Allow Your Passion To Become Your Purpose, and It Will One Day Become Your Profession

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"Allow your passion to

become your purpose,

and it will one day
become your
To be able to define School
The Roles of School Counselor.
The Function of the Counselor.
The Counselors Publics'.
A school counselor is a counselor and
an educator who works in primary
(elementary and middle) schools and/or
secondary schools to provide academic,
career, college
access/affordability/admission, and social-
emotional competencies to all students
through a school counseling program.
School counselors
Their role in the school
They help understand the issues that may be behind the
students misbehavior.

They listen to the students and help them find solutions

to those issues.

They help students become better decision-makers

within their best interest
Schools with active counselors have shown a decrease
in discipline problems and misbehavior with an increase
in positive attitude (2011).

Counselors are able to create programs and activities to

assist the bully and the victim. As a result, there is a
reduction in victimization and bullying which, in return,
creates a safer school environment (2011).
When a teacher is stuck with ideas to help
manage a childs misbehavior, the counselor
helps to create a strategy to help the

Counselors help create lesson plans that

pertain to correct behavior within the
classroom and school.

Counselors act as mediator to help students

who do not get along together in class.
In order for counseling to be
effective in helping students and
creating a positive school
environment, the counselor and
administrators must work together
to ensure a clear understanding of
school goals (2012).
Appropriate activities Inappropriate activities
providing counseling performing disciplinary
to students who have actions or assigning
disciplinary problems discipline consequences

providing teachers supervising classrooms

with suggestions for or common areas
effective classroom
American School Counselor Association, 2012

Correct and incorrect counselor

Functions of the Counselor
What a counselor does in the
Centered upon the person whose
primary functions are that of a counselor
What should the counselor do?
What does he actually do?
What should a counselor do?
Depends upon who is asked:
Different groups expect
somewhat different things
The groups
Counselors Publics
Counselors themselves
Those who, though not counselors
themselves, are professionally involved in
the field
Views: Students
Students see their function as primarily
one of helping with educational and
vocational planning
Though some see them as able to help
with personal problems, this is not typical
Views: Teachers
The idea the teachers have depends on
what they observe counselors of that
school do
Thus they share beliefs of students and
parents: they provide educational and
vocational assistance
Teachers, more often than students
expect counselors to help students with
personal-social problems
Views: Administrators
Also expect help with students with
school related problems, but:
Sees counselors are involved in
instructional or quasi-instructional
Schedule making
Views: Counselors
Recognizes the role in both counseling
and in the guidance program, but with
more emphasis on the former
He assumes other roles, such as
consultant, resource person, researcher
and educator but only as these support
counseling relationships
Views: Counselors
It is essential that the majority of a school
counselors time be devoted to individual or small-
group counseling. In a counseling relationship the
Assists the pupil to understand & accept himself as an
indiviual, thereby making it possible for the pupil to express
& develop an awareness of his own ideas, feelings, values &
Furnishes personal & environmental information to the
pupil, as required, regarding his plans, choices or problems
Seeks to develop in the pupil a greater ability to cope wth
& solve problems & and increased competence in making
decisions & plans for which he & his parents are
Views: Counselors
Responsibilities in planning a Guidance Program
Assisting in defining objectives
Developing plans of action
Assist in continued Guidance program and
curriculum development
Identifying guidance needs of students
Evaluating the program
Assisting other staff in evaluating their own
contribution to the Guidance Program
Views: Counselors
Others view the functions of the
counselor in terms of problem solving or
crisis needs.
Trouble-shooting views

Emphasis is on aiding in
Views: non-counseling professions
Commission on Guidance in American
Counseling with students
Consulting with staff and parents
Studying changes in the character of the
student population
Performing a liasion function
Elementary Schools
Elementary school counselor is
comparatively new
Its more difficult to differentiate functions
as a specialist and as a member of the
guidance team
Secondary counselors frequently work
directly with individuals, while elementary
counselors work indirectly
Elementary Schools
Requires closer teacher-counselor and
parent-counselor relationships
Greater need for manipulation of
Elementary children are not able to
benefit from direct counseling
Must be tuned in to the dynamics of the
Secondary schools
Although not too different from
Elementary Guidance, the context of
secondary education focuses on
Educational and Vocational assistance
Primary role: provide assistance in
Secondary role: participating as a member of
the guidance team
What does the counselor actually
There is a discrepancy between what he
should do and what is done
No complete consensus on what should he
Its only recent that professional groups
presented their detailed views on this
Schools have different resources
Sample Calendar of Activities
Since there is no consensus, these are
generally only suggested activities.
Guidance needs vary from school to
Sample Calendar of activities
Recurring activities
Conducting counseling interviews w/ students
Supervising or assisting with the maintenance of
cumulative records
Interviews with parents
Consulting with teachers
Orienting new students
Making studies of students having special problems
Arranging referrals
Conducting exit interviews
Sample Calendar of activities
Become acquainted with new teachers
Interview new students who were not seen during spring
Review cumulative records of entering students
Request records of those students whom records have
not been retrieved from previous schools
Alert teachers of students that may need special help
Supervise and assist orientation activities
Arrange distribution of handbook
Have new students fill up questionnaires for the
cumulative record
Sample Calendar of activities
Supervise clerical workers in entering cumulative
records scores done previously
Check scores for those who needs special help
Inform seniors for college entrance testing
Make sure the new teachers that are part of
information services are informed about available
Review and update occupational information file
Bring up to date information on scholarships
Sample Calendar of activities
Assist with orientation meeting for pupils
expecting to enter highschool/college next year
Preparing the removal of the graduating seniors
files form the active file
Assist in students seeking summer employment
Prepare annual reports
Complete next years plan for guidance services
In conclusion, my report identified roles
and functions of school counselor that
could provide opportunities for students to
reach their full potentials in the area of
educational, vocational, social and emotional
American School Counselor Association. (2012).
American School Counselor Association. Retrieved
from American School Counselor Association Web

dfBrodie, I. (2012, June 12). U.S. Department of

Education. Retrieved from U.S. Department of
Education Web site:
school-counselors-can- support-teachers/

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