive soul among animals
c. rational soul that is exclusive to human which is
capable of performing the function of both the vegetative
& sensitive souls.
.Human souls is spiritual, meaning: simple (no parts),
indestructible (immortal) and immaterial .
Human Acts/ Acts of Man
Are actions that proceed from the deliberate free will of
Refers to any activity performed by man.
They are acts of perception (sensation), the beating of
the heart, blood circulation in the body, not need mans
freedom and will.
It must be clear that humans are responsible for their
actions, if they perform it with knowledge, freedom and
Doing an act with knowledge makes the act deliberate. This means
that the agent( the one who performs the act ) has intellectual
knowledge of the act.
An act done with freedom means that the agent does an act
under the control of his/her will.
> With the 3 constituents of human acts, voluntariness requires the
presence of the two other constituents (knowledge & freedom)
A student of International University is aware of
the rules and regulations of the institution. One of
these rules and regulations is the wearing of
uniform(knowledge). He is free to come to school
in uniform or to wear casual clothes (freedom). He
comes to school in uniform ( voluntariness)
Two Norms of Human Act
1. Law is defined as the rule of action or a principle of
conduct which directs things towards a definite goal.
The goal of law is the common good .
Law cannot be of use and cannot be obeyed unless it
is known.
> The best classical definition of law according to St
Thomas Aquinas : law is an ordinance of reason
promulgated for the common good by one who is in-
charge of community or society.
Law is an ordinance law is not just a mere advice , counsel or
suggestion, but an order , a command, or a mandate imposing the
legislators will on the citizens and binding with moral necessity.
Law is an ordinance of reason law is not an arbitrary whim, but an
intelligent direction, composed by the superiors will, but planned and
formulated by right reason.
Law is promulgated for a law to be useful and obeyed, it must be
made known to those who are subject to it.
Law is promulgated for the common good means that the end
purpose of the law is the common good, for the welfare of the
community as a whole.
Law must come from one who is charged to take care of society for
the common good the congressmen is responsible for drafting of
Needs and Values of Human Persons
Needs: Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
Needs and Values of Human Persons
Needs: Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

1. Human beings initially set their priorities according to their

existential needs such as food, clothes and sleep. If the existential
needs are not met survival is threatened and life itself is in

2. If the existential needs are satisfied the need for safety is

awakened: The desire for protection from the risks to life such as
war, sickness, accident, environmental catastrophes etc. take
centre ground.
Needs and Values of Human Persons
Needs: Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

5. The top objective is the need for self-realization: The

human being wants to be able to be himself and to
permanently be able to experience inner peace, happiness
and harmony.
Needs and Values of Human Persons
Needs: Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

3. The next level in the priority pyramid according to Maslow

concerns the social needs: The human being wants to be with
like-minded people, he wants to be accepted and loved.

4. The following level is concerned with self-regard and the esteem

of other people: The human being wants to strengthen his self-
confidence and for this purpose seeks regard and recognition
from other people.
1 sheet of paper:
1. What one rule of TDCI are you having a hard time
2. How would you resolve this? Sight some ways on
what you should do in order to obey/abide
voluntarily and freely.
3. React on this statement: Law is made because
human being is bound to make mistakes.
4. With the new administration under President
Duterte, sight a law that you are thankful for. Why?
Review for the exam next week:
Read and study pages 1-119 of Bioethics by
100 items
You may get a Bioethics book at our Property
Custodian (Maam Almalyn)payment is
charge with your tuition.

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