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Importance of

Post sanction follow up and

supervision of advances
L.V.S. Mohan
CAB, RBI , Pune
Pre- sanction appraisal
It is concerned with measurement of risk of a loan
Financial data of past and projected working results
Detailed credit report is compiled on the
Market reports, Financial/ audited accounts
Income tax and other tax returns/assessments
Confidential reports from banks and other FIs
Appraisal should reveal whether the proposal is a fair
banking risk.
Post sanction appraisal
Depends to a large extent on the pre sanction appraisal
Documentation of the facility and after care follow up
Supervision thro monitoring of transactions in loan
Scrutiny of periodical statements submitted by
Physical inspection of securities and books of accounts
of the borrower
Periodical reviews and renewals
Need for post sanction supervision
Lending decisions are based on sound appraisal
and assessment of credit worthiness
Past record of satisfactory performance and
integrity are no guarantee for future though they
serve as a useful guide to project the trend in
Credit assessment is made based on promises
and projections
A loan granted on the basis of sound appraisal
may go bad because the borrower did not carry
out his promises regarding performance.
Objectives of post sanction supervision
To ensure compliance with the terms and
conditions of sanction
To ensure that the assumptions on the basis of
which the credit decisions were made were
To ensure end use of funds
To ensure adequacy of credit on an ongoing
basis depending upon the actual requirement
of the borrower
Objectives of post sanction supervision
To monitor health of the unit and detect
signals of weaknesses in the financial position
of the borrower.
The process of the supervision and follow up
starts immediately after the limit is
Indicative activities of post sanction
follow up
Conveying sanction of advances to the borrower
detailing the terms and conditions and acceptance
Completion of appropriate documentation before
disbursement of loans/ advances
Keeping the documents in effective custody and
maintaining validity by periodic revival of documents
during the currency of loans
Creation of charge over security and completion of
relevant formalities
creation of charge
Registration with ROC
Indicative list of activities
Periodic search of charge with the authority should be
done to protect the banks interest
Ensuring compliance by borrower of all pre-disbursal
activities and requirements and continued compliance
with the terms till the loan is liquidated
Conducting periodic inspections/visits at stipulated
Obtaining from the borrowers and scrutiny /analysis of
the following financial statements and non financial
Stock statements
Annual and mid term financial statements
Indicative activities
Ongoing scrutiny of transactions in various accounts by perusal of
ledgers, registers, vouchers, to watch proper conduct of loan
accounts, healthy turnover therein and end use of funds
Maintaining ongoing contact with the borrower and co-lenders
Timely recognition of unsatisfactory features in the conduct of
advance such as:
delays in project implementation
Unusual developments / changes in the business environs
Shortfall in achievement of production/sales as compared to
Non-fulfilment of financial obligations to the bank, co-lenders, and
creditors and non payment of statutory dues.
Any other deficiency noted during the periodic visit
Indicative activities
Advising the borrowers to initiate the corrective action and
submitting reports to the controlling authority on further
developments in the matter
Follow up of and rectification of irregularities pointed out in
various inspection / audit reports including
RBI Inspection report
Central office inspection report
Concurrent audit report
Statutory audit report
Recovery of applicable charges/fees/penalties
Preparation of review of IRAC identification of deteriorating
assets/potential NPAs and initiation of corrective action
Documentation - Need
Evidence of bank having given money/
Receipt of borrower having received
Details the terms and conditions on which the
money/facility are sanctioned
Purpose for which the money /facility was
Documentation - NEED
Defines security
Creates charge on the security
Defines default clauses
Decides and facilitates legal action
Specifies the rights and obligations of each of
the parties
Properly executed document
Fully completed without blanks
Registered , if required
Ensure proper follow up of advances and
observance of systems laid down by the bank at
the operating level.
Periodic and random examination of registers,
accounts and books at the branch
Ensuring that the security documents are kept
current and that officials observe all related
documentation facilities
Ensuring that (i) proper arrangements are in place
for recovery of applicable charges /fees/
penalties and income leakage is checked
Supervision (contd)
Maintaining ongoing contact with borrowers and co-lenders and
keeping abreast of developments in borrowers entities and
business environment.
Scrutiny of periodic statements received from the borrowers and
control statements/ reports statements prepared on the advances
Periodic inspection of security at the intervals prescribed for the
Conduct periodic assessment of the information thrown up by IRAC
reviews and ensure identification of deteriorating assets and
initiation of corrective steps.
Exercise control over NPA management and ensure effective follow
up for recoveries/ rehabilitation with the approval of appropriate
Supervision (contd)
Ensure timely reviews / renewals of credit
Ensuring that effective supervision is maintained on loans/
advances by the lower level functionaries. Scrutiny of
returns / reports received from these line functionaries,
interaction with them feed back from customers ,
observations in audit / inspection reports will assist this
Monitoring of high value advances through specific focus
on these in returns / reports received
Ensuring non recurrence of commonly noticed lapses
/irregularities pointed out in various reports
Examination of NPAs with a view to recognizing problem
assets, drawing up recovery/ upgradation path for these
and monitoring recovery process
Advances against motor vehicles:
Advances should be confined to new vehicles
The bank should insist on production of original invoice
from the borrower
The borrower should execute a deed hypothecating the
vehicle in favour of the bank.
The banks lien should be got recorded with the RTO as well
as the book before the loan is disbursed,
The vehicle should be comprehensively insured and the
policy should be assigned in favour of the bank.
The vehicles should be inspected periodically to ensure that
it is in a road worthy condition and it is in the possession of
the borrower
Advances against vehicles
Demand/time promissory note
Hypothecation deed
Registration certificate with banks lien
Insurance policy with bank clause
Blank transfer form duly signed by the
borrower(in the event of default the bank has
power to seize the vehicle and arrange for its
Advances against life insurance policies
It is not subject to fluctuations in market value
The loan needs very little supervision and
Its value steadily increases the longer it is held
the higher will be its value.
The bank should obtain a declaration from the
borrower that the policy is free of charge and
that no charge is created as long he is indebted to
the bank
Life insurance policies
The bank to obtain a letter of authority from the
borrower to pay the premia by debit to his loan
account if not paid by the borrower before due
An absolute assignment in favour of the bank
duly witnessed should be obtained in the
prescribed form.
The assignment shall be normally made on the
policy itself.
The insurance policy should be sent to the
insurance companies for registration of the policy
Housing loans
Phase of construction
Architect certificate
Inspection of the house
Completion certificate
Insurance of property
Early Warning Signals
Early Warning Signals (EWS)
EWS can be classified into five (5) broad
Financial warning signals
Operating warning signals
Management related warning signals
Bank related signals
Signals relating to external factors
Financial warning signals
Persistent irregularity in the account
Default in repayment obligation
Devolvement of LC /invocation of guarantees
Deterioration in the liquidity or working
capital position
Substantial increase in long term debts in
relation to equity
Declining sales
Financial warning signals(contd)

Operating losses/net losses

Rising sales and falling profits
Disproportionate increase in overheads in
relation to sales
Rising level of bad debt losses
Operating warning signals
Low activity level in the plant
Disorderly diversification / frequent changes
in plan
Non payment of wages/power bills
Loss of critical customers
evidence of large level of inventory/ aged
Management related warning signals
Lack of cooperation from key personnel
Change in management, ownership or key
Desire to take undue risks
Family disputes
Diversion of funds
Fudging of ACCOUNTS
Banking related signals
Declining bank balances/ declining operations in
the account
Opening of accounts with other banks
Return of outward bills/ dishonoured cheques
Frequent requests for loan
Sales transactions not routed through the
Frequent delays in submitting stock statements,
financial data etc
Signals relating to external factors
Economic recession
Emergence of new competition
Emergence of new technology
Changes in government/ regulatory policies
Natural calamities.
Important guidelines of RBI on monitoring
operations in loan accounts
Annual review of advances
Imperative for the banks to undertake an exercise
for review of the advances on a regular basis.
Review should specifically attempt to make an
assessment of the working capital requirements
of the borrower based on the latest data
available whether the limits continue to be within
the need based requirements and according to
the banks prescribed lending norms.
Diversion of funds
Diversion of funds would be construed to include
any one of the under noted occurrences:
utilization of short term working capital funds
for long-term purposes not in conformity with
terms of sanction
Deploying borrowed funds for purposes
/activities or creation of assets other than those
for which the loan was sanctioned
Transferring funds to the subsidiaries / group
companies by whatever modalities
Diversion of funds (contd)
Routing of funds through any bank other than
the lender bank or members of consortium
without prior permission of the lender
Investment in other companies by way of
acquiring equities / debt instruments without
approval of lenders
Shortfall in deployment of funds vis- a- vis the
amounts disbursed / drawn and the difference
not being accounted for.
Diversion of funds (contd)
Whenever diversion of funds is noticed UCBs should
take appropriate action including recalling the loans,
reduction of sanctioned limits, charging the penal
interest etc to protect the banks interest.
Whenever stocks under hypothecation to cash credit
and other loan accounts are found to have been sold
but the proceeds have not been credited to the loan
account such action should be treated as fraud .
In such cases bank may take immediate steps to secure
the remaining stock so as to prevent further erosion in
the value of available security as also other steps as
Siphoning of funds
Funds borrowed are utilised for purposes
unrelated to operations of the borrower
Such actions are detrimental to the interests
of the lender
Banks to decide whether the acts relate to
siphoning of funds
End use of funds
Monitoring and ensuring end use of funds
Meaningful scrutiny of quarterly progress
reports/operating statements/balance sheets
of borrowers
Regular inspection of borrowers assets
charged to the lenders as security
Periodical scrutiny of borrowers books of
accounts and the no lien accounts maintained
with other banks
End use of funds (contd)
Periodical visits to the assisted units
System of periodical stock audit in case of
working capital finance
In cases of project financing banks should seek
end use of funds by obtaining certification
from CA.
In case of short term corporate /clean loans
bank should themselves undertake due
Exchange of Credit Information
The Credit Information Companies (Regulation) Act, 2005 has been
operationalised wef December 14, 2006.

In terms of sec 15 (1) of the Act every credit institution has to

become a member of atleast one credit information company.

As UCBs fall under the category of credit institution they are

required to take membership of atleast one credit information
company and provide credit data (positive as well as negative) to
the credit information company.
Exchange of credit information
Credit information companies

Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited (CIBIL)

M/s Experian Credit Information company of India Pvt Ltd

Equifax Credit Information services Pvt Ltd

High Mark Credit Information Services Pvt Ltd

Banks should incorporate suitable clauses in the loan agreements

regarding exchange of credit information so as to address issues of
Exchange of information lending under consortium
arrangement /multiple banking arrangements

At the time of sanctioning fresh advances banks

may obtain declaration from borrowers about
credit facilities enjoyed by them from other
Banks should exchange information about
conduct of the borrowers accounts on quarterly
Make use of credit reports available from credit
information companies
Banks to introduce suitable clauses to address
confidentiality issue
Wilful default
A wilful default is deemed to have occurred if any of
the following events is noted:
The unit has defaulted in meeting its payment
/repayment obligations to the lender even when it has
the capacity to honour the said obligation
The unit has defaulted in meeting its
payment/repayment obligations to the lender and has
not utilised the finance from the lender for the specific
purposes for which the finance was availed but has
diverted the funds for other uses
Wilful default
The unit has defaulted in meeting its
payment/ repayment obligations to the lender
and has removed or disposed of the movable
fixed assets or immovable property given by it
for the purpose of securing term loan without
the knowledge of the bank/ lender
Disclosure of information and
monitoring of defaulting borrowers
Scheduled UCBs are required to submit to the RBI as at
the end of September and March every year the details
of borrowal accounts which have been classified as
doubtful, loss, suit filed with outstanding (both under
funded and non funded limits) aggregating Rs 1 crore
and above
RBI is circulating to the banks and financial institutions
the information on defaulters .
The banks and financial institutions may make use of
information while considering requests for new or
additional limits by existing and new constituents
Disclosure of information (contd)
The data on borrowal accounts against which suits
have been filed for recovery of advances (outstanding
aggregating Rs 1.00 crore and above) and suit filed
accounts of wilful defaulters with outstanding balance
of Rs 25.00 lakh and above based on information
furnished by SCBs and financial institutions is available
at www.
UCBs can verify the lists to ensure that the defaulting
borrowing units as also their
proprietors/partners/directors etc named in the list of
suit- filed accounts either in their own names or in the
names of other units are not extended further credit
Penal measures for defaulters
In order to prevent access to the capital markets by the
wilful defaulters a copy of the list of wilful defaulters is
forwarded by RBI to SEBI as well.
Penal measures :
No additional facilities to be granted to listed wilful
In addition the entrepreneurs/ promoters of
companies where banks have identified siphoning
/diversion of funds etc should be debarred from
institutional finance for floating new ventures for a
period of five years from the date the name of wilful
defaulter is published in the list published by RBI
Penal measures
The legal process where warranted against
borrowers /guarantors and foreclosure of
loans should be initiated expeditiously.
Criminal proceedings may be initiated against
wilful defaulters
Banks should also adopt proactive approach
for a change in management of the wilfully
defaulting unit.
Filing of suits to recover from willful
Scheduled UCBs to examine all cases of
default of Rs 1.00 crore and above and file
suits in such cases.
In case of willful faults if there are instances of
cheating/fraud by the defaulting borrowers
criminal cases should be filed in such cases.
In case of amounts below Rs 1 crore banks
should appropriate action including legal
Role of auditors

Incase of falsification of accounts on the part

of lenders , if it is observed that CA was
negligent or deficient in conducting the audit
matter may be reported to the ICAI to
examine and fix accountability of the auditors
If the lenders desire a specific certification
from auditors regarding diversion/siphoning of
funds lenders should award a separate
mandate for the purpose.

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