Persuasive Text: Mrs - Shiela F. Adia

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Do you remember when you learned
about authors purpose?

Well, writing a persuasive text is

one purpose for writing
What is a persuasive text?

A persuasive text appeals to the

readers emotions and abilities to
What are some types of
persuasive texts?
Some people write and give speeches to
persuade people to believe things. Think
about famous speeches you have heard that
convince you to believe a new thought.
Some people write books or essays to get
readers to agree with them.
What are the features of
persuasive writing?
1. Present tense consider the singular and plural
form of the verb
2. Connectives and conjunctions to connect
3. Powerful verbs use action words in an active
4. Single exclamation marks decide one only
5. Strong adjectives colourful and
imaginative descriptive words
6. Emotive words words which can touch
7. Paragraphs one paragraph in one idea
8. Repeated words for words to emphasize
9. Rhetorical questions question to be posed as a
guide in discussing ideas
10. Exaggeration may use hyperbole for an important
idea to emphasize
11. Facts and statistics are pieces of information,
data, facts and figures as evidences to support
12. Personal pronouns be consistent of the first,
second, or third person used
Triumphant Return Ten Years After
Ten years ago this month, a gigantic forest park was a sea of flames. The news
media and politicians fanned the flames even higher. The park was devastated devastated!
Night after night, horrific images of ash and flame flashed across TV screens. One
evening after showing an enormous expanse of blackened forest, network news anchor
concluded: This is whats left of the park tonight. But guess what? Fire didnt destroy the park.
Ten years later, we realize fire had the opposite effect.
Fire rejuvenated the park. Wildlife is healthy. Tourism is thriving. Biodiversity is
booming. New forests are rising from the ashes of old ones. The recovery is so dramatic. It
deserves a closer look. In April and May, as fires raged across the park, business owners fumed.
Our future is ruined, they said. Tourism is dead. But today, tourism is very much alive.
It has set numerous visitation records. Fire has not repelled tourists; it has attracted them -just
as it attracts many species of wildlife.
Ten years later, the number one question asked of naturalists remain: What are the
effects of the fires? The answer is simple: The fires were therapeutic. Not one has concluded
the fires were harmful. That sounds too good to be true. But it is. The science is there to prove
In this persuasive text, it uses five (5) paragraphs
to entice the readers eyes. In each paragraph, we
can find the following features

In paragraph 1, ten years this month is an example

of facts and statistics
sea of flames is an example of exaggeration
fanned the flames is an emotive words
devastated! is an example of a strong adjective and
a single exclamation mark
devastated! devastated! and flames is an example
of a repeated word
Things to remember:

You need to keep in mind that one reason a writer

writes is to persuade people to believe something.
In order to do this, the writer has to be careful
about doing research and using very specific
language to make a point.
Lots of persuasive writing can reach your emotions
as a reader.

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